The Storm God

Chapter 1361 Twelve peaks! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

In the bedroom hall.

Bai Xiaofei woke up early, and was sitting on the head of the bed at this time, contemplating and counting the harvest this time.

And ruthless...

It was too crazy with Bai Xiaofei last night.

She is still asleep now, obviously she has not recovered yet.

However, after combining with Bai Xiaofei, Wuqing has obtained a lot of benefits. First of all, the sharp improvement of skill, directly from the top master to the peerless level, and relying on the strong mental power and mind power, he is ahead of the iron hand and others One step, the first to enter the realm of harmony between man and nature!

It was precisely because of this that she was able to withstand Bai Xiaofei's repeated "torture".


Most people are already paralyzed.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei's body is a rare and special divine body, which does not belong to the category of mortals. After combining with the ruthless double cultivation, his essence will enter the ruthless body, and it will naturally cleanse it to improve the ruthless physique. , making it more powerful, beautiful, and noble!

in addition……

It's the chance of getting pregnant.

Bai Xiaofei once told Wuqing that his situation is very special, if he does not take any defensive measures during the marriage, he will be pregnant almost 100% of the time. But Wuqing unexpectedly didn't care, and even asked Bai Xiaofei to give birth to a child!

"All right!"

In the face of merciless beauty.

How could Bai Xiaofei have the heart to refuse, so the two of them were crazy last night.

If there is no accident, Ruthless will not be long before she should be pregnant.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't mind.

After all, he is also a father now. Although Xiao Bai Lei is not his own, but a test-tube baby born by the Red Queen's messing around, using his own egg and Thor's sperm, he has never disliked it. She even treats her as her own, treating her like a jewel in the palm of her hand!

contact over time.

Bai Xiaofei himself likes children more and more, maybe it's because of his age. Don't look at him looking young now, at most around 20, but in fact, the age in the real world + the grades he traveled in the world of time and space, is almost 40 years old!

Converted to an average person, they are already middle-aged!

Let me ask...

Which middle-aged person doesn't like children?

Although Bai Xiaofei is strong and has a transcendent psychological quality, this does not prevent him from liking and yearning for children! Therefore, facing Diana's request back then, and now the ruthless request, Bai Xiaofei did not refuse, but directly agreed to it!

He really wanted a child of his own!

According to the normal situation, Bai Xiaofei bears the super reproductive ability of the alien dragon queen, and anyone who combines with it will be almost 100% pregnant. But this situation has become no longer the case as his divine body has just formed and his strength has become higher and higher!

To know.

Alien's DNA ability is optimized and absorbed.

To put it simply, it is an intelligent existence that will independently choose to evolve in its own favor. When encountering good DNA, they will combine with it without hesitation, thus giving birth to a better species of life, but if the other party's DNA is weaker than their own, then it's another matter!

Their evolution follows the principle of survival of the fittest!

The strong live, the weak forget!

Old and classic!


The current situation is that Ruthless's own conditions are much weaker than Bai Xiaofei's. So even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't take any defensive measures, and only wants to get Ruthlessly pregnant, give birth to a child for himself, according to the principle of survival of the fittest with alien DNA, and only choose the side that is beneficial to him to evolve, the success rate of pregnancy is estimated to be very low!

at this point.

It doesn't just appear on Wuqing.

Even in the body of the powerful Wonder Woman Diana, who has the blood of a demigod, it is the same! After Bai Xiaofei was with her, there was usually no lack of loving union, but so far, there was no movement in Diana's stomach, which made Diana extremely disappointed and frustrated!

to this end……

Whenever Diana was free, she trained herself like crazy. On the one hand, it is to catch up with Bai Xiaofei's footsteps, not wanting to be left behind too much by Bai Xiaofei, and eventually become a vase-like role, and on the other hand, he also wants to reach the standard as soon as possible, perfectly combine with Bai Xiaofei, successfully conceive, and leave his own child!

Arrived today.

The strength of Wonder Woman Diana is not what it used to be.

Compared with the original level of strength, the current Diana's strength has been directly multiplied several times, and the divine power in her body has been greatly unblocked because of her often loving combination with Bai Xiaofei, a husband who has a divine body and divine power. , the physique is getting stronger and stronger, and has gradually begun to move closer to the pure divine body!

The same goes for Xiaoqian.

Her body is a demon fox, and she is not of the same species as Bai Xiaofei. Combining the two, it is naturally difficult to breed an excellent next generation. For this reason...Xiaoqian also joined Diana's training plan, and every day she either accompanied Xiao Bailei or practiced crazily!

God rewards hard work!

After Xiaoqian's hard work, she finally got rewarded.

Up to now, Xiaoqian has cultivated the basic cultivation method of the demon fox clan, Qingqiu Secret Art, to the twelfth peak level.

Among the secret arts of Qingqiu, most of them are basic cultivation methods. Only the power of enchanting illusion is so powerful that if it is cultivated to the extreme, even Da Luo Jinxian will be recruited by accident. Be good! Be your own puppet and be at your mercy!

And there are 12 levels in this enchantment technique.

Each level has three floors, namely Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Peak; a total of thirty-six heavens! Because Qingqiu's secret technique is only a basic method, the technique of enchanting illusions is incomplete, and it only reaches the twelfth heaven, which is the fourth level. If you want to go further, you must first obtain the secret book of the subsequent exercises.


Bai Xiaofei has not been able to refresh it.

But even so, the power of Xiaoqian's 12 levels of enchanting magic is also very powerful and cannot be underestimated! Even a master of Bai Xiaofei's level, when fighting against him, if he is not paying attention, he may be pulled into the weird and unpredictable illusion mirror, unable to extricate himself, and let him manipulate and control him.

The horror and heaven-defying power of it can be seen from this!

But these are not enough!

no way!

Bai Xiaofei's divine pupil body is really too strong!

Even the space-time shuttle's fourth-level power against the sky can't be analyzed and tested. It can be seen that its level and origin are mysterious and against the sky. If you want to catch up with Bai Xiaofei's footsteps, meet the basic requirements, and successfully combine with Bai Xiaofei to conceive, Whether it is Diana or Xiaoqian, they are still too far away!

And Wuqing's current strength and physique are nearly a hundred times worse than the two of them.

Wanting to get pregnant is naturally even more difficult!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was also very helpless.

Who made his physique too strong! He didn't see any other powers of the god pupil body, but he had castrated and restricted the super reproductive ability he got from the alien queen in a disguised form, which made Bai Xiaofei feel happy now, Still depressed!

In the past, he couldn't have sex to his heart's content, he had to be careful with everyone, and took all kinds of defensive measures, so as not to be careless and make children all over the sky. It can be said that Bai Xiaofei quite dislikes and hates his own super reproductive ability. But now... when he wanted a child, he was told that this ability was almost sealed!

The power of super reproduction can only be exerted on creatures that are equal to or surpass their own system.

This shit!

Why don't you play with people like this!

I'll fuck you MMPD!

Second Olympic!

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei was very angry and depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

If this is the case, what can he do? !

Bear it!

Shaking his head, Bai Xiaofei put all these unpleasant thoughts behind him, changed the subject, and put all his energy on the gains from his trip. Then... When he saw clearly the asset balance that the little brat had just refreshed, Bai Xiaofei was stunned!

"Be good!"

"How can I have so much remaining property?!"

"Could it be dazzled?!"


Someone had a face full of disbelief.


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for a monthly ticket! recommend! Reward support! Thank you very much! Before I knew it, I had written 4 million words! I can't believe it! Thanks to the friends who have been accompanying and supporting Wuyou all the time, thank you! In the days to come, Wuyou will work harder, and I hope everyone can continue to support Wuyou! Love you guys! mwah!

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