The Storm God

Chapter 1369: The Proud Son of Heaven! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was extremely depressed.

Because of the integration of the small world and the relatively long time spent in it, about 5 days have passed in the real world. He originally thought that in these short few days, nothing magical would happen, but the truth gave him a slap in the face.

His own younger sister, Bai Xiaoran, actually had a boyfriend!

The most important thing is that, as her own brother, Bai Xiaoran didn't tell herself such a big matter. If it weren't for Mu Mu and others who are always taking care of her in the company, and there are many Terminator around her secretly protecting Bai Xiaoran, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei is still kept in the dark!

"It's simply unreasonable!"

When Bai Xiaofei heard the news, he was furious on the spot. It's no small thing to have a boyfriend, but she secretly started dating without telling herself, even her parents didn't know about it, so isn't she afraid of being cheated? !

No wonder Bai Xiaofei was so angry, anxious and furious.

after all……

Bai Xiaoran is really too simple.

Although I was very intelligent when I was in school, intelligence does not mean IQ and experience!

Especially in a very special place like the capital of Huaxia, there are not many people who have a heart, and who can stay here smoothly? In addition, because of Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaoran's status in the Space-Time Technology Company is increasing day by day, he is simply a proper Snow White! I don't know how many people are secretly calling her attention!

The ghost knows what the other party's purpose of approaching her is!

Thinking of the seriousness of the matter.


Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly darkened.

His gaze became extremely cold in an instant, and he murmured to himself: "I have to intervene in this matter! If the other party really wants to have sex with Xiao Ran, he doesn't have any other purpose, and he is not a scum or something Yes, then let Xiaoran continue to communicate!"

"if not……"


Speaking of this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a flash of murderous intent.

The whole person is like an ice cube in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, and instantly becomes sharp, making people dare not approach at all!


Dongcheng Area.

A programming company.

The environment here is superior and it is in a prime location. Although the company is young, it is full of vigor. In less than two years since its establishment, it has developed from an unknown small company to a very famous large company in Beijing, and a variety of software developed by the company have been nominated and recognized by internationally renowned awards.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a company with great potential! If it continues to develop at the current speed and momentum, in time, this programming and development software company named [Time Technology] may not be able to become an IT giant like Tencent and Alibaba!

And Shangguan Hong.

At a young age, with an attitude of less than 25 years old, he became the highest chairman of the company, and concurrently served as the company's president, creative director, design director... and many other positions. Many of the company's famous software are all experienced What he developed and designed was a veritable genius!

Bai Xiaoran's boyfriend...

it's him!

According to the survey data of the shadow clone.

The two had already added friends on the Internet through the shake of WeChat a long time ago, and they have been in touch until now.

Until two days ago, the two of them sneaked out and made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop. They had dinner together, and then found that they had many common topics and hobbies. , and soon established a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship!

After all, the shadow clone is not the deity.


This matter is related to Bai Xiaofei's own sister.

Therefore, the shadow clone did not dare to intervene easily, lest any unpleasant incidents would happen, and the relationship between Bai Xiaofei and Bai Xiaoran would become even more rigid and depressed! But the shadow clone didn't do nothing, at least the origin and identity of this Shangguanhong was checked thoroughly by him.

I don't know if I don't check it, but I was really shocked when I checked it.

turn out to be……

This Shangguan Hong.

It's not an ordinary family background at all, but has a lot of history.

Before, Bai Xiaofei had been in contact with the Ximen family, Xuanyuan family, Situ family, Dongfang family... and other famous families handed down from ancient times, only then did he realize that this seemingly harmonious society is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but There are a lot of things, all hidden!

Such as superhuman warriors!

Such as the ancient martial arts forces!

For example, a famous family!

And Shangguanhong's family is one of many famous families! Although they are not well-known among the big families, they are far stronger than ordinary rich and powerful, and their family-style industries and foundations are far from the huge and powerful ones that ordinary people can imagine.

It's just that this Shangguanhong is a strange one.

As the proud son of heaven with a golden spoon in his mouth, the only male in this generation of the Shangguan family, he is known as the hopeful star of the Shangguan family. An incomparably rich life, but Shangguanhong insisted on starting his own business!

And it's the kind that doesn't depend on family background at all.

have to say……

Shangguanhong is very courageous and thoughtful.

In fact, he does have great talent and talent. Before graduating from university, he followed the example of Bill Gates. After completing all the courses he was interested in, he applied for early graduation and successfully passed the test. He entered the society with his ideals and ambitions!

After graduation.

Shangguanhong first used his programming ability and unique vision to develop and design a system optimization software for Android phones with a loan. Although this software is short and powerful, it is very powerful, and it is quickly supported and loved by the general public. And one month later, Shangguan Hong successfully earned his first pot of gold, a huge membership registration fee of 20 million!


Take advantage of this pot of gold.

Shangguanhong registered and established this software company named [Time Technology]. After getting out of control, with his strong strength, super far-sighted vision, and unique technical ability, Shangguan Hong developed the technology of the times to the outstanding and huge scale it is today in just two years!

Up to now, the market value of Times Technology Company has far exceeded 90 billion U.S. dollars!

It can be described as a veritable large-scale enterprise!

And today...

In the office building of Times Technology Company, a strange guest suddenly came.

"Sir, who are you looking for?" A sweet-looking, youthful and beautiful beauty immediately greeted a strange guest in the company, and asked with a very respectful attitude, not because the other party was wearing ordinary clothes. , and there is the slightest contempt and neglect.

Her intuition told herself that this person has a detached temperament, sword eyebrows and star eyes, giving people a sense of calmness and majesty. Although he is dressed in general, but based on her years of experience in seeing people, she is definitely not an ordinary person! As soon as the other party came, he looked around, obviously not a client of the company, but rather looking for someone!

Hence this question.


Gently nodded.

Bai Xiaofei admired and recognized this beautiful woman's attitude towards others and her venomous eyes, and secretly lamented that it was really extraordinary for a company to develop rapidly to what it is today.

Immediately said lightly: "I'm looking for the chairman and president of your company!"



The beauty was taken aback when she heard this.

He actually came to see our chairman? And the full name is the mouth, it seems that the visitor is not kind!


I saw her smile smugly.

Quietly, he winked at a colleague next to him.

At the same time, with a smiling face, he continued to deal with Bai Xiaofei and said, "Sir, I see that you are relatively unfamiliar, so you probably are not a customer of our company, right? That's right, our chairman is usually very busy, not programming and developing programs." Software is dealing with all kinds of things in the company!"


"If you want to see our chairman, you generally need to make an appointment in advance!"

"Do you have an appointment?"


The little beauty doesn't look big.

But he was very cautious and experienced in doing things, careful and thoughtful, almost watertight, but Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but look at her more, then shook his head with a smile and said: "Sorry, I came in a hurry this time, and I didn't have any appointments at all, and ...In my capacity, if I want to see your chairman, I don't need an appointment at all!"

Although the tone is light, it is extremely arrogant and domineering!


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