The Storm God

Chapter 1368 Return to reality! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

With regard to the battle doll, after further development and improvement, the technology has already approached maturity, whether it is appearance, battery life, or overall combat ability, speed of attack and response, all have been greatly improved. The power is very impressive!


Its cost is also high.

Compared with the first generation of mass-produced battle dolls, although the craftsmanship of the second generation is stronger, the cost and time required are fully 5 to 10 times that of the first generation, or even more! In terms of overall comprehensive performance, the first generation is actually more cost-effective.

The second generation of battle dolls can only be used as trump cards.

Just like the special forces and imperial guards in the army, although their lethality, combat effectiveness, and power are far beyond ordinary, they cannot be easily used. One is because the cost is too high. In case of damage and scrapping, it will take a long time to replenish, which is really not worth it!


How can murderous intent be used with a sledgehammer!

To deal with ordinary enemies, the first generation of mass-produced battle dolls is enough!

What should I do if I can't beat it?

It doesn't matter!

The strength is not enough, let's use the quantity to make up!

One is not enough for two, two is not enough for ten, ten is not enough for one hundred, what is mass production type, this is it!

As soon as the crowd tactics come out, you don't believe that you can't kill the enemy!

no matter what...

It can also severely disgust the opponent.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Xiaofei, the master, has a lot of opportunities whether it is to attack or choose to retreat! Anyway, these mass-produced battle dolls require a simple and short time to make, and they can be replenished very easily. Bai Xiaofei doesn't have to worry about their loss at all!

The first generation of battle dolls are therefore directly defined as consumables by Bai Xiaofei!

Only the improved version of the second generation can catch his eyes. It has been carefully injected into the combat program and the artificial AI ability, which greatly improves its intelligence. Whether it is the duration or the combat ability, it is geometric. The multiplier increased dramatically, and Bai Xiaofei regarded it as his number one trump card!

Bai Xiaofei named it [Meow Meow Team].

no way! Who made someone fall in love with the qigong masters in DNF! Not only have these ace battle dolls been shaped into the image of Qigong masters (both men and women), even the name of the legion has directly appropriated the name of the trade union he once belonged to!

Really lazy to the extreme!

on the other hand.

After five months of hard training, as well as Bai Xiaofei's careful guidance, and the endless lingering and nourishing that comes whenever he finds time. To this day, Ruqing's physique and strength have been greatly improved, especially the progress of Nian Qi Profound Meaning, and he has entered the second level of Nian forging, which can be described as rapid progress.

Wuqing's current comprehensive combat power is even close to that of Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God, who have entered the realm of harmony between man and nature for a long time!

The horror and power of Nian Qi Profound Meaning can be seen from this!

Given time.

Wait for the ruthless cultivation to enter a higher stage.

The power of Nian Qi Profound Meaning will undoubtedly become even more astonishing. By then, it will be absolutely easy to catch up to, or even surpass Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God and other veteran peerless masters!


On that day, Bai Xiaofei might not be able to see it.

Because just today, he will leave the small world of the four famous catchers and return to the real world.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to stay longer.


Small World is on track.

Everything has been properly arranged, there is really no need for Bai Xiaofei to stay longer.

Of course, it's not that he can't stay longer for the sake of ruthlessness. Anyway, the time ratio of the real world is different from that of the other world and the small world, so there shouldn't be any problems. But the key is... Bai Xiaofei still needs to continue looking for a way to revive Shan Xiaowei!

This is a key issue related to whether Bai Xiaofei can continue to be with Shan Xiaofang!

Bai Xiaofei can't just ignore it!


For Bai Xiaofei's decision.

Ruthless also expresses great understanding and strong support.

So after the four famous arresters of Small World had no problems, Bai Xiaofei resolutely chose to leave.

before leaving.

Some things must be made clear.

For example, after Bai Xiaofei left, the position of the Dragon Emperor, and the handling of political affairs in the future, all had to be replaced by someone. For this reason... Bai Xiaofei had to temporarily compile a set of super levels, and then transplanted it to a newest model of Terminator, letting it wear the same artificial skin as his own, to deceive the world!

The political problem is solved, and the rest is ruthless.

Because I don't know how long this will go.


Before leaving, in response to Wu Qing's strong request, Bai Xiaofei lingered with her for a while, until Wu Qing completely collapsed and couldn't bear Bai Xiaofei's battle anymore, the two of them called for gold and withdrew. Lying on the bed, the two talked tenderly about each other's love, and finally fell into a sweet and deep sleep!

Early the next morning.

It's not dawn yet, and Ruthless hasn't woken up yet.

Bai Xiaofei, who couldn't bear the beauty to bear the pain of parting, woke up early, left a light kiss for his lover, and with a thought, he directly exited the small world.


real world.

Inside the luxury villa, Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

at this time……

It was noon.

Bai Xiaofei's shadow avatar is in the room, drinking coffee leisurely, listening to beautiful music, and reading thick newspapers, the small life is so nourishing and comfortable! And the sudden appearance of Bai Xiaofei's main body undoubtedly broke everything completely!


After the shadow avatar sensed the breath of the main body, he didn't drink the coffee or read the newspaper, and the music was turned off on the spot, and he came to the front of Bai Xiaofei's main body with a small step, and said with a smile: "My lord, can you It is considered to be back, this time is really rare, and it has been several days since I went there!"

"Could it be that you encountered some problem?"


Looks like a curious baby.

Bai Xiaofei usually travels through time and space, and according to the time ratio of 1:360, he usually returns within a day at most. But this time...Bai Xiaofei waited for several days before coming back. No wonder the shadow clone was curious and confused, thinking that Bai Xiaofei, the main body, was in some serious trouble.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Then, to make a long story short, I briefly told the shadow clone about what happened to the four famous capture worlds and the reason for their late return.

Then asked: "There is no problem in the real world, right?"

"That's it!"

"In reality, there are no major problems!"


The shadow clone wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he stopped suddenly, and finally let out a long sigh. Reluctantly said: "Forget it, let's see for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, the shadow clone took the initiative to release the ninjutsu.


After a puff of white smoke passed, the shadow clone completely disappeared. At the same time... With the return of the shadow clone, a series of things that happened in the real world in the recent period, including the news and information obtained by watching TV media when the shadow clone was bored, were all imprinted on Bai Xiaofei in an instant. in the mind.

And after sorting out the information.

Bai Xiaofei's expression changed immediately, and he froze on the spot, muttering to himself in disbelief: "Xiaoran actually has a boyfriend?!"


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