The Storm God

Chapter 1367 Battle Doll! (Please subscribe!)


Ruthless didn't say much, but his attitude was very firm.

Anyway, just don't go!

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly.

Since Wuqing doesn't want to leave for the time being, he can't force him to do so, and in the end he can only follow Wuqing's will. Anyway, these four famous arresters have become Bai Xiaofei's small world, as long as they are not in different time and space, Bai Xiaofei can enter at any time, there is no big difference!

An hour later.

Bai Xiaofei compiled all the content about the cultivation of the profound meaning of Nian Qi, as well as the skills of using Nian Qi, etc., into an intelligent auxiliary program. In this way, with the assistance of this level of intelligence, even if Bai Xiaofei is not by Wuqing's side, he doesn't have to worry about her cultivation progress!


He also left a storage ring for Wu Qing. This ring contains thirty-six cubic meters, full of treasures from heaven and earth, and they are all the best treasures in Bai Xiaofei's inventory, enough to support him. Ruthlessly cultivated his qi to the state of fusion.

"You can rest assured!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei was still a little uneasy.

Wuqing suddenly shook his head in a funny way, and said speechlessly: "I just don't want to leave for the time being, and it's not that I'm completely separated from you. Why do you say you're always worried! If you say you're worried, it's because I'm worried about you That's right, after all, in this small world, I am absolutely safe, but you are different!"

"I just miss you!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Wuqing affectionately, with a wry smile on his face, and then sighed and said: "But since you have made up your mind, I can't force you. So let's do this! I'll prepare everything for you, you follow According to the instructions of the intelligent program, you can practice step by step, and there should be no major problems!"

"I will continue to stay here for a while later!"

"Firstly, I want to accompany you more and help you solve some cultivation problems as much as possible; secondly, I have to make some preparations for my departure. After all, although the power of China's Dragon Dynasty spreads all over the world, it is also It has only just stood firm, and the foundation is not so solid yet, and many things still need to be properly dredged and managed!"

"I'll leave when the overall situation is settled and there are no major problems in the way!"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's tone paused slightly, his eyes stared at Wuqing, full of reluctance and said: "Yayu, no one can tell when I will come back after I go, during these days when I'm not here, I hope you can take care of yourself Take care, cultivation is important, but don't be too anxious, we have plenty of time!"

"I just want you to be well!"



He nodded mercilessly.

Afterwards, she hugged Bai Xiaofei tightly, her delicate body trembling slightly, the tears already moistened her eyes.

to be honest……

Why didn't she want to leave with Bai Xiaofei? It's just that Wuqing himself is very clear and understands how low his own strength is. If he follows Bai Xiaofei to the dangerous and unknown worlds of the heavens and worlds, and faces the powerful people in other time and space, he can only become Bai Xiaofei's burden !

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all, she did!

Wuqing seems to be weak, but her personality is very strong, not to mention that it is related to Bai Xiaofei, her own life and safety of her beloved, so she can't be sloppy and take it seriously! Before he has enough strength to protect himself, Wuqing will never leave the world of the four famous catchers!

Bai Xiaofei is her lover!

What Wuqing wants is to follow Bai Xiaofei down-to-earth, help him, take risks and fight side by side, instead of being a burden to the other party!

And all of this, she could only hold back in her heart.

No one can tell!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei also had some vague guesses.

But even if he knew Wu Qing's true intentions, so what? This is a ruthless choice after all!

You can't disrespect her, right? !


The main problem.

Or Bai Xiaofei's strength is a bit too weak.

Otherwise, if he has the ability to cross the heavens, so what if Wu Qing is an ordinary weak woman? Whoever dares to offend her even the slightest bit, Bai Xiaofei will definitely make the other party pay a heavy price every minute, unlike now... he is restrained everywhere, full of worries!

It’s okay if you travel through a lower world, relying on Bai Xiaofei’s black technological means, as well as many clones, and the powerful strength of the main body, there is no problem in protecting Wuqing; but if you are unlucky, you can directly travel to Xianxia , or in the mythical world of cultivating immortals, Bai Xiaofei would be completely Muggle when encountering those strange spells that have never been seen before!

By the time……

Not to mention ruthless protection.

Whether Bai Xiaofei can protect himself is a big question!

Regarding his own safety, Bai Xiaofei is not worried. With the blood pupil of Myriad Demons, he is not afraid even if he is defeated, because he still has the means of rebirth, and he can start again after death. But Ruthless is different! And as a man, how could he tolerate himself and watch his woman get killed? !

If Wuqing really suffered a catastrophe because of his arrogance, Bai Xiaofei would never forgive himself if any accident happened!

He didn't want to experience Shan Xiaofang's incident again!


at this moment.

After clearly feeling the trembling and pain of the ruthless delicate body, Bai Xiaofei secretly made a poisonous oath in his heart: "This is the first time and the last time! Today, I, Bai Xiaofei, swear to the sky that similar things, I will Definitely will not let it happen again!"

The only way to protect women who want to protect themselves from any harm and grievances is to constantly improve themselves! Only by becoming stronger and becoming the master of the heavens and worlds, making everyone fearful and afraid to be enemies with oneself, can one be free and unrestrained and do whatever one wants!

After enlightenment.

Bai Xiaofei started to work hard.

Every day is not accompanied by ruthless, spending time before and after the moon, instructing the other party to practice the profound meaning of mind and energy, and lingering love; it is to implement new policies, reform and update, vigorously improve the living conditions of people around the world, and establish their own prestige. !

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei's other avatars.

None of them are idle, they practice what should be practiced, and those who should do research should do research. Multi-pronged approach, full firepower, really hard work!

God rewards hard work!

Bai Xiaofei's crazy dedication finally got what he deserved.

Three months later, the four great names captured the world, and the whole world was unified in a true sense. Everyone on the earth was ruled by the Chinese Dragon Dynasty. The rebels who attempted to overthrow Bai Xiaofei's rule surrendered one after another, and voluntarily chose to surrender!

The name of the Dragon Emperor.

It has completely become a belief in the world!

Bai Xiaofei's prestige in the world of the Four Famous Catchers has also reached an unprecedented peak state, and he has harvested billions of wish power, more than 20 million fate power and nearly a million merit power! The entire small world is already on the right track, and there are no more rebellions and crises to speak of!

in addition……

Bai Xiaofei's strength.

It has also been improved and strengthened to varying degrees.

And the most obvious effect is the development and research of Nianqi Tattoo, the forbidden technique of Nianqi Profound Meaning by clones.

After several months of crazy experiments day and night, and countless failures, after consuming countless manpower, material resources, and energy, on a clear morning, Bai Xiaofei's wooden escape clone, in a By accident, a super powerful battle doll was successfully created!

Although its duration is only a short ten minutes, its combat ability is extremely powerful. Even Zhuge Zhengwo and Catcher together may not be able to withstand its mind attack. And because of the extremely special vibrating gold material and nanotechnology used, it is also almost indestructible in terms of defense!

In terms of overall performance, this battle figure is almost perfect!


If there are any shortcomings.

In addition to the relatively short duration, only about 10-30 minutes, the biggest disadvantage is that their actions are not smart and flexible enough! After all, they are just the simplest mass-produced battle dolls. Unlike Iron Man, they are also equipped with artificial intelligence in the middle, which can perform all kinds of incredible operations.

But even so, their attacking and fighting abilities far surpassed ordinary people and ordinary warriors!

One more downside is...

It looks too ugly!


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