The Storm God

Chapter 1365: Fierce Sun Level Cultivation Technique! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei thought a lot.

The forbidden technique of tattooing in the secret book of Nianqi Profound Meaning gave him a lot of inspiration. In addition, he originally integrated a variety of super-additional powers in one body. Bai Xiaofei believes that he will be able to create a more powerful puppet, and it is not impossible to even replace all the hole cards!


The ideal is very happy, but the reality is very skinny!

To achieve what he wants, Bai Xiaofei must first be proficient in Nian Qi, and even cultivate it to a certain high level. Otherwise, if you don't even understand the basic application and skills of Nian Qi, how can you use the forbidden tattoo technique to make puppets similar to those in Dungeon and Warriors?

You can't rely on fantasy, can you? !

A tall building rises from the ground, and the foundation is the most important. Only by laying an extremely solid foundation can one build the buildings and designs one wants on it as one wishes. Otherwise, even if it is done, it is still a dangerous building, which cannot stand any test at all!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately extinguished the impulse in his heart.

Then he calmed down, calmed down his emotions, and began to carefully read and delve into the secret scriptures of the profound meaning of Nian Qi.

He looked at it for a full hour.


After a rough look.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but took a long breath, the light in his eyes flickered non-stop, obviously he had gained a lot.

At first, he always thought that he was already considered a genius of the sky, he had softened many martial arts in one body at a young age, and created his own three-element unity, although even half of it has not been developed yet, But it is enough to look down on many genius-level figures in the heavens.

For example, Xiongba!

Such as Juggernaut!

Such as nameless!


But now.

After reading the secret book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning.

It was only then that Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized how arrogant he was, how magnificent and vast the world was, and how inconceivable the peerless genius in endless time and space was! This achievement of my own may be very prominent in some low-level worlds, and I have enough proud capital.


Put it in the heavens and myriad worlds.

That is not worth mentioning at all, even insignificant, it is not worth mentioning at all!

I won’t talk about the other awesome skills, just the overbearing of the emperor’s path and the profound meaning of thought energy are enough to make Bai Xiaofei feel ashamed, especially the latter, this brand new cultivation system has completely overturned Bai Xiaofei’s The cognition made him suddenly discover that Qi can still be cultivated in this way!

What is mindfulness?

Simply put, it is to use the power of thought to control the flow of Qi.

Thought power does not refer to any special and powerful state to be counted as thought power. It is just a general term, which can be spirit, consciousness, or even a simple thought, which generally refers to those abstract things that are difficult for people to understand. strength!

And angry...

Also known as Qi. Its primary stage, according to the interpretation of the profound meaning of mind and energy, refers to the most basic energy and physiological functions that constitute + the human body and maintain life activities. At a higher level, it refers to the original matter that produces and constitutes everything in the world, called vitality!

The theory of vitality.

Let's not talk about it now, let's talk about the simplest qi first.

Qi, everyone has it. Not only human beings, but almost everything in the world has qi. But reading alone is rare in the world! Therefore... If you want to cultivate to become mind energy, you must first have strong enough mind power. If you don't have mind power, you can use other powers instead, such as tyrannical mental power, tenacious consciousness power, and even excellent soul power!

Cultivate chanting first, then refine qi! When thoughts and qi form a certain level and scale, they can be fused into one and evolve into a unique and powerful thought qi! And this... is just the beginning of the profound meaning of Nian Qi! The future training will be more difficult and harsh!


Not only do you have to train your Qi to strengthen your body, temper your internal organs, but also distract your mind to hone and strengthen your power of consciousness, and integrate with the Qi in your body to make a perfect match. Then further enhance and refine the power of mind energy! In this way, the energy and time required are naturally many times more than simply practicing one of them!

This is only the most basic level. Use the power of thought to fuse the energy in the body to form the power of thought energy. When you enter the high-level realm, you need to use your own power of thought to control and refine the energy of the world to form a more powerful and pure thought. At the time of Qi, the difficulty... will definitely be more than ten thousand times that of the elementary school!

Even higher!

It's so harsh, it's scary to think about it!

It is also because of this that very few practitioners of the profound meaning of mind energy can cultivate to the peak state. One reason is that it is too difficult, and it takes too much time and energy. Although the power of Nian Qi is not bad, compared with other exercises, it only has a slight advantage.

So many people can't help but give up halfway through their practice, or turn their heads to practice other exercises!


In order to pursue advancement, many practitioners finally couldn't bear the temptation of forbidden techniques and chose shortcuts, thus losing the possibility of further advancement. But they don't know that the only way to practice step by step and step by step is the most powerful and safe. And after crossing that threshold, the strength and heaven-defying nature of the energy will be revealed.

Especially Eucharist 10%.

Practitioners of the profound meaning of mind energy are like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate.

Even if they meet four, five, or even seven or eight opponents of the same level, the practitioners of the profound meaning of mind energy, relying on the particularity and powerful power of mind energy, as well as the bonus effect of their own holy body, can fight against them It is not impossible to resist the circle, or even kill it completely, and wipe it out!

It can be said……

The cultivation of the profound meaning of mind energy.

The power in the early stage is indeed not obvious, and it consumes a lot. The time and energy spent are several times or even more than others. Compared with the quick results and powerful power of other exercises, it is indeed far inferior, very Not enough to watch. But after it grows to a certain level...


That's a pervert and against the sky!

Invincible at the same level, leapfrog challenges, super kills, buffs, assists, and Carries, there are only things you can't think of, and there is almost nothing it can't do!

It is simply the rhythm of the air every second, every second, every second!

Powerful and jaw-dropping!

It is also because of this that although few people can cultivate to the highest level of Nianqi Profound Truth, its own value is still unparalleled. Bai Xiaofei tried to sell it to the Time and Space Mall, but it was rated as a skill that was close to the Lieyang level, at least worth more than 100 billion!

To know!

This is still the price after the cheating discount in the space-time mall!

It can be seen from this that the true value of the secret book of Nianqi Profound Meaning will definitely be more astonishing and heaven-defying than the current evaluation given by the Time and Space Mall!

The most important thing is that this is the first time Bai Xiaofei has seen the Niu Cha Kung Fu which is infinitely close to Lie Yang level! With the current level and ability of the space-time shuttle, the Haoyue level is its limit, no matter how high the items and treasures are, it can't get them out at all! Who knows how it managed to get such a heaven-defying baby into the time and space lottery!

Bai Xiaofei was also lucky.

With such a random pick, he picked a top-level existence like Nianqi Profound Truth.

And until now, after seeing the sky-defying value of the profound meaning of Nianqi, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized that it was not that the European Emperor card was not easy to use, or that he had a dark face and was similar to a non-chief, neutralizing the European Emperor card. Good luck. Rather, the value of this secret book of mind energy profound meaning is really too high!

It was so high that it almost exceeded the upper limit of the space-time shuttle's fourth-level ability!

It is so high that it is no exaggeration to say that it is definitely the most top-notch and awesome among all the items and treasures that have appeared in the space-time shuttle so far! It's so high that even such a heaven-defying treasure as the Ouhuang Card Card can hardly hold it, so it's hard not to ruin the name of Ouhuang!

It was so high that Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but doubt again whether he was dreaming or not!

It's not that Bai Xiaofei can't bear it.


All of this is so fucking incredible!

After the shock, Bai Xiaofei, whose inner turmoil could not be calmed down for a long time, couldn't help but start to think wildly again, secretly said: "Damn it! This is the first time my buddy has seen it, and it is infinitely close to Lieyang level. The future of Nian Qi Profound Meaning is almost endless, so I wonder if such a perverted and heaven-defying technique can be integrated into my triadic unity?"

He was about to open his mind and try to find the key between the two major exercises.

At this moment……

Suddenly, there was a whine from Bai Xiaofei's side.

I turned my head and looked.

It turned out that Ruthless woke up!

"Xiao Fei?"


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