The Storm God

Chapter 1364 Forbidden Art Tattoo! (Please subscribe!)

This is the third time.

At the same time, it is also the last time. If you still fail to win the Nian Qi Profound Meaning, all the prizes in the space-time lottery will be refreshed immediately.

In other words, Bai Xiaofei will return empty-handed and completely lose his chance!


This time he was still very confident.

Anger is anger, but Bai Xiaofei's rationality is still there. He deeply knows that the products produced by the system must be high-quality products! The role of the European Emperor card is definitely not a cover, the first two times did not get the desired effect, it may not be the reason for other cards, but yourself!


For the first time, his attribute was the unluckiest African chieftain.

Then luck will definitely be very bad, even if the European emperor card is used, it will be offset by the attributes and neutralization of non-chiefs, and it will eventually become the luck of ordinary people. However, with the cheating nature of the space-time lottery and the luck of ordinary people, it is almost impossible to win the desired prize!

So Bai Xiaofei failed.

And the second time, Bai Xiaofei's luck attribute of ordinary people, using the Ouhuang card, his luck level has obviously increased a lot, and he was almost able to draw the Profound Truth of Nian Qi. It can be seen from this that Bai Xiaofei's luck attribute has risen from an ordinary person to an extremely lucky one!

For those who are very lucky, if they use the European Emperor card, the effect can be imagined, and it must be invincible!


These are all Bai Xiaofei's guesses.

Whether this is the case, he can't say clearly, but this third lottery draw is his last chance.

Regardless of success or failure, Bai Xiaofei could only comfort himself in his heart.


With the start of the third lottery draw, the European Emperor card on Bai Xiaofei's body was finally completely exhausted after playing its role for the third time. The golden light disappeared, and Bai Xiaofei's whole body also returned to its original color. Of course... except for the red eyes!

If he still fails the last time, then Bai Xiaofei will really go berserk and kill someone!


Under Bai Xiaofei's steadfast gaze, the result of the last space-time lottery draw was finally announced. When the light spot passed the last pattern, it jumped suddenly, passed the treasure box pattern drawn by Bai Xiaofei, and finally lit up the icon of the secret book of the power of mind!

Heaven pays off!

Bai Xiaofei finally grasped this last chance to draw a lottery.

He finally got what he wanted!


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei almost cried with joy: "Damn it! I got it! In order to get you, it's so easy for me. It's the European Emperor card, and I'm drawing wildly one after another. If it's not enough, I will It’s really going to go berserk and kill people!”


The space-time lottery is just a fixed and rigid program module, without any emotion or ability at all, and of course it doesn't care about Bai Xiaofei's complaints, complaints, and emotional fluctuations and excitement. After the third lottery draw ended, all prize contents were resolutely refreshed immediately.

at the same time……

The prizes drawn by Bai Xiaofei, a pair of white and crystal beads, a small golden treasure box, and the secret script of Nian Qi Profound Meaning were all distributed to Bai Xiaofei's private space. All it takes is one thought from Bai Xiaofei to manifest.


After finally getting the secret book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning, of course Bai Xiaofei will not continue to draw that damned cheating time and space lottery, he just decisively turned it off, and then with a thought, he manifested the secret book, prepare carefully first Observe and study it, and then pass it on to Ruthless.

As for the other two prizes drawn...

Let's leave it alone!


The secret book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning flashed out and landed directly in Bai Xiaofei's hands. This is a very simple-looking cheat book, full of vicissitudes and long-standing atmosphere, the overall color is taupe, and it is thread-bound leather. height of.

It gives people a very awesome sense of ignorance!

This is Bai Xiaofei. If it were someone else, he probably wouldn't be able to understand what those four words mean.

"It really is very tall!"

Bai Xiaofei felt very satisfied, although this cheat book was not as stunning as Huangtu Domineering, but only with these four rather high-quality characters on the title page of the cheat book, it could lay the foundation of its martial arts, definitely not bad. It is estimated that even if it is not Haoyue class, it should not be far behind!

as expected.

After opening the cheat book, Bai Xiaofei glanced at ten lines, and quickly finished reading the general outline of Nian Qi Profound Meaning. According to the introduction in the cheat book, the cultivation of mind energy is to use the power of mind to control the flow of energy, whether it is one's own, natural, or even other people's energy, as long as it is energy, it will do!

The power of Nian Qi is very huge, it can even be said to be abnormal and against the sky! If you practice to the extreme, you will form all kinds of incredible magical powers, especially after awakening and possessing the holy body, the power of mind power will be developed to the extreme, so terrifying that you can even directly control nature to form divine power!

It's awesome!


The more powerful the technique, the more difficult it is to practice.

The same is true for Nianqi Profound Meaning, maybe it will be easy at the beginning, but as the progress of cultivation increases, the difficulty will also increase exponentially in the future! To master the operation skills of Nian Qi, one must go through a long period of practice and study, and the final result and power will vary from person to person.

According to the cheat sheet.

The same is to practice the profound meaning of mind energy, but the results of men and women are completely different.

Because men belong to yang and women belong to yin, just like heaven, earth and nature, they all have different attributes. Only by cultivating the attributes corresponding to oneself can we get twice the result with half the effort and make rapid progress. Otherwise... not only will the progress be seriously slowed down, but there is even the danger of going crazy!

There is a forbidden technique in the cheat book.

You don't need to practice hard, you can freely control the powerful mind energy, that is [Nian Qi Tattoo]!

The conditions for using Nianqi tattoos are very harsh. Not only does it require extremely strong physical fitness and strength, but it also consumes a lot of rare materials, and it is extremely dangerous. Complete this forbidden technique.

It is said that after the tattoo is completed, the subject can forcibly control the flow of mind energy, gather the mind energy in one place, trigger powerful forces, and form various incredible powers. But gaining this power comes at a very high price. Every time you use it, your body will be greatly recombined, and the lifespan of the user will also be shortened rapidly!


None of those who have practiced the forbidden technique of mind-qi tattooing will have a long life.

When Bai Xiaofei saw this forbidden operation, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he had a super bold idea. Secretly said: "The cultivation of the profound meaning of mind and energy pays too much attention to the training of time and skills. I don't have so much time, so I will practice slowly step by step!"


"I can use some brains from this mind tattoo forbidden technique. For example, make a body completely made of vibrating elements, then give it a mind tattoo, and then use the spiritual contact system to control it remotely, using my tyrannical mind power to Control the Qi of nature to form a powerful attack..."

"Hey, this may not be impossible!"


The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became.

He was completely excited, the soul of technology, the heart of research, someone who was completely awakened, Hao Xuan jumped out of the bed immediately, and directly plunged into the research and experiment of the wind. He murmured excitedly: "Although these Nianqi avatars and forbidden techniques may have various shortcomings when they are produced, they are more effective than others and can be mass-produced!"

"If it forms a certain scale, it will be like the BT Legion!"

"Be good!"

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but gasped.

I can't help but think of when I was playing Dungeons and Warriors, when I opened a cheat, and I was surrounded by four or five high-level dolls. What operation awareness, what advanced maps, and what abnormal bosses are all nonsense. It's just seconds to go up, okay!

The most important thing is that those puppets can be released infinitely!

So what if you can't beat it?

Come again!

Batch after batch of high-level dolls, taking turns to fight, super big moves one after another, I don't believe you can't kill you!

Purely bullying the few with the more, plus cheating!

Just ask if you accept it or not?

And such a picture, because of the existence of the Nianqi tattoo forbidden technique, is very likely to be restored to reality!

Let me ask...

Can Bai Xiaofei not get excited?


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