The Storm God

Chapter 1372 Repay him with his way! (Please subscribe!)

"How about this!"

After thinking about it for a while.

Bai Xiaofei had already made up his mind how to punish Shangguanhong.

In view of this matter, the rest of the Shangguan family did not participate in it, and everything was just Shangguanhong's plan alone, so Bai Xiaofei did not intend to punish their entire family. Instead, the grievances and debts were directly locked on Shangguanhong himself!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is not some kind of devil.

He is not interested in killing people, he just kills people all over the house for fun.

The extermination incidents of Ximen's family, Situ's family, and Nangong's family were all accidents. Who made them have to play dead and touched Bai Xiaofei's bottom line, either hurting Bai Xiaofei's parents, or entrapping his very important friend? As anyone else, as long as they have the same ability as Bai Xiaofei, they will probably do the same, right?


Maybe even more ruthless than Bai Xiaofei!

Although Shangguanhong is hateful, he used the inexperienced and naive Bai Xiaoran to deceive her feelings to achieve his ulterior purpose, but he failed in the end. Everything is just the beginning, and many things and plans have not yet been completed. It's time to implement it.

The two of them just established a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, and intimate contact like holding hands, kissing, etc. has not yet begun. It can be said that it is just a fake boyfriend with a reputation, but Bai Xiaoran has not been hurt too much by Shangguan Hong!


There is no doubt that Shangguan Hong will die!

However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. No matter what Shangguanhong said, he still lied to Bai Xiaoran. If Bai Xiaofei hadn't discovered it early, God knows what would have happened to the two of them in the end. But even so, after Bai Xiaofei stopped Shangguanhong, Bai Xiaoran would still suffer a certain amount of mental damage and influence.


Bai Xiaofei decided to teach Shang Gu Hong an unforgettable lesson.

First of all, it is natural to bury spiritual hints in his mind, let him find a suitable reason, break up with Bai Xiaoran quickly, and never have any contact with Bai Xiaoran again. In this way, there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to come forward to mediate the relationship between the two, so as not to make Bai Xiaoran hate him even more.


It was Shangguan Hong's punishment.

In view of his performance, it's not too much to be hated, at most it's just letting Bai Xiaoran experience the pain of a broken relationship. Therefore, Bai Xiaofei didn't interrupt to inflict physical torture on him, but let him experience mental torture as well.

for example……

Bring down Shangguanhong's era of technology.

You know, this company is the hard work and hope of Shangguan Hong, and it can be said to be the crystallization of all his confidence and ideals. The blow, as one can imagine, is absolutely huge!

What Bai Xiaofei meant was very simple.

Since you hurt my own sister, I will take away everything you love the most.

This is called repaying the other with the way of the other!

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped hesitating and started to act immediately.

How powerful his mental power is, let alone using all his mental power, even if it is only one ten thousandth, it is more than ten times stronger than Shangguan Hong. With such terrifying strength, it is simply a piece of cake for Bai Xiaofei to modify and plant the seeds of spiritual suggestion and hypnosis!

Almost instantly.

Bai Xiaofei completed the first step of his revenge plan.

Shangguan Hong has successfully been altered by Bai Xiaofei, and after he leaves, Shangguan Hong will immediately contact Bai Xiaoran and announce the end of his boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. As for what reason? Then there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to worry about it. As the star of hope and the proud son of the big family, Shangguan Hong has a lot of tricks!

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei also took the opportunity to search out all the confidential information about Times Technology and the contact information of important customers from Shangguanhong's mind. With this information in hand, with the huge strength of the space-time technology company behind Bai Xiaofei, if you want to shut down Times Technology, it will be as easy as pie!

not to mention……

Don't forget everyone.

Bai Xiaofei still has a background in the Chinese military!

As long as he is willing, let out some rumors, implying that the technology of the times has offended him, and he doesn't even need to do it himself at that time. In order to please Bai Xiaofei, the Huaxia military will avoid another large-scale bloodshed and casualties, or even a massacre. If it happens, it will naturally come to trouble the technology of the times!

Even if the technology of the times is awesome, so what?

Once you encounter a giant and invincible existence like the state machine, you are ten times more powerful, and that is purely for nothing!


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to do this.

After all, this is his private matter, and the situation is completely different from the last two times. The most important thing is that for Shangguanhong's revenge, Bai Xiaofei can only relieve his hatred even more if he does it himself. If it is done by others, it would be too unfulfilling.

Do it all.

Bai Xiaofei withdrew the control of Shangguanhong with his mind and thoughts. Immediately, turn around and leave. Don't be sloppy, because there is no need to stay here anymore. In the huge reception room, only Shangguanhong was left there with a bewildered expression, as if struck by lightning.

until a moment later.

Shangguan Hongcai came back to his senses from a daze.

But at this time, under the influence of Bai Xiaofei's mental power, he had completely forgotten about Bai Xiaofei's existence.

follow closely……

He immediately took out his phone.

A call was made to Bai Xiaoran who was working far away at Space-Time Technology.

"let's break up!"



Regardless of what Shangguan Hong did.


After Bai Xiaofei left Times Technology.

Before walking out of the building, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Mu Mu.


Wood looked very puzzled.

He was quite aware of Bai Xiaofei's temper. If there was no important event, it would be impossible for Bai Xiaofei to take the initiative to call him with his attitude of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper, and his tone was still so solemn and serious, obviously something happened!


With Bai Xiaofei's status and status today, what could make him so dignified? !

Wood expressed curiosity.


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's request.

Although Mu Mu is still a little confused, after these days of improvement and tempering, he is still keenly aware of what the crowd is doing. Mu Mu had also heard of Times Technology, and even almost became a partner with it. He vaguely remembered that the chairman of the other party was very young, and he seemed to be called Shangguanhong, and he seemed to be a great genius!

He was puzzled.

How could a software company that was out of reach provoke Bai Xiaofei?

He was so angry that Bai Xiaofei wanted to completely crush the other party!

My dear!

How much hatred and resentment must this be?

"Could it be..."

Mu Mu rolled his eyes, and secretly guessed in his heart: "It's that kid who doesn't have eyes, and picked up girls and ran to Xiaobai?!"

Apart from this reason, Mu really couldn't think of any other reason.

I want to go back to thinking.

What Bai Xiaofei explained.

Mu Mu would definitely not be sloppy and delay, after hanging up the phone, he immediately called Xiao Jin and others in.

Several good brothers got together and started calculating and planning.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei just hung up the phone.

Before I could put the phone away, it rang again.


Seeing the caller ID on the phone screen, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and said in astonishment: "It's actually Director Zhao's call? At this time, he should be filming in the country of America, right? Why did he suddenly think of calling me? What's the trouble?"

Director Zhao.

That is, director Zhao Yichao.

One of the well-known directors in China. Although there are not many film works, he is one of the best in the field of TV dramas. It can be said that he is one of the few friends that Bai Xiaofei recognizes. Although the other party's current status is far inferior to Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei has never underestimated him because of this.

The most important thing about friends is heart-to-heart, not pure material!

In addition to doubts.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have much ink.

Immediately connected to Director Zhao's call, and greeted him with a smile.


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