The Storm God

Chapter 1363 European Emperor Card! (Please subscribe!)


See this familiar word.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but immediately thought of a game he once liked and was fascinated by - Dungeon and Warriors. I remember that there is a profession in it——qigong master. After changing professions, fighters can use mind energy to form special attacks and defenses, which is very easy to use.

They also have powerful light attribute skills, which can enhance their own and teammates' combat capabilities. The deafening roar of the lion, the extremely solid golden bell cover, and the indestructible qigong field. A profession with strong defensive ability, offensive ability, and auxiliary ability...

Qigong masters may not be the most difficult enemy you think, but they will definitely become your most reliable comrades-in-arms.

It used to be one of Bai Xiaofei's favorite occupations.

Didn't realize...

In this space-time lottery.

To be able to see a cultivation system that is almost identical to the abilities of a qigong master is simply unbelievable!

"Be good!"

Thinking of qigong masters, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help curling his lips, and secretly complained: "Nianqi, the profound meaning of Nianqi, almost the same cultivation system... Nima! This girl's secret manual of the profound meaning of Nianqi must have come from the underground The Arad continent in the world of cities and warriors, right?"

No wonder Bai Xiaofei thought so.

after all……


He also drew a lottery to get Kaili's one-time strengthening furnace.

Now that there is another cultivation system that is almost identical to that of a qigong master, a cheat book on the mysteries of mind and energy, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but began to rely on the dungeons and warriors. If everything is really as he imagined, then this secret book of the profound meaning of thought energy can be called against the sky!

I believe that anyone who has played Dungeons and Warriors should know the bugs and auxiliary abilities of Qigong masters.

Additional attributes!

Add attack speed up!

Invincible cover!

Lotus Explosion!

Lion Roar Spiral!

Thunder Dragon goes to sea!

All kinds of attributes are simply unacceptable. They used to be the most popular of all professions! The only downside is thin skin, Fei Lan! But for people with super high operational awareness and a full package of [Remy's Aid] potion, this shortcoming is tantamount to nothing!

Games aside.

Just talking about the cultivation of the secrets of the profound meaning of mind and energy, Bai Xiaofei, a senior professional player, taught the use and comprehension experience of qigong master skills, as well as the supply of countless natural treasures, plus Bai Xiaofei's guidance of mind and mind skills up to level 4, Believe that if you turn to ruthless to practice the profound meaning of mind and energy, you will surely enter the country by a thousand miles!

Even if it is not the same as the qigong master in Dungeon and Warriors, its power should not be much different!

The most important thing is that after cultivating the profound meaning of Nian Qi to a certain level, there is a certain chance that Nian Qi can be used to wash marrow and tendons, completely improve one's body, and thus form a special physique. Seeing the power of Nian Qi exerted to the extreme, For example, the lotus sacred body, or the glorious divine body!

This is why Bai Xiaofei really values ​​it!

What is ruthless is the physique!


The first premise of all this is that Bai Xiaofei has to draw it first!

Otherwise it's all delusional!

"You are the one!"

Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth fiercely, his gaze was full of firmness and determination, and he said to himself: "No matter what, I must draw you today, and then send you to Wuqing to start her path of becoming a Qigong master! If not once, then twice, If it doesn't work twice, it will be three times, and if it doesn't work, it will be four times!"

Space-Time Lucky Draw is different from Space-Time Mall.

Although there are only thirty-six prizes in it, they are not too many, but they are not fixed. Within a period, as long as you have drawn three consecutive lucky draws, no matter whether you have drawn the ideal prize in your mind or not , it will refresh randomly again, and will not give you an extra chance at all!

Choose one from thirty-six!

The chances of this are very slim!

It's all about luck, no one dares to say that they will definitely get what they want!

According to no less than thousands of lottery draws in the past, Bai Xiaofei came to an extremely painful conclusion, that is, this thing is simply a pit, and it is an extremely huge deep pit. If you want to draw the prize you want, then It's almost impossible!

At least……

Bai Xiaofei has drawn so many big lottery draws, and the number of successes is only a few times.

Compared with the thousands of lottery draws, it is so pitiful!

Change to before.

Bai Xiaofei might be a little timid.

After all, there are only three chances to draw a lottery. Once you miss it, if you want to meet this cultivation system that is so perfect that you can almost cultivate all the way to the realm of transcendence and sagehood, and Bai Xiaofei is very familiar with it, and it is also very suitable for the ruthless secrets of mind energy. !

but now……


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's thought move.

The next moment, a card exuding an incomparably dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's palm. At the same time...a special message also instantly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind: "Ouhuang Card: After using it, suppress luck, and become the Ouhuang whose luck is against the sky, everything you want will come true, everything will come true Ruyi, invincible!"

"Valid times: 3 times. Destroy when used up!"

"Note: This card is not absolute, and the rated increase in luck is about 50%~500%. If you use it with good luck, the natural effect will be doubled; if ordinary people use it, you will get twice the result with half the effort; Offset, it can only make non-chieftains become ordinary people!"

"Term of use: 1 year."


The above is the specific information of the European Emperor Card.

And this European Emperor card was transformed from the random cards rewarded by the space-time shuttle after Bai Xiaofei completed special missions.

Looking at this card full of royal aristocrats, Bai Xiaofei's confidence suddenly increased, and he said with bright eyes: "Hmph! Little boy, with this European Emperor card, I can help my buddies suppress luck and increase luck against the sky." , I don't believe in three chances, I still can't handle you!"

"bring it on!"

"Nianqi Profound Technique Cheats, stop hesitating and resisting!"

"Come to brother's bowl!"


Bai Xiaofei laughed heartily.

The next moment, with a tiger in his heart, he immediately used the European Emperor card without hesitation, and started the space-time lottery draw.


With Bai Xiaofei's determination to use it, the European Emperor Card instantly turned into an incomparably bright golden light, completely covering and merging into Bai Xiaofei's body, instantly turning it into a little golden man, looking extremely luxurious Human beings are not to be violated, and they are very ignorant!

at the same time……

The space-time lottery also began to rotate randomly and crazily.

I saw thirty-six different prize patterns, turning on and off in turn, the speed was dazzling, Bai Xiaofei's heart beat faster and his eyes widened, staring at the prize pattern of the secret book of Nianqi Profound Meaning, his heart couldn't stop Looking forward to: "Bright! Bright! Bright! Light up for me!"

When the pattern lights up, it means you have won the prize!

Otherwise it fails!


The random drawing of the space-time lottery has stopped.

But the final result and the prize are not the secrets of the profound meaning of Nian Qi that Bai Xiaofei has been thinking about, but a pair of seemingly inconspicuous beads.


Seeing such a situation, Bai Xiaofei's face turned dark immediately, his face was full of bewilderment and speechless. He was so angry that he almost scolded his mother: "I'm so hot! Did I make a mistake! My buddies have used the European Emperor card, but they still didn't win? Could it be that I am the legendary non-chief?!"

"I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

"Come again!"

He gritted his teeth hard.

Someone who was not reconciled immediately started the second big lottery draw.


The moment when the result came out.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes turned red on the spot, and his complexion almost became the bottom of the pot, so dark it was almost purple!

Obviously, he still missed this second chance!

The prize is a treasure chest.


The location of this small golden treasure box is only one step away from the secret book of the profound meaning of Nian Qi that Bai Xiaofei has been thinking about! As long as he moves forward a little bit, he can win the lottery! It's a pity... the difference is a thousand miles away! Just because of such a small distance, Bai Xiaofei missed him again!

Failed again!

And this time, it was nothing short of naked provocation and ridicule!

Bai Xiaofei was so angry that he almost ran away!

"Come again!"


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