The Storm God

Chapter 1370 Roll as far as you can! (Please subscribe!)


After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words.

The little beauty couldn't help being startled again, and said in her heart: "What is this called? Isn't this tone too crazy? Although the technology of our era is not a world-renowned super-large company, it can be counted as one of the top 100 companies in China. The guy actually looks down on us so much, who do you think you are?"

Although there was some displeasure in his heart, he didn't show his hand on the surface.


The smile on the face of the little beauty.

But he was not as enthusiastic as before, and asked a little coldly: "I don't know what your name is, sir?"

"My surname is Bai!"


The little beauty was stunned on the spot.

Secretly said: "What kind of surname is this? It seems...among the well-known big companies and dignitaries, there is no one named Bai? Could it be a subsidiary nepotism? Relying on knowing other powerful people, that's why they acted so arrogantly, who? Don't you care about it?"

My mind turned.

For a while, the little beauty didn't know what to do.

According to her original intention, she directly rejected Bai Xiaofei, saying that her boss was not around, and so on. But... Seeing Bai Xiaofei's dignified appearance and extraordinary temperament, although he is arrogant and domineering, he doesn't look like a bully, he hesitates in his heart, for fear that the other party really has something to do with it.

If you annoy the other party, you can add trouble to your boss.

What kind of eyesight Bai Xiaofei has!


He saw the little beauty's thoughts and predicament almost instantly, smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Beauty, you can't guess my identity, and you can't recognize it! You should go and inform your boss Shangguanhong, just Said that the surname is Bai looking for him, he will naturally understand!"

"All right!"

The little beauty was helpless.

In the end, he could only do what Bai Xiaofei said, nodded and said: "Then please wait here for a while, I will go right away!"

After finishing the courtesy, turn around and leave.

not for a while.

The little beauty returned to Bai Xiaofei again.

"Mr. Bai!"

She seemed to know some of Bai Xiaofei's identity, and the smile on her face returned to the sweetness and enthusiasm when they first met, and said respectfully: "Please, our chairman is negotiating with a very important client, and we can't leave for the time being." , please wait a moment, he will come soon!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

In fact, there is no need for the little beauty to talk about the situation inside, Bai Xiaofei has already used his mind and thoughts to touch the whole building clearly. Then Shangguanhong was not negotiating with customers at all, but was being trained, and was ridiculed and abused like a grandson, but he had no temper at all!


Bai Xiaofei felt that this Shangguanhong seemed pretty good.

Regardless of personal ability, talent, or family background, they are barely worthy of my sister. If the other party has no major flaws or style problems, and really wants Bai Xiaoran to be together, the matter between the two , Bai Xiaofei decided not to intervene anymore!

But now...

Bai Xiaofei felt that he had to reconsider.

While thinking about it, the little beauty led Bai Xiaofei to the reception room of Times Technology, and enthusiastically poured a pot of high-quality Dahongpao for Bai Xiaofei, and then sat directly next to Bai Xiaofei, chatting with Bai Xiaofei. It's just that between the words, the other party always wanted to set some background and identity of Bai Xiaofei.


How could Bai Xiaofei fail to see the tricks of the little beauty? Whenever the other party asked a question about himself, he would smile lightly and refuse to talk about it, or pick up the teacup and taste it slowly to change the subject. This behavior, it's so good that the little beauty was not depressed to death.


After waiting for about ten minutes, when Bai Xiaofei was a little impatient, Shangguan Hong finally sent away the guy who had trained him for a long time, then calmed down his emotions, and then put on the most confident and charming expression he usually has. The smiling face walked all the way and entered the company's meeting room.


Seeing Shangguan Hong coming in, the little beauty got up immediately and said.


Shangguan Hong nodded lightly.

Then he waved at her and said, "Thank you for your hard work, go get busy!"


The little beauty turned and left.

However, she seemed to be really pissed off by Bai Xiaofei, before leaving, she still used her big beautiful eyes to give someone an angry look. But what made her even more angry was that Bai Xiaofei ignored her at all. At this moment, a pair of eyes and gazes fell directly on Shangguanhong!

"This guy!"

The little beauty was immediately annoyed by Bai Xiaofei again.

So much so that after leaving the conference room and returning to her job, she still couldn't calm down, her pretty face was full of speechlessness and depression.

Regardless of the reaction of the little beauty.

This is the meeting room.

As soon as Shangguan Hong appeared, Bai Xiaofei began to size him up unscrupulously. His gaze was so aggressive and aggressive that Shangguanhong's first impression was that he was a stripped white lamb with its wings naked in front of a big bad wolf. I got goosebumps all over my body!

"Mr. Bai, right?"

In order to break this embarrassing situation.

Shangguan Hong had no choice but to speak first: "I heard that you are looking for me? I don't know what it is?!"

This guy is about 1.8 meters tall, and he looks quite handsome. He has nothing to do with exquisiteness, and he has edges and corners. He looks very similar to some popular Korean idol stars. In fact, he does have some Korean blood , because his mother is an out-and-out Korean.

And his gaze.

From the depths of his eyes, Bai Xiaofei saw great ambitions, which were desire and confidence for the future! But... Bai Xiaofei saw more than this ambition, but it was deep despair and helplessness. They are like wildly growing weeds in the wasteland, almost covering the entire depths of Shangguanhong's heart!

Its ideals and aspirations were deeply covered and completely suppressed underground!

The kind that barely sees the light of day!


See here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning, and he no longer had the desire to continue investigating.

Because in his opinion, Shangguan Hong is impure. Such a person, when approaching his sister, nine out of ten have ulterior motives. Combined with the previous scene, Bai Xiaofei can be 100% sure that Shangguanhong is definitely dating Bai Xiaoran for some ulterior purpose!


The two dated for almost three months.

Why didn't we meet each other for so much time and opportunity before, why did we have to wait for Bai Xiaoran to make a quick decision after Bai Xiaoran showed his ambitions in Space-Time Technology Company? If you want to say that there are no messy things or other factors mixed in, even if you kill Bai Xiaofei, he won't believe it!


The possibility of fate cannot be ruled out!

But the probability of this possibility is almost as high as one in a billion, Bai Xiaofei doesn't think Shangguan Hong will be such a lucky one!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's attitude turned cold in an instant.

Especially after hearing Shangguan Hong's words, his face became even colder.


Bai Xiaofei stood up with a whoosh.

With a height of nearly two meters, he was a head taller than Shangguan Hong. Looking down at this little white face that Bai Xiaofei thought was very deep in the city, he didn't bother to keep up with Shangguan Hong's ink, and directly cut to the chase and said coldly: "Stop pretending to me, who am I, what is my origin and identity? background, don’t you know?”

"I just want to tell you one thing..."

"It's best to put away your ghost ideas and small thoughts, and get away from my sister as far as you can!"


When it comes to this.

Bai Xiaofei's whole body suddenly changed, the gentle and indifferent aura on his body instantly became like arctic ice, cold and domineering! Show your sharpness! Especially that pair of indifferent eyes without any emotion, and the words that were spoken later, are even more chilling!

"I'll make your whole family disappear!"


Shangguan Hong was shocked immediately.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, Shangguanhong felt like an ant, and Bai Xiaofei was the overlord of the earth in the ancient Cretaceous period, a terrifying existence similar to Tyrannosaurus rex, as long as the other party wanted to, he could trample himself to death with ease at any time!


He had never seen such a terrifying momentum and eyes before, he couldn't help but gasped on the spot, his face was full of horror and fear!

He was so frightened by Bai Xiaofei that he lost his ability to speak.

at the same time……

Taking advantage of Shangguan Hong's mental shock.

At the critical moment when Bai Xiaofei's eyes were suddenly fixed, and the impact of his mind power transformed into Shangguanhong, he invaded without hindrance on the spot. in consciousness.


Someone began to search and probe Shangguanhong's memory recklessly!

For Bai Xiaoran, what is moral or immoral.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all!


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