The Storm God

Chapter 1350 I want to see you! (Please subscribe!)

This moment.

General Zhang and the others were completely stunned!

In this sacred place where the dragon came into the world, the surroundings are in a mess, the rivers and forests are full of scars, ice-blue ice crystals, scorched thunder marks, and the extremely beautiful vibrating gold factor are everywhere. The beautiful scenery of the past has completely disappeared!

These are not the most important, what makes them even more unbelievable is that in the sky that is returning to normal, besides the supreme saint in their minds, there is actually a flying monster similar to the legendary dragon!

"Oh My God!"

General Zhang and the others didn't know that Xiaoqing was Bai Xiaofei's pet, and thought that everything around here was caused by him, and that the Holy One came here to subdue this evil dragon!

"The whole army obeys orders!"

"Protect the emperor!"


Following General Zhang's order, all the soldiers around immediately entered into a fighting state, each with a sullen face, ready for battle!

Although they knew that they might not be the opponent of that evil dragon at all, but the military order was difficult, they had to stand up and fight to the death!

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei is still there!

Even if there is no order from above, in order to protect Bai Xiaofei, this rare sage monarch in his heart, they will voluntarily sacrifice everything they have!


These soldiers are the elite of General Zhang. They are not only good in strength and quality, but also proficient in everything. After the initial shock, they immediately formed a standard battle formation and showed He took out his long spear, looking as if he wanted to shoot and kill the enemy!



next moment.

Dozens of specially-made sharp spears roared out immediately, all rushing towards Xiaoqing in the sky!


And until then.

Bai Xiaofei just recovered from his own thoughts, seeing that General Zhang and the others hadn't figured out the situation before they made a bold move, he was speechless for a while: "Nonsense!"

Say it.

With a wave of his hand.

The power of the mind was released in an instant, and all the long spears that flew flying suddenly slowed down to a standstill as if they had fallen into a quagmire, and then slowly returned them to General Zhang and others under the bewildered and surprised eyes!


General Zhang and the others looked at each other speechlessly for a while, they were a little confused about the current situation, they could only look at Bai Xiaofei in the sky and the domineering dragon with extremely puzzled eyes, and thought to themselves: "Could it be that the situation is not As we imagined?"

"This is my pet!"

Bai Xiaofei descended from the sky, his aura was domineering, aloof, not arrogant, even a battle-hardened man like General Zhang, who had been stained with blood on his hands, couldn't bear it in front of Bai Xiaofei , I couldn't help but hesitated, I didn't dare to face it squarely, and quickly knelt down!


Xiaoqing also landed down.

However, it didn't land on the ground, but continued to float within a certain range around Bai Xiaofei's body, and began to shrink intentionally, and soon shrank into a small snake state!

Although its stature is smaller, its mighty aura as a mutated dragon has not weakened at all!

A roar, like a thunderbolt, shook the sky and the earth. Even if they didn't deliberately target General Zhang and others, they still felt a heavy feeling like Mount Tai was overwhelming!

If it weren't for the fact that they are all elite members of the army, with outstanding qualities and extraordinary courage, if it were anyone else, they would have been so frightened by Xiaoqing's roar that they would have passed out long ago!

after all……

This is the legendary Dragon Yin!

It is far more powerful and terrifying than Lion Roar and Wind Howl. Although Xiaoqing is still a mutated dragon and cannot be regarded as a real member of the Dragon Clan, his might should not be underestimated!

It is clear!

Xiaoqing suddenly yelled this voice, expressing her dissatisfaction, who made people like General Zhang shoot indiscriminately? If it weren't for the fact that they are all Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, Xiaoqing would have swallowed them all in one gulp if it were the others!

The majesty of Jiaolong is not something anyone can easily offend, let alone Xiaoqing, a mutation with such potential as to defy the sky! It's normal to have a little temper or something!


Bai Xiaofei shook his head amusedly, and then said to the smaller Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing, it's almost enough, they also want to protect me, those who don't know are innocent!"

"All right!"

When Xiaoqing heard this, she reluctantly lowered her voice, stopped roaring, and then landed directly on Bai Xiaofei's shoulders, with big eyes full of spirituality, fixedly staring at General Zhang, like a buddy I remember you!

"Get up!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Xiaoqing's petty temper, but smiled, and praised General Zhang and the others: "All the abnormal situations just now were caused by my pet's crossing the catastrophe, and it's only natural for you to misunderstand. In the face of the unknown and terrifying existence, knowing that you may not be the opponent, not only did you not back down, you even dared to protect my safety, which made me very happy, General Zhang, I really did not misunderstand you!"

"The Holy One is absurd!"

General Zhang said in a serious manner when he heard the words: "This is my duty. I dare not take credit for it. How reckless I was. I almost offended His Majesty's pet. Please forgive me!"

Not only him.

The other people around, etc., also made their voices in unison! There is a posture of pleading guilty, although there is a sense of politeness and modesty in it, but it is more helpless!

no way!

Who made Xiaoqing's eyes too aggressive? Anyone who is stared at by a dragon so naked will probably feel uncomfortable psychologically!

"No problem!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei burst out laughing, knowing the worries and worries of General Zhang and the others, then waved his hands and said, "Xiaoqing is just a child, and he will forget these unpleasant things after a while, so don't worry about it!"


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's assurance, General Zhang and the others immediately let out a long sigh, feeling a lot more relaxed.


Under Bai Xiaofei's orders.

The temporary investigation team formed by General Zhang became the rescue team, and they were assigned to different locations in the river to check and analyze the specific degree of damage, so as to prevent the river from collapsing too severely and causing floods, and at the same time Convenient for future repair work!

As for Bai Xiaofei, he summoned more than a dozen physical clones and asked them to collect the vibrating gold factors scattered in the rivers and rivers and everywhere in the forest!

Except for those that have not been used, most of these vibrating factors have absorbed the energy of the Heavenly Tribulation's lightning. After recycling them, using the energy transfer device, Bai Xiaofei can completely restore the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, no matter whether it is used or Analysis and research can bring him huge benefits!

As for what his real body is doing?

I saw Bai Xiaofei holding a Hunyuan iron pot in his hand, using unicorn meat, blood bodhi, Xuangu fish, thousand-year-old ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, Taisui powder and other rare natural and earthly treasures in the world, sitting beside the river, concentrating on cooking Shi Quan Da Tonic Soup!

Xiaoqing has just successfully evolved through the catastrophe, so she has to consolidate her realm and foundation anyway. As the master, Bai Xiaofei will certainly not treat his pet badly. Once he makes a move, he will be his treasure at the bottom of the box, which can greatly improve Xiaoqing The stable speed of the realm, and secondly, you can also test how unnatural the bottleneck limit after Xiaoqing's transformation is, so that you can have a solid foundation in your heart!

And Xiaoqing wandered back and forth on Bai Xiaofei's body excitedly and greedily, asking from time to time: "Master, are you okay! I can't help it anymore, this smell, this aura, my saliva is almost dry Already!"

"It will be ready soon!"

Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes at it angrily, and said with a smile: "Don't you look at what is in this pot, which one is not a rare treasure in the world, I want to mobilize all their aura and make it When Yin and Yang are mixed as one, how can it be accomplished in minutes? Just wait patiently!"


Xiaoqing immediately closed her mouth obediently, but those big eyes were still staring at the Hunyuan iron pot in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and her saliva couldn't stop drooling down. She really looked like a proper snack , very cute!

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei's Shiquan Dabu Soup is finally ready!

Before Bai Xiaofei could open his mouth to call him, Xiaoqing rushed out, lying on the Hunyuan iron pot, and began to eat "bajibaji", seeing Bai Xiaofei amused and speechless.

at this time.

Bai Xiaofei was about to say something, when a special thought suddenly came from the palace to Bai Xiaofei's mind: "I want to see you!"

"Yu Yu!"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of joy and surprise, after nearly a year of cold war with him, Wuqing finally came to him!


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