The Storm God

Chapter 1351 You are a big bastard! (Please subscribe!)


The relationship between Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing was pretty good, almost to the point where they could talk about marriage and sacrifice life and death for each other. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be such a phenomenon as a cold war.

The point is.

This guy Bai Xiaofei is too real!

After he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he told all of his foundations, especially the fact that he had several women, that he cared about and liked her extraordinarily, at first it was because Wuqing looked very similar to Xiaoqian, etc. Give ruthless!

He thought Wuqing would understand his sincerity, understand his concealment, and finally accept his situation!

How can I think...

That's not the case at all!

After Wuqing learned that Bai Xiaofei had other women, his expression changed on the spot, especially after he learned that he was one of Bai Xiaofei's women who looked almost exactly the same, he couldn't accept it!

Because this made her feel that Bai Xiaofei didn't really like herself at all, but more of just regarded herself as another person!

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei actually has so many women!

You don't tell yourself at the beginning, but when things get to this point and you get stuck in it, you just tell the whole story. This is simply a typical routine of scumbags!

Ruthless cannot accept this kind of man!


The two sides started a cold war!

The Cold War lasted nearly a year. During this period, it was not that Bai Xiaofei had never approached Wu Qing and tried to explain his situation, but every time he was rejected by Wu Qing, or escaped in a disguised form!

Emotional matters cannot be forced!

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to let it go. It was rare that he didn't act as a shopkeeper, but put all his energy on cultivation, research, conquering the world, etc., which can be regarded as diverting his attention!

At the same time, it also gives the two people enough calm time to consider and take their relationship seriously.

No matter what Wuqing thinks, anyway, Bai Xiaofei thinks that he really likes Wuqing, and his desire to be with her is absolutely sincere and without adulteration.

Although Wuqing and Xiaoqian look almost exactly the same, but their personalities are completely different, they are really another person!

What Bai Xiaofei really likes is this person, not that face, even if Wuqing turns into another face, Bai Xiaofei's attitude is still the same!

His mood and thoughts became more and more affirmative and resolute as time went by! At the same time, this is also one of the main reasons why Bai Xiaofei never mentioned that Diana and Xiaoqian were summoned!


Wuqing actually took the initiative to ask to see Bai Xiaofei, which not only made him very excited, he thought to himself: "Could it be that Yayu has finally connected and fully understands my good intentions!?"


How can he care about Xiaoqing who is eating and drinking Shiquan Dabu soup! Said: "You eat here first, I have to go there first, and I will come back to pick you up later!"

The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's whole body had already activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he teleported directly back to the palace bedroom.


Xiaoqing pointed at Bai Xiaofei's disappearing figure, secretly fingering her middle finger, and said in a speechless voice: "He values ​​sex and despises friends, what an unscrupulous master! But... this Shi Quan Da Bu Soup is quite delicious and highly nutritious , the taste is good, for this sake, I will forgive you this time!"


Then he continued to eat and drink.


Inside the palace.

After Bai Xiaofei came back, he sorted out his disguise a little bit, dressed himself in a fresh and beautiful, gentle and elegant manner, without the majesty of an emperor, and then walked out of the bedroom, and came to the Chongwen Hall where the ruthless waiting was waiting.

at this time……

Ruthless has been waiting here for a long time!

Beside her, there are Jiaoniang and Dingdang. Dingdang is a girl who is pure and innocent, with a personality that is out of character. She is not a person who can relax at all. She is curiously looking around and touching things in the room to relieve herself. !

Jiao Niang silently accompanied Wu Qing, talking to her from time to time to ease the tense and dull atmosphere.

"The emperor is here!"

Following the voice of the guards, the three people inside were shocked immediately, they all withdrew their thoughts, then got up one after another, and were about to salute to Bai Xiaofei who walked in!

Monarchs and ministers are different!


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei hurriedly took a step forward, stopped the three of them, and said with a wry smile: "Didn't I tell you that you don't need to be so polite with me, you're treating me like an outsider!"


Bai Xiaofei is powerful, and also has a strange and unpredictable mind power. He intends to stop it. Even if the three insist on saluting, it is absolutely impossible, so they have no choice but to give up.

"Xiao Fei!"

Jiao Niang glanced at Bai Xiaofei with complicated eyes, and finally sighed: "I am here with Yayu this time, and I don't have much to say about the matter between you two, no matter what the final result is, everything matters." It's up to you to choose!"


"Let's go out! Leave some private space for the two of them, and come to pick up Yayu later!"


The two left the hall.

All the maids and guards retreated with great discernment. In the entire Nuo Da palace, there were only two people left, Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing, facing each other.

"Yu Yu!"

"I haven't seen you for about a year, you've lost weight!"


Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth and was about to say something, but before he could say a few words, he was interrupted by Wu Qing without hesitation: "Let's make a long story short! Bai Xiaofei, let me ask you, do you love me? Do you love me?" Is it me, or the same face as your woman (Nie Xiaoqian)? Compared with her, do you love me more, or the other party?"

A burst of quick and sharp words stopped Bai Xiaofei immediately: "Fuck! How should I answer this!"


After pondering for a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally took a deep breath, then fixed his eyes firmly on Wuqing, and said solemnly: "Yayu, you are you, she is her, although you two look almost exactly the same, but you are completely different. Personally, I love you, and I love her, this love is the same, no one is more or less, no matter who of you is in danger, or whatever, I will try my best to help, Even if it is going through fire and water, I will not hesitate, because any one of you is a treasure in my heart!"

"If you don't believe me, I can completely open my heart and let you use your thoughts to peek inside and out countless times to see if I'm deceiving you!"


Finished speaking very affectionately.

A certain person really completely let go of his spiritual defenses, as if his wings were bare (in terms of mental state), he just presented himself in front of Ruthless without reservation.


Ruthless didn't say a word.

It's just that staring at Bai Xiaofei so firmly, the beautiful eyes seem to want to see through Bai Xiaofei's soul, extremely hot, but there is no movement in terms of mental power!

Until a long time later.

She held back her tears and said tremblingly: "You liar! Big liar! Why are you being so nice to me! You already have so many women, why are you still trying to provoke me!"


"You're a big bastard!"



to the end.

Finally, the hot tears in the ruthless eyes couldn't hold back any longer, and rolled over her beautiful face like broken beads, the scorching tears of love, like a sharp knife scraping the bones, cut the relationship between the two into tears. That barrier was finally broken!

Wu Qing was also tightly embraced by Bai Xiaofei, a pair of pink fists slapped Bai Xiaofei non-stop, but he couldn't use any force. It may be said that he was beating someone, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was more like a couple. The flirting between them seemed so warm and sweet!

Bai Xiaofei hugged Wuqing tightly, without any explanation or words, but directly kissed Wuqing's red lips, and integrated all his feelings and love into it!


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