The Storm God

Chapter 1359 Super Lucky Draw! (Please subscribe!)


"The bride has finally appeared!"


"It's so beautiful!"



Hundreds of huge holograms are all showing the three-dimensional picture of the bride appearing at this moment. The power of black technology makes people feel the charm of Ruthless as a bride to the greatest extent, especially with the power of black technology. The huge imaging of the hologram shadow is just like a fairy!

Simply beautiful!

No wonder!


Ruthless itself is a rare beauty!

The temperament on her body is so refined, and now she is wearing the krypton gold magic clothes specially made by Bai Xiaofei, which has transformed into the most ideal bridal uniform in her mind. It is even more eye-catching, eye-catching, and amazing!

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei also almost stared straight away.

Although the krypton gold magic clothes were made by him himself, the bride's style and specific appearance have nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei. Before that, Bai Xiaofei didn't know any information about it at all!


Finally got to see his true face of Mount Lu.

From someone's vision and performance, it can be seen that he was completely amazed.

"What a beauty!"

Bai Xiaofei felt his mouth was dry, couldn't help but secretly swallowed his saliva, stared at the bride who was slowly walking towards him, and said in his heart: "I never thought Wuqing would have such a talent. , actually designed the krypton gold magic clothes so amazing and beautiful, it seems that you don't have to worry about the design in the future!"


"Boom boom boom!"


The bride arrives.

Fireworks and salutes all over the sky, followed by a burst of "boom tom tom" like no money! In an instant, the entire sky became gorgeous. Countless colored ribbons danced with the wind, like lively elves, filling the entire festive atmosphere, dotted the void, and rendered the atmosphere even more festive!

After a while.


The long square avenue was finally stepped by the bride step by step, and finally came to Bai Xiaofei, the official groom!

The two held hands and stood side by side.

this moment.

The whole country is boiling, and the cheers are shaking the sky!

Thousands of people have lost their voices because of the hysterical shouting at this moment, but even so, they still did not stop at all, but changed their methods or desperately Waving flags, light sticks and the like in your hands, or simply waving your arms!

It can be seen how enthusiastic and hot the crowd is!

at the same time.

In the palace, the royal wedding ceremony, which follows the classical and traditional etiquette system, also began to proceed and unfold as scheduled, link by link, under the attention of countless people. It might be very simple for ordinary people to get married, but Bai Xiaofei is different, his current status is the emperor, and he is also the number one dragon emperor in all ages!

When the Dragon Emperor gets married, the etiquette is certainly not simple!


No matter how complicated the ceremony is, there will be an end, and Bai Xiaofei is not the kind of person who likes to make simple things complicated, so with the ruthless wedding ceremony, except for a few necessary and extraordinary etiquettes, Apart from that, everything else that can be discarded is discarded!

But even so, when almost all the etiquette was over, it was nearly an hour later.

no way!

This is the trouble of being an emperor!

Everything is about pomp, momentum, and all kinds of messy etiquette!


When the wedding ceremony is in the final stage, the bride has been sent to the palace hall, waiting for the groom to enter the bridal chamber. At this time, Bai Xiaofei stayed in the Zhenwu Hall, hosting the last program, the distribution of surprise gifts, and random lucky draw. He raised his arms and shouted: "I announce that the surprise has begun! Let's have a carnival!"

"Long live!"

"It's finally coming!"

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, let's get started!"

"I want to win the jackpot!"

"Bless me!"


This moment.

The entire imperial palace, the entire capital city, the entire Chinese Dragon Dynasty, and the residents of all continents around the world, following Bai Xiaofei's announcement of the start, all of them were completely erupting. They were all excited, their eyes glowed, and they stared intently. Start with the number plate in your hand, and the small LCD screen attached to it.

We all hope and look forward to winning an award!

It doesn't matter if it's big or not!


Even the lowest awards.

For the people of this era, that is almost a great gift and gift!

And here in the capital.

Undoubtedly the most exciting and exciting.

Because in addition to the random lucky draw, they also have an extra chance to receive surprise gifts! Among the countless sweets and gifts that are being distributed by the miniature planes floating above the capital, there may be treasures of heaven and earth, panacea, or magical secrets!

If you are lucky enough to get one of them, no matter what it is, it will be a big hit!

Even if the subsequent random draw is not drawn.

That's well worth it too!

this moment.

People inside and outside the capital were completely boiling.

They have worked so hard and traveled thousands of miles, and the depression and pain they have suffered have finally paid off at this moment. From time to time, the crowd would erupt into appalling cheers. Obviously they were very lucky to get the surprise gift in the mini plane, so happy!

The winners include old people, children, warriors, ordinary farmers, and even beggars! And these pictures, without exception, were all faithfully fed back to the screens in the hands of mainland people all over the world, making countless people who couldn't go to the capital and could only just watch, envious and jealous for a while hatred!

at the same time.

The information of all the winners was also recorded by Longchao's official server, and statistics were quickly made. Then, the category of prizes, specific names and effects, and other information, except for the winners, were published on the official website of Huaxia Longchao for people to inquire and understand.

And these prizes, of course, are good and bad, and the most awesome ones are even almost against the sky. But even the worst ones are good things that countless people have dreamed of, such as five hundred years of treasures of heaven and earth, supreme cheats, continuation bone pills, intelligent machine servants (the most primitive kind in the bliss space)...

Etc., etc!

As long as it is a winner, no one is unhappy!

Because even if they don’t like it, they can choose what to do with it. They can keep it, trade it, auction it, or replace it... In short, if you find it, you earn it. The only difference is that you earn more or less, but even if you earn No matter how little they earn, it is much better than those who did not come to the capital.

After all, I still have to make money, but others... can only watch helplessly!

Lots of surprise gifts.

According to the official statement, at least 50,000 copies!

But no matter how much there are, there will always be a time when the delivery is over, and at this time, for many people (those who did not win the lottery), it is almost an instant!

Seeing that everyone else was beaming and winning the lottery, I was very happy, but I was empty-handed. I didn't get anything except candy and gifts. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't depressed! But they were not discouraged, because the surprise gift was gone, and they still had a chance to draw a random prize!

This random lottery draw is a real big deal!

To know.

According to the official statement, this is a global super lottery, everyone has a share, everyone has the possibility, the prizes are as high as tens of thousands, and the prizes are as many as tens of millions. On the official platform, if you receive a commemorative gift, you will never leave empty-handed and get nothing!

It can be described as caring to the extreme!

Based on this alone, Bai Xiaofei has gained praise, admiration, and admiration from countless people around the world, and secretly said: "As expected of being the number one Dragon Emperor throughout the ages, this person has a heart for the world, and a generous degree of spending, and celebrates with the people, the world The carnival attitude, I really want to make people dissatisfied!"


After the delivery of the surprise gift is over.

The countdown to the world's most anticipated and long-awaited super lucky draw has begun, and the grand opening is about to begin! At this moment, the whole people shouted wildly, and hundreds of millions of people boiled! It can be said that the hopes and eyes of almost everyone in the world are completely focused on the super lucky draw.

"3, 2, 1..."

The countdown is finally over and the lucky draw begins!


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