The Storm God

Chapter 1371 Shangguanhong's plan! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei collected all of Shangguanhong's memories.

The reason why he did this was not to try to imitate Shangguanhong, but to ensure that nothing would go wrong. After all, it was related to his sister's happiness and relationship issues. Everything just now was based on Bai Xiaofei's subjective feelings and guesses. At most, it was a deterrent. And testing each other, what if there is any misunderstanding?

Investigating Shangguanhong's memory is the last chance Bai Xiaofei gave him!

If there is any misunderstanding, it's okay to say!


If Shangguan Hong is really plotting something wrong.

Then Bai Xiaofei didn't mind teaching him how to behave, even directly destroying the Shangguan family!

If you dare to bully my sister, you must pay the price!

I do not care who you are!


Bai Xiaofei briefly browsed through Shangguanhong's memory. And the result of the fact is really as he guessed, this Shangguanhong approaching Bai Xiaoran is not as simple as it appears on the surface, but has other plans! And the ultimate reason for it in the final analysis lies in Bai Xiaofei, who is the older brother!

And the whole thing.

We have to start with the incident in the ancient secret realm not long ago.

At first...

The Dongfang family and the Nangong family wanted to deal with Bai Xiaofei. After breaking out of the formation, their strength increased greatly, and their self-confidence swelled. Let Bai Xiaofei teach them how to behave.

Especially the Nangong family.

The people present at the scene were almost killed by Bai Xiaofei.

Later, because of Shan Xiaowei's matter, new and old grievances combined together completely angered Bai Xiaofei, which led to the demise of the Nangong family. Because the Dongfang family saw the opportunity early and was very good at making troubles, plus various reasons from the upper levels, they survived the disaster and did not follow in the footsteps of the Ximen family and the Nangong family.

However, the Dongfang family also suffered heavy losses because of this, and the family status plummeted a lot. Because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship, the famous families that have been handed down in China since ancient times can be described as a complete reshuffle. The former four great families were either wiped out by Bai Xiaofei, or because of him, there has been a sharp rise and fall.


Dongfangjia is the most obvious example.

If they hadn't become enemies with Bai Xiaofei back then, perhaps with their rich heritage, the Dongfang family has now been promoted to one of the four great families. But it's a pity that there is no if in reality, and because of an idiot from the Dongfang family, they completely missed this opportunity!

It even hurt the Dongfang family's vitality and suffered heavy losses!


The strength of the Dongfang family.

It can be said to be very miserable. Instead of being promoted, it has dropped a lot!

The principals of the Dongfang family, of course, would not sit idly by and let the Dongfang family continue to decline like this, so they thought of a way to ease and enhance the prestige and strength of their own family, and this way was to form an alliance with another famous family!

That's right!

It's the kind of alliance in film and television dramas!

Although the routine is very old and bloody, it is the most labor-saving and effective method, not one of them!

And the alliance partner chosen by the Dongfang family is the Shangguan family where Shangguan Hong belongs! And... the two families may say they are forming an alliance, but in reality, this is not the case. Instead, the Dongfang family took this opportunity to annex the Shangguan family, so as to strengthen themselves and make up for the huge losses caused by Bai Xiaofei.

To know.

The Dongfang family was almost on the verge of becoming one of the four great families. Whether it is the original capital and strength of the family itself, or the doubling of the top combat power of the ancient martial arts masters in the family after the trial of the secret realm, it is a huge force that cannot be ignored!

As the saying goes, "a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!".

No matter how bad the Dongfang family is, it is definitely not something that a mere Shangguan family can compete with and compare to. Facing the "alliance" proposed by the Dongfang family, the Shangguan family, whose family power was severely lacking, was powerless to resist. They had no choice but to grit their teeth and accept it in the end!

The key to this matter is that the alliance condition proposed by the Dongfang family is to let Shangguan Hong, the star of hope of the Shangguan family, the proud son of heaven, marry a contemporary woman from the Dongfang family, which is the so-called marriage. Of course... that's the case on the surface, but the actual situation is similar to Shangguan's family marrying Dongfang's family!

The conditions proposed by the Dongfang family were extremely harsh and unreasonable!

no way!

Situation is stronger than people!

What can the Shangguan family do? They are also very desperate!

He agreed, and the Shangguan family survived in name only, and has since become a joke among famous families, and a negative teaching material for other small families. But don't agree... Nima! Based on the arrogance of the Dongfang family, I am afraid that they will directly attack the Shangguan family. There is no need to wait until then. It is estimated that the Shangguan family will be completely finished in a short time!

Without any choice.

For the future of the family, the Shangguan family can only rely on Shangguan Hong to bear the burden of humiliation.

As I said before, this Shangguanhong is a genius with ideals and ambitions. Every genius has his arrogance and arrogance in his heart. Are they all ruined? !

While there is still time.

Shangguanhong began to fight against fate and all kinds of plans of the Dongfang family. It's a pity... Even though he is resourceful, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger. For a behemoth like the Dongfang family, Shangguanhong's various plans can't make any waves at all!


By chance.

Shangguanhong found out about Bai Xiaoran's situation.

Then, Shangguanhong, who was not very interested in Bai Xiaoran at first, immediately had a bad idea.

no way!

Who let her work in Time and Space Technology? You know, that is the most popular and potential well-known big company and enterprise in the world today! Compared with the technology of Shangguanhong's era, it is as small as an ant. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all, okay!


None of this is the point.

The most important thing is that Shangguanhong learned from his own sources that Bai Xiaoran seems to be inextricably linked with the "Asura Devil" in the family rumors. Although this hope is very slim, almost a one in a billion chance, but it is better to believe it than to believe it!

For their own future.

At this moment, Shangguanhong, who was almost desperate and couldn't think of any way to resist the Dongfang family and fate, could only go against his conscience and choose to get close to Bai Xiaoran. He intends to use her admiration and affection for him to try to find out the [Sura Devil] behind it.

If everything is as I guessed, Bai Xiaoran is indeed the sister of the rumored [Sura Devil], as long as he boards this big boat and becomes his brother-in-law, relying on the terror and prestige of the Asura Devil among the famous families, It doesn't matter whether you are from the East or the West, it depends on which one of you dares to stab you arrogantly!


It was all the truth that Bai Xiaofei learned through Shangguanhong's memory.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Shangguanhong approached Bai Xiaoran and deceived Bai Xiaoran's feelings was entirely because of his brother Bai Xiaofei. Whether it was the alliance of the Dongfang family, the resistance of the Shangguan family, or Shangguan Hong who was forced to sell his moral bottom line and integrity in desperation and tried to resist, all of these were all because of Bai Xiaofei!

After figuring this out.

Bai Xiaofei's complexion suddenly became complicated and ugly, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, and he was depressed and speechless in his heart: "Damn it! I didn't expect things to turn around, and finally turned to myself, what a mess!" After waiting for a long time, Bai Xiaoran will be deceived, or is it because of me?!"

Having said that.

But the actual situation is not so calculated.

after all……

Back then, it wasn't Bai Xiaofei who took the initiative to provoke others.

Whether it was the Nangong family or the Dongfang family, it was the other party who provoked Bai Xiaofei first, and Bai Xiaofei was just forced to fight back. Could it be that this is also wrong? There is also Shangguanhong's choice, you are right to fight against fate and the Dongfang family, but if you choose to use Bai Xiaoran, then absolutely not!

Just like the law.

The law doesn't care what your reason is, as long as you break the law, whether it's stealing, robbing, or murder and arson, you must be punished accordingly! It is impossible to pretend that nothing happened just because you have some difficulties, that is absolutely impossible!

The same reason.

Shangguan Hong dared to deceive and use Bai Xiaoran's feelings to achieve his ulterior purpose, no matter what difficulties and difficulties the other party had, the facts were the facts. As Bai Xiaoran's older brother, he naturally wouldn't sit idly by, and just let it go, it would be too cheap for the other party.

God knows what you did!

No matter who it is, they must pay the due price for their actions!

Shangguan Hong is no exception!


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