The Storm God

Chapter 1373 Superstar Alliance! (Please subscribe!)

"I see!"

After the two of them had some courtesy.

Immediately, Director Zhao told Bai Xiaofei straight to the point, in fact, he called Bai Xiaofei this time because he needed Bai Xiaofei's help for something, and the matter that Director Zhao asked for help was not because of himself, but to help others, and because of this Because of this, Director Zhao deliberately rushed back from a foreign country by plane.

Director Zhao is currently in Pearl River Dijing in B Beijing.

"See you at the old place!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while, Bai Xiaoran's matter has basically been resolved, and Mu Mu and others are doing it for him about the revenge work of Times Technology, and he has no urgent matters to deal with now, and he is idle if he is idle. When you call, just take a look!

after all……

The two are friends!

My friends all turned down their faces and asked for help, so I can't just ignore it!

Help if you can!


Director Zhao immediately agreed.

Judging from the tone of the other party, he was obviously very happy.

It's no wonder, after all, Bai Xiaofei's current status is different from that of the past. He can be said to be a complete boss and a military genius. Director Zhao is really afraid that Bai Xiaofei won't be free, or he will look down on himself, a bad old man in the entertainment industry. Now that the other party asks me to come out to meet, it means that the matter is already half successful!

Can Director Zhao be happy?


Excitement is excitement.

The matter of asking for help for others, whether it can be successful or not, we have to wait until we have a discussion with Bai Xiaofei. It's not too early to be happy, otherwise, if you tell your friends the good news in advance, but in the end it doesn't work, then you will be miserable!

So far.

Director Zhao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly tidied up.

Then he called the driver, took the car keys, and drove to the "old place" by himself.


After nearly half an hour.

Director Zhao drove the car and finally arrived at the destination in a hurry. Throwing the car keys directly to the parking attendant at the door, Director Zhao rushed into the hotel anxiously. It's been more than half an hour, and Director Zhao was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would be anxious to wait, so he felt depressed and unhappy!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is now the old director of Space-time Technology Company!

More than a billion in one minute!


Such a bullshit status.

But I was stuck in traffic on the road, causing others to wait for more than half an hour, who would not be in a hurry!


Director Zhao hurried to the private room.

But the situation inside was completely different from Director Zhao's imagination. But Bai Xiaofei was sitting there very leisurely at the moment, with beautiful and exquisite food on the table, and... a laptop that didn't seem to be serious. The computer turned on four players, and four different movies were playing in them!

And Bai Xiaofei.

At the moment, I am concentrating on looking at the computer, and I am engrossed in watching it.

"I rely on it!"

See this situation.

Director Zhao froze in place almost instantly.

He exclaimed secretly in his heart: "What's the situation with this shit? As the old director of Space-time Technology Company, shouldn't he pay more attention to the company's business, the dynamics of other competitors, and the information in the industry? Why is Bai Xiaofei now Are you watching a movie?"


"Watching four movies at the same time, can he see it?"

"This unscientific!"


Director Zhao was full of doubts.

And long before he entered the private room, Bai Xiaofei, who was extremely powerful in mental strength and mind power, had already discovered Director Zhao.

Seeing Director Zhao standing still, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, turned off the laptop, then got up and greeted Director Zhao, "Director Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time, so don't come here without any problems! Come, sit down! Whatever you want to eat, eat whatever you want." Come on, I'll treat you today!"


An all-encompassing posture.

"That's okay!"

After all, Director Zhao is also a person who has seen the world. After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, he immediately came back to his senses, and then quickly shook his head and refused: "I must treat you today! I am here to ask you to lend a helping hand. How can I ask you to treat me?" The reason for eating? This is against the rules!"

"Xiaobai, you are not allowed to rob me!"


Director Zhao said seriously.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

It's just a meal, he really doesn't care.

But since Director Zhao is so serious and persistent, let him go. Anyway, as long as everyone is happy, and Bai Xiaofei also knows that although the food and drinks here are extremely expensive, a table can cost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, or even more, but for a big director like Director Zhao, it is nothing at all!

The two sat down.

Then the food and drink came quickly.

Director Zhao also took this opportunity to talk about serious matters with Bai Xiaofei.

It turned out that the person who begged him to ask Bai Xiaofei for help this time was not just one, but many, many, and all of them were well-known domestic superstars, even international superstars. Such as Jackie Chan, such as Sammo Hung, such as Jet Li, such as Stephen Chow... and so on and so on.

Dozens of film and television superstars of the older generation formed a star alliance, jointly invited Director Zhao as a representative, and implored Bai Xiaofei to help.

Such a battle is probably the first time in history!

I never know.

At least……

Absolutely unprecedented!

And when he heard this, even though Bai Xiaofei was in a detached state of mind, he couldn't help being slightly surprised at this moment, and he didn't dare to say anything: "Director Zhao, are you kidding me? I'm an ordinary businessman , so many film and television superstars, how would they know about me? And let you act as a representative, please ask me for help?"

"This joke is a little fake!"


Bai Xiaofei's first reaction was to not believe it!


"This is not a joke!"


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it, Director Zhao became anxious on the spot, and quickly explained: "They really need your help! Don't even think about the status and influence of your space-time technology company, especially the omnipotent The advent of medical instruments is simply a subversive revolution in the medical field, the technological field, the beauty field... and many other industries!"

"Do you know how many people dream every day and want to use the universal medical device to heal themselves and restore themselves!"

"Especially the ability to rejuvenate and adjust the body's state!"

"That's like being reborn!"


When it comes to this.

Director Zhao suddenly seemed to be a different person. He was a complete fan of the universal medical device and a die-hard supporter! And in Director Zhao's eloquent, eloquent, and ecstatic narration, Bai Xiaofei finally understood the reason and the whole story of the matter.

well known.

In the current entertainment industry, film and television dramas, variety shows, commercials... and other columns, almost all of them are dominated by small fresh meat, all of which follow the route of traffic and popularity, and earn the support of fans. It is precisely because of this that there are many brain-destroyed films, garbage films, and even "god" dramas that are so mentally retarded that they can almost kill people with poison!

However, the film and television superstars of the older generation are in a rather embarrassing and helpless situation. It's not that they don't want to stand up and use their superb acting skills to return the "blue sky" to people's blue sky, so that people will be less poisoned by some garbage dramas, but the conditions do not allow it!

First, the environment has changed.

Not many investors will value these outdated so-called superstars anymore. After all, there are many so-called big productions in which superstars participated, throwing investors on the street and ruining their fortunes. There are definitely not a few examples of them losing their money. On the contrary, some newcomers and new dramas can become dark horses in word-of-mouth and box office, allowing investors to make a lot of money. Pot full!

This is the era of fresh meat!

For those superstars of the older generation, although the little fresh meats are immature, have no acting skills, and even insult people's IQ throughout the whole process, the fans buy it! With traffic, popularity, low cost, big money...Compared with all kinds of situations, investors are naturally more inclined to the latter, rather than the older generation of superstars!


Even if it costs more.

Investors will not hesitate to invite those who are already red and purple, and the asking price is even more outrageous!

Because there is a greater interest hidden behind it!

They are willing to bet!


The superstars of the older generation are basically from the same era, and their grades are generally too old. Even if they don't want so much money, they want to shoot good movies wholeheartedly and dedicate themselves to art, their bodies won't allow it! Such as Sammo Hung, such as Jet Li...

This is the tempering of the years, but also the sorrow of this era, an inevitable trend of film and television culture! As long as there are real swords and guns, actors who don't need so many substitutes, devote themselves to film and television culture, and don't treat the audience as fools, will more or less be left with incurable pain and unresolved diseases!

Such as Jackie Chan!

Such as Jet Li!

Like Wu Jing!


Etc., etc.

These stars who are sincerely dedicated to art, more or less because of their health, turned down many film contracts, and even stopped going out directly, but succumbed to the background, or simply acted like a dragon. The character, just show your face!

Facing the abnormal development of today's entertainment industry, what can they do?

They are also very desperate!


With the advent of the universal medical device developed by Bai Xiaofei, these stars see hope!

If there is a universal medical instrument, then these older generation of actors can completely heal the body's hidden diseases, injuries, and even restore youth, adjust their physical condition, and perfectly present their best side again On the big screen, inject a powerful and familiar stream into this chaotic and deformed entertainment industry!

Holiday time.

With the hard work and hard work of these stars.

I believe that the pathological development of this era of small fresh meat in the entertainment industry will eventually be completely changed by their artistic spirit!


The universal medical instrument is too heaven-defying!

At present, only the military has the supply of goods. Other well-known large hospitals either do not have them, or they only have orders and contracts. Can't tell!

I heard by chance that after I found an old director who knew the technology of the times, superstars headed by Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Jet Li, Stephen Chow and other well-known actors formed an actor union alliance, and they all approached Director Zhao, hoping that Bai Xiaofei Being able to lend a helping hand, help them out of their predicament, and restore a fresh and positive environment in the entertainment industry!

All the stars said that the price is not a problem, everything is negotiable!

This is a good thing for the entertainment industry!


After knowing the thoughts of many friends.

Director Zhao agreed to the task on the spot, but he didn't know whether it would be possible or not, so he just said he would do his best.


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