The Storm God

Chapter 1362: The Profound Meaning of Mind Qi! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's assets, after accumulating these days, and the unfathomable rewards of restricted-level missions, are still very large. Naihe just bought a Haoyue-class Huangtu Badao, which cost more than half of his property at once, and once again fell from the middle class to the commoner class.

But now.

After opening his property panel, Bai Xiaofei saw a bunch of "0" eggs! Count carefully, good guy... there are billions of them! This is not the energy value, but the will power! In addition, the second most is the power of merit, which has skyrocketed by 1 million!

That's right!

That's 1 million!

The genuine power of a million merits!

The power of destiny has increased by nearly 15 million against the sky, plus the energy value of more than 10 billion, and all kinds of assets added up, directly lifted Bai Xiaofei from the commoner class back to the middle class, although it has just passed Pass line, but still unbelievable!

Especially the power of merit!

To know.

This thing is not so easy to get.

Before, Bai Xiaofei traveled so many time and space worlds, but only accumulated less than 5,000, the difficulty can be seen as mediocre. But Bai Xiaofei never expected that in just one day, his account would suddenly have an extra one million merits!


This is simply pie in the sky!

It's incredible!


Bai Xiaofei screwed his thighs hard without disappointment, and muttered to himself: "I'm not dreaming, I didn't do anything good yesterday, I just held a wedding with Wuqing, and by the way, I will be happy for the future." Planning, arranged some pre-arrangements of the plan in advance, how could there be so many popping up all of a sudden?"

"This is so unscientific!"


He thought about it, but he couldn't figure it out.

At this moment.

The little kid really couldn't stand it anymore.

He jumped out and explained: "Master, this is easy to understand and guess, right? Think about it, this is the ancient feudal society! A period of superstitious belief in all kinds of strange powers and gods, but you threw it out all at once. So many anti-sky black technologies, what do you ask them to think?"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

He also knows that he seems to have gone too far, throwing out countless black technologies and products all at once, as if aliens who have been ahead of the earth for countless years suddenly visit and want to settle down on the earth, it will definitely cause extreme panic. Great upheaval and change!


For their own plans.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care too much for the time being. Anyway, this is my own little world, and I can develop it as I want and according to my own requirements. If you want to change, just change, just treat it as an experiment. It's best if you succeed, even if you fail, it's okay, the big deal is to use the ability of [One Thought World Change] to restore and reset it!

"Little brat!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at him suspiciously, and said puzzledly, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with that, does it?"

"Could it be..."

"Is it because of these that I became rich overnight?"

"Isn't that ridiculous?"


Someone expresses ten thousand disbeliefs.

If it is true that he can get huge wealth by messing around like this, then wouldn't all the serious work in the past be lived on dogs? !


The little kid gave Bai Xiaofei an angry look.

Then he shrugged his shoulders helplessly, curled his lips and said: "Master, don't say it, it's really because of this! But it's not as bad as you imagined, but because your actions have greatly stimulated this society's interest in technology. And a thirst for knowledge of the unknown!"

"This is like an apple that fell on Newton's head. It is not just an apple, but a golden key to explore a new world! It is because of its existence that it has opened a new world for countless people. Open the door to a new world, thus completely changing their life trajectory and destiny!"

"The vast majority of the power of fate comes from this way. You have changed the fate of countless people around the world, and even the future historical trend and trajectory, and avoided many tragic events! As the guide of all events Fuze, the space-time shuttle rewards you with such wealth, so it is only reasonable!"

"You deserve it all!"


Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned.

He never imagined that he planned to do an experiment on a whim, but mistakenly mistook it for Newton's apple, and got this huge reward for nothing!


What is a surprise, this is it!


Someone's eyes lit up with excitement, and he said excitedly: "This time I made a lot of money! I thought that this experiment would definitely cause a lot of bleeding, and I would lose a lot of money, but I didn't expect to get a huge surprise because of it." , it seems that if you want to make a fortune, you still have to work hard, and you can't care about gains and losses!"

"This statement is justified!"

Summary of Bai Xiaofei.

Little Kid couldn't find a fault with it, and couldn't agree more. If you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up. If you just blindly accumulate and stick to your property without daring to invest a certain amount of money, even if you can make a fortune, your future achievements will definitely be limited!

As the master of the space-time shuttle, how can you be timid when doing things!

Absolutely not!

Must be bold and careful!

Have the determination to risk everything to fight for a brighter future!


You'd better go home and hold the baby!

This adventure of the heavens and the world is not suitable for you at all!

Although Bai Xiaofei got this huge reward by accident, his original intention was very good. In order to plan for the future, accelerate the development of the small world, enhance his own abilities, and to prove the conjecture in his heart, he did not hesitate to throw countless the hole card...

Everything of this kind can reflect Bai Xiaofei's positive energy and determination!

So the kid is very optimistic about Bai Xiaofei.

He firmly believes that...

If nothing unexpected happens in the future.

With Bai Xiaofei's hard work and black belly, he can definitely look down on the heavens and become a character comparable to the Supreme of Time and Space! It's even... possible to surpass them! Because some of Bai Xiaofei's ideas are really... too unbelievable, the degree of boldness and whimsy is even crazier than Time and Space Supreme and the others!

That's all.

The little brat dares to conclude that Bai Xiaofei definitely has the qualifications to challenge the Supreme, and even surpass the Supreme!


future things.

No one can say for sure, it's too early to say that.

He just thought about it. Regardless of how the little kid was thinking wildly there, here... Bai Xiaofei's thoughts were flying, looking at the huge skyrocketing wealth, his eyes rolled wildly, and he was obviously already thinking about how to spend this windfall!


Bai Xiaofei didn't plan for himself.

But for Wuqing, Xiaoqian, and Diana, his own women. After all, their strength is relatively low, and Diana and Xiaoqian are better. One is a god, and the other is a demon. They have special physiques, divine powers and secret techniques, and their future achievements are limitless.

But being ruthless is more difficult.

She is essentially a mortal, but she has a strong mental power and awakened mind power, but her level is very average. Compared with Diana and Xiaoqian, their physical fitness is more than a little bit worse. Of course, Bai Xiaofei has to screen carefully to find a surefire solution to improve the ruthless predicament!





Just like that, Bai Xiaofei kept refreshing the lottery items of the space-time lottery. no way! There are only so many items in the Time and Space Mall! If you want to refresh, you can only wait for a fixed time, it is not for Bai Xiaofei to refresh whenever he wants!

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally found a very ideal goal——!

Recite the profound meaning of Qi!

This is an unprecedented cultivation system. According to the secret book, practitioners must have extremely strong spiritual power, preferably possessing the power of mind. Only in this way can they quickly get started, integrate the power of mind with the power of heaven and earth, and form a special powerful force-Nian gas!


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