The Storm God

Chapter 1360 Mandarin Ducks Playing in the Water! (Please subscribe!)

"here we go!"

"It's finally here! Look! The numbers are starting to turn! Who will be the first lucky one?"

"It's really exciting!"


In the attention of countless people, the huge lottery machine in the palace began to rotate crazily, and several sets of different numbers flashed at a very fast speed, and then stopped suddenly!

A set of numbers appeared!


This means that the person who gets the number plate marked with 85624 becomes the first winner of the super draw!

this moment!

Everyone is excited!

Although I didn't win the lottery myself, seeing others win the lottery makes me very motivated and hopeful. This is probably everyone's psychology!

at the same time.

In the distant African continent, a black little sister was stunned when she saw the results of the super lottery, and then jumped up excitedly, cheering excitedly: "Oh my god! I won the lottery! I am A winning one! Hahaha! Awesome! Thank God! Thank you Dragon Emperor! Thank you all the gods!"

She held an exquisite number plate in her hand, with a set of white numbers clearly imprinted on it ---


as a lottery winner.

The girl naturally feels extremely lucky. Although the award won is not a too powerful robot servant, it is very commemorative!

To know.

This is the super lucky draw for the Dragon Emperor's wedding ceremony, the first global large-scale event since the founding of the People's Republic of China! As the first batch of participants and the first to win an award, it is very likely that it will be recorded in history. Who would not be excited? !

Regardless of how the little African sister reacts.

Closer to home.

After the lottery machine drew out the first set of winning numbers, it only paused for less than a minute. When the data was entered into the system and almost all the people around the world saw it, it was under the eager eyes of countless people. , and started to spin crazily again!


The second group of numbers, the third group, the fourth group, and the fifth group, one after another, the winning numbers began to be continuously presented and announced.

Those number plate owners who were drawn are naturally extremely happy and excited, and those who have not been drawn for the time being are not discouraged, because there are many prizes in the super lottery, and they still have a chance, and the more they get In the future, the better the prizes will be, especially the final super prize, which can be called against the sky!

The best is always saved for the last, for the hope in their hearts, they don't mind going up for a long time!

Even if they didn't win the prize in the end, I believe they wouldn't say much, just random! Whoever is drawn counts, it's fair! If you can't draw, you can only say that you are unlucky, and no one can blame it!

not to mention……

When the wedding is over, can't you still go to the official location to receive commemorative gifts with the number plate!

Not bad at all!


With the crazy attention and support of countless people all over the world, the super lucky draw is going on as scheduled. One by one the awards are won, some people are surprised, and some are disappointed!

And this time.

Everything in the outside world has almost nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei! After the start of the super lottery draw, he threw away the crowd, broke away from the support and feast of the ministers, and came to the palace hall alone and couldn't wait!

In the bedroom.

Ruthless, dressed in a bright red bride's attire, is sitting upright and patiently on the head of the bed, covered with a red hijab, quietly waiting for her groom!

The red candles in the room were flickering, the light was blurred, and the mottled blurred halo made Wuqing's red wedding dress extraordinarily dazzling and intoxicating!

In such an atmosphere, Bai Xiaofei finally arrived belatedly. Seeing the scene inside, someone was stunned on the spot!

"So beautiful!"

Bai Xiaofei took a deep breath, calmed down his agitated and excited heart, and then walked towards the room.


Wuqing obviously also noticed Bai Xiaofei's appearance. She was extremely quiet, but she immediately became nervous, and her fingers like white jade couldn't help but tightly grasped the corner of her clothes.

At this moment.

Bai Xiaofei walked to the table, on which were delicious food and wine, as well as a scale made of pure gold!

Pick up the scale.

Bai Xiaofei slowly came to Wuqing, and said softly: "Lady, I'm here!"


Ruthlessly responded softly.

Although the voice is small, it can't hide the excitement and excitement in his heart, as well as the full meaning of happiness!

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

Then he gently picked it up with a scale, and slowly lifted the red hijab on the bride's head. The next moment, the ruthless and beautiful face, as beautiful as a fairy, was completely exposed in front of Bai Xiaofei!

"What a nice view!"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned!

The ruthless at this time, wearing a phoenix crown, lightly adorned with powder and daisy, has a peerless appearance, overwhelming the country and the city, so beautiful that it can be called an incomparable thing!

Seeing such a peerless beauty, Bai Xiaofei has a good mental capacity, so he couldn't help but tremble at this moment, his heartbeat immediately accelerated, and he was obviously shocked by the ruthless charm!


Seeing Bai Xiaofei staring at him stupidly, and still holding the gold scale in his hand, Wuqing couldn't help but smile at him immediately, this smile was like spring breeze turning into rain, almost softening into Bai Xiaofei's bones, making him completely intoxicated In great bliss!

"Yu Yu!"

After Bai Xiaofei came back to his senses, he immediately put on the brightest smile, and said mercilessly, "You are so beautiful! Being able to marry you is definitely the greatest luck and blessing in my life!"


Ruthless doesn't like this.

Hearing this, he snorted coldly, curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid you have already told many people what you said?"

The tone is sour!

It is clear!

She is jealous!

But even so, it's hard to hide her ruthless beauty, and even because of this action, she looks more mischievous and cute, as charming as a fairy, the impact is simply insignificant!

it's not...

Someone looked straight in the eye!


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei threw away the gold scale in his hand with a "snap", stared at Wuqing with green eyes, and said with a sincere smile: "How can I! Lady! I swear to God, these words are absolutely true. It's from my heart, and I have never said it to anyone else, if you don't believe me, you can ask it!"


Someone suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the ruthless jade hand, and sent it straight to his arms!

At the same time, he said: "People can lie, but the heart never can. You can ask it if I am sincere to you and if I lied to you!"


Wu Qing glared at Bai Xiaofei angrily, and said coquettishly: "How can the heart talk, you are not a monster! You are clearly lying to me, I won't listen!"


I'm about to take back my jade hand!

How could Bai Xiaofei let her get what she wanted? Seeing him smirking badly, instead of letting go of Wuqing's jade hand, he suddenly pulled Wuqing into his arms with a sudden force!


Ruthless was "frightened", suddenly his face turned pale, his face was full of anger, he was about to say something, full of complaints, but was completely melted away by Bai Xiaofei's hot and domineering kiss in an instant, leaving only a moment The sound of "woo woo" full of happiness echoed for a long time in the bedroom!

Red candles are flickering!

Tulle light swing!

The whole room was suddenly filled with spring colors. A newlywed couple is finally united in love!

Mandarin ducks playing in the water!

Fly together!


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