The Storm God

Chapter 1349: The Mutation of the Flood Dragon! (Please subscribe!)


Just when Bai Xiaofei was secretly guessing, the little green snake suddenly flew in front of him, and said excitedly: "I succeeded! Now I have entered a new stage, transformed into a dragon, and I can fly freely in the world! Thanks to the master's help!" Help!"

Little Green Snake...


It is not appropriate to call it the Green Snake now, it should be called the Green Flood Dragon!


No matter what it looks like, Bai Xiaofei looks the same, and he is called Xiaoqing!

When Xiaoqing was still a snake, although she could fly, it was not her own ability, but relied on mana to maintain it. It was considered a consumable skill!

It doesn't last long!

But it's different now, after transforming into a flood dragon, flying into the sky has become its innate ability, and it doesn't need any magic power to maintain it, so it can fly as much as it wants!


This is only the most elementary stage. As Xiaoqing's strength increases and her evolution level increases, this natural ability will also increase exponentially!

When it turns into a real dragon after it is done, it will become a unique magical skill of the dragon clan --- dragon wagging its tail!

that speed...

Absolutely powerful and against the sky beyond imagination! Otherwise, there would be no saying that "the dragon sees the head but does not see the tail"!


Even the ability to move clouds and spread rain has become one of Xiaoqing's talents, allowing it to control the formation of clouds and rain without consuming any mana!

It's just that at its current level, its power is very limited. Just like flying, it belongs to the ability of sustainable improvement and growth. Although it doesn't look like much now, it has great potential!

And then……

It is Xiaoqing's physical body!

With the success of transforming Jiao, its body has also undergone great changes, becoming stronger, its scales are finer and stronger, its tail has become like a dragon's tail, and its mana has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming deeper and stronger. Pure!


Bai Xiaofei also felt a trace of the very familiar Emperor's Dragon Qi in Xiaoqing's body. Although the breath was very weak, he was sure that it was definitely the characteristic power of the Emperor's Dragon Qi!

As a super emperor with two small worlds, Bai Xiaofei has such a rich and powerful Emperor Dragon Qi on his body. If he didn't have a special cultivation method, Bai Xiaofei would have used the Emperor Dragon Qi to cultivate and strengthen himself How can you be wrong if you have the strength? !

"Sure enough!"

After scanning the two bulges behind Xiaoqing a few more times, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, looked at Xiaoqing and nodded with satisfaction: "Xiaoqing! It seems that you have good luck this time. Success means rapid progress, with the help of Emperor Dragon Qi, not only broke through the stage of [Single Horn], but also entered the threshold of [Horned Dragon] in one fell swoop!"

"In the future, if we can meet some space-time worlds with more spiritual energy and practice hard, I believe it will be very easy to completely open Feiyu's door!"

Snakes must go through several stages if they want to transform into a nine-day true dragon. One of them is the transformation of a dragon into the water. From an ordinary snake, it evolves into a giant python second only to the dragon!

Then there is the Transcending Tribulation Transformation Jiao!

After success, you will enter the single-horned realm, and you can enter the Jianghe region with more vigorous spiritual veins, absorb more pure and huge spiritual power, and assist yourself in cultivation and growth.

Immediately afterwards, the unicorn was split into two, entering the realm of double-horns. The unicorn is called a jiao, and the double-horned is called a dragon. A dragon that has just given birth to two horns, such an existence, is also called a horned dragon!

Horned dragons are already considered real dragons, but they are just very weak young dragons with very low abilities!

But even so!

This stage of the horned dragon is not so easy to achieve. As the saying goes: "The dragon turns into a dragon in a thousand years, and the dragon becomes a horned dragon in five hundred years!" The dragon in it refers to the horned dragon, the juvenile stage of the dragon clan!

If an ordinary Jiao wants to evolve into a horned dragon, it will take at least a thousand years of time and practice, which shows the hardships and difficulties involved!

Xiaoqing now has two horns on her head, although they are still very short, just two simple pointed points, but in terms of the physiological characteristics of dragons, they basically meet the standards of horned dragons!

As long as after continuous practice and evolution, the double horns on the head are raised to the point where they branch out into countless branches like antlers, and after they become indestructible, they will enter the realm of horned dragons!

Horned dragons are considered the elders of the dragon clan, and it usually takes five hundred years to have a chance to evolve successfully! It can be seen that the difficulty is high, and on this basis, after thousands of years of work, there is a chance to evolve into Yinglong!

Yinglong, that is, the dragon with two wings on its back, is the essence of dragons, and its strength is high, second only to the most sacred blue dragon among the dragon clan!

Canglong, also known as Qinglong, is one of the legendary four holy beasts. Needless to say, Fan Tao, who has long surpassed all beasts in the world, belongs to one of the ultimate existences that are extraordinary and holy!

The trial mission of Daoist Huanglong that Bai Xiaofei accepted was to cultivate the little green snake into a nine-day true dragon within five hundred years!

What is the Nine Heavens True Dragon?

It is a powerful existence that can move freely in the nine heavens and ten places, and come and go at will. According to the overall strength of the dragon clan, it is probably a peak stage above the horned dragon and below the Yinglong!

after all……

It is not easy for Yinglong to evolve successfully, after all, it is a super existence second only to the holy beast Canglong! Daoist Huanglong's body is the Dragon Clan, and even such an awesome character as himself is only invincible under Yinglong, and has never entered the real Yinglong realm. The difficulty and rarity of Yinglong realm can be seen One spot!

But what Bai Xiaofei never expected was that Xiaoqing mutated by accident. In the process of transforming into a dragon, with the help of the form-changing power bestowed by the Heavenly Tribulation and the boost of the Emperor's Dragon Qi, Xiaoqing not only stepped into the realm of the two-horned horned dragon in one fell swoop, but also two miraculous little creatures appeared behind her. Drum kit!

If Bai Xiaofei's guess is correct, those two bulges should be the wings of the wings that only appeared in the Yinglong stage!


What is this concept?

Now start to grow wing bones, with the iconic characteristics of Yinglong! Doesn't that mean that as long as there are no accidents, if Xiaoqing continues to practice and evolve, she will definitely be promoted to Yinglong's extraordinary state in the future? !

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei's excited face immediately began to breathe quickly: "Hey! That's Yinglong! The legendary super dragon! Unexpectedly, I was just a sudden whim, but I accidentally created a super freak !"

"This can be regarded as a complete profit!"


Someone's eyes lit up with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, he began to tell Xiaoqing about his conjecture, and using his psychic power, as well as many technological means, began to scan and test Xiaoqing for N more!


Bai Xiaofei couldn't laugh anymore!

It's not that his guess was wrong, in fact, Bai Xiaofei's guess was right at all, Xiaoqing indeed possesses the iconic characteristics of horned dragon and Ying dragon at the same time, but its actual ability and level, according to the records left by Taoist Huanglong In terms of inheritance and knowledge, it is actually only a little bit stronger than the average flood dragon!

Although the potential is huge and the future is limitless, it also brought a certain negative impact on Xiaoqing!

To put it simply, with the sky-defying improvement of Xiaoqing's potential, it has also caused a bottleneck in its evolution and improvement, which is much higher than that of ordinary dragons!

For example!

If the other dragons have cultivated to 99, they can proceed to the next stage of transcending tribulation and evolution. If Xiaoqing wants to also evolve to this stage, he must satisfy the special energy supply of Qiulong and Yinglong at the same time. In other words, at least it has to be at the 999 level, and the difficulty is at least ten times that of ordinary dragons!


If the evolution is successful, Xiaoqing's strength will also be exponentially increased, far superior to other ordinary existences at the same level, almost invincible at the same level! Even leapfrog challenges are not out of the question!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly didn't know whether he should cry or laugh, he originally thought that he had cut a big deal, that he could shorten the time and finish Huanglong Taoist's trial task as soon as possible.

How can I think...

Everything has two sides. After the mutation, Xiaoqing's potential is enormous, but at the same time, the energy and time it needs to cultivate and improve have also been improved accordingly!

This is naturally not good news for Bai Xiaofei accepting a task with a time limit!


Someone is called a depressed.

"My lord!"

At this time, General Zhang and the others came under Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, and they cried out in disbelief.


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