The Storm God

Chapter 1366 Ruthless Rejection! (Please subscribe!)

Ruthless still seems a little dazed until now, it is really because the two of them played too crazy last night. With Bai Xiaofei's physique, there is naturally no big problem, but Wuqing is the first time, and his physique is just stronger than ordinary people. If it is not for Bai Xiaofei's special nourishment, he may not be able to recover by noon !

"You woke up early?"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was full of energy and his eyes were shining brightly, Wu Qing couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, then her gaze fell on the secret book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and she asked curiously: "What is this? Martial arts Cheats? After waking up, you have been reading this?"

Suspicion and disbelief all over his face.

No wonder...

They are newlyweds!

As a husband, he woke up early and studied the cheats immediately, what's the matter!

Anyone who sees it will find it weird, okay?

"Could it be..."

"My wife."

"It's actually not as good as a broken cheat book?!"


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei clearly felt the resentment from the bottom of Wuqing's heart.

"Yu Yu!"

He shook his head with a wry smile.

Bai Xiaofei kissed Ruqing's forehead, and then explained: "You think too much! This is a cultivation method I specially prepared for you, but for some special reasons, you can't understand it. So I can only understand it first. After a while, I will pass it on to you after I understand the meaning of it!"


Afraid of ruthless disbelief.

He immediately handed the secret book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning to Wu Qing.

He took the cheat book ruthlessly and suspiciously, looked through it intently, and was really surprised to find that this seemingly obscure cheat book really revealed a mysterious atmosphere everywhere, as Bai Xiaofei said, the words were not only obscure and profound, I don't understand any of them, and there is even some kind of special power in it!

She just took a second look.

Ruthlessly discovered to his horror that his mental strength had been depleted a lot in an instant.

It's really evil!

"for you!"

Ruthless was startled.

Then he hurriedly closed the cheat book of Nian Qi Profound Meaning, and threw it to Bai Xiaofei. Dare not to believe it: "What kind of secret book is this? It's so weird, just looking at it twice can make people suffer a lot of wear and tear, so wouldn't it be more difficult and harsh to practice?!"

His eyes were full of surprise and doubt, as well as deep shock.

Such a cheat book is absolutely extraordinary!

"That's right!"

After taking over the cheats.

Bai Xiaofei introduced to Wuqing some information about the secret books of Nianqi Profound Techniques.

In Wuqing's current state, telling her too much will obviously do more harm than good, so it's better not to let her know about many things, as long as Wuqing understands, this profound meaning of thought energy can make her strength unlimitedly improved Go on, improve your physique, and gradually catch up with Bai Xiaofei's level!


And as expected.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation about the cultivation system of thoughts and qi, Wuqing was immediately shocked by the brand-new cultivation method that subverts the three views and cognition of people, and Wuqing was so clear-headed in an instant. Knowing someone's painstaking efforts, he was immediately moved, and plunged into Bai Xiaofei's arms on the spot!


"Kiss me! Love me!"


At this moment, the ruthlessness that cannot be restrained, how can there be any cheats or not.

Bai Xiaofei is the only thing in her mind now!


Bai Xiaofei is not a piece of wood either. Facing Wuqing's scorching passion, he doesn't care about whether he wants to be angry or not, and immediately responds enthusiastically. The two kissed fiercely, lingering in love, and soon they "burned" like dry wood and raging fire!

The whole room was filled with spring scenery, full of romance!


There are three poles in the sun.

The time soon came to noon.

Seeing that it was already at this time, and neither the Dragon Emperor nor the Dragon Queen had come out of the palace hall, Zhuge Zhengwo and the others who had been waiting outside couldn't help shaking their heads with a wry smile, their faces full of speechlessness and lamentation , Xin said: "It's this time, if you haven't come out yet, it's too much, isn't it?"

"Everyone go back!"

As the father-in-law, Zhuge Zheng I pondered for a while, seeing that the main hall of the bedroom did not intend to open at all, finally sighed helplessly, and then said to the ministers: "I watched it for a while, the Holy Majesty and the Dragon Queen probably I can’t get out. Everyone should go back and deal with more government affairs, and share the worries for the Holy One!”


"My lord is right!"

"Let's go back!"


All the ministers nodded knowingly when they heard the words, and responded with a smile.

A "we all know" look.


Everyone left.

But they didn't know that the situation in the palace hall was not what they imagined at all.

The lingering love between Bai Xiaofei and Ruthless actually ended half an hour ago. After all, Bai Xiaofei's strength and ruthless physique are there. Can't help it, of course Bai Xiaofei won't let Wuqing suffer!

The two stayed together for a moment.


Under Bai Xiaofei's guidance, Wuqing formally started the cultivation of the profound meaning of Nianqi.

The mysteries of mindfulness, from easy to difficult, are divided into nine levels, namely refining energy, training mindfulness, fusion, development, advancement, awakening, holy body, heaven and earth, and one mindfulness. Three levels are one realm, divided into three stages, the difficulty and power of which are increasing exponentially!

Analyze according to the description in the cheat book.

With Bai Xiaofei's current physical strength and the level of mind power, he should be able to easily cultivate to the second stage of the second realm of the profound meaning of mind energy - advanced stage, that is, he can use mind power to freely manipulate the Qi in his body to form various All kinds of attacks, or unpredictable powers!

Given time, it shouldn't be too difficult to go one step further and break through to the awakening stage!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's own conditions are really too high!

Practice with half the effort!

And ruthless?

Whether it's physical fitness, or mental strength, compared to Bai Xiaofei, there is a world of difference. So when it comes to cultivation, the difficulty is not so high. But fortunately, she has a very rich and good husband, with Bai Xiaofei's careful guidance, and the assistance of countless natural treasures and technological means, I believe that the speed of ruthless cultivation will not slow down much!


Because of the difference in rigid conditions.

The highest stage that Wuqing can reach at present is at best the fusion of the first realm. That is: completely integrate your own thought power with the energy in your body to form a real thought energy! Even so, this kind of cultivation progress and speed is very against the sky!

To know.

Nianqi Profound Truth is infinitely close to Lieyang-level exercises!

Even if it is the first realm, its power and means are quite perverted and against the sky. According to the rating of the space-time shuttle, it is at least equivalent to the level of the peak of the mortal realm. , even the masters of the multi-star realm can leapfrog the challenge!

And according to the judgment and analysis of Wuqing's muscles and understanding, as well as Bai Xiaofei's own resources, Wuqing would need at least one to three years to cultivate to the state of integration. Poor comprehension, or lack of aptitude, but...

In the world of these four famous arrests, the aura is only as strong as this!

Such is the environment!

If you want to get a faster cultivation speed, you have to upgrade the level of the world, just like Bai Xiaofei's small world—Elysium Space, as long as you upgrade to a medium small world, the richness of its aura will naturally double! Or you can only leave with ruthlessness, go to the heavens and worlds, and practice in other time and space with a very high level of aura!

It is simple to say that the level of small worlds needs to be fused with each other, but in practice, it is very complicated, because first you need a redundant small world, which can be merged and evolved! But it's a pity... Bai Xiaofei doesn't have it now!


Best way at the moment.

It was Bai Xiaofei who took Wuqing away from the world of the Four Famous Captures, and traveled with him to the heavens, and went to a more advanced different world to practice, so that Wuqing's strength and realm could be improved extremely quickly. However... When Bai Xiaofei told Wuqing what he thought, what he got was her shaking his head and denying it!

"I don't want to leave here yet!" Wuqing said resolutely.


Bai Xiaofei became a Muggle immediately.



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