The Storm God

Chapter 1374 Bai Xiaofei's Request! (Please subscribe!)

"That's the way it is!"

Director Zhao finished explaining the ins and outs, then held up his wine glass, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Xiaobai, I hope you can raise your hand in this matter, help my brother, and those who are about to be abandoned by the times, and return the entertainment industry to a normal state." development of!"


"You also have your difficulties. If it really doesn't work, I won't blame you!"

"This cup, I'll do it first!"


The voice just fell.

There was nearly three taels of white wine in the cup.

Director Zhao lifted his neck and drank it all on the spot, leaving Bai Xiaofei speechless for a while.


Regarding the matter that Director Zhao said.

Bai Xiaofei's attitude is absolutely supportive and agreeable, let's not talk about anything else, just don't want to let rubbish dramas insult his eyes, that's one of the biggest reasons! What's more...among these superstars, many of them are Bai Xiaofei's favorite idols!

Such as Jackie Chan!

Such as Zhou Xingchi!

Such as Jet Li!


Bai Xiaofei almost grew up watching their movies.


As time goes by.

These superstars are getting older and older, and many of them have begun to withdraw from the big screen and no longer play roles. Even if there are, they are just some insignificant supporting roles. Their presence or absence has almost no impact, such as "The Detective No Two" ", Jet Li's role in it is negligible, almost for fun!

This disappointed Bai Xiaofei!

Another example...

Zhou Xingchi changed careers and became a director.

Today's Xingye, with gray hair and age marks on his face, looks very haggard, far from being as handsome and handsome as Bai Xiaofei imagined, funny and nonsensical, even if he can still watch the movies directed by him, but the leading actors of the movies , It is no longer Master Xing, but replaced by someone else.

Although Master Xing's movies are still very good, they continue to be nonsensical.


No matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

Master Xing's movies are no longer the taste and feeling of the past.

After all, things are different and people are different. Faced with a completely different set of characters, Bai Xiaofei really can't arouse too much interest, because the protagonists of those movies are not Master Xing! Otherwise...if he were to play the role of Master Xing, Bai Xiaofei dare to say that the broadcast effect and sensational effect of the movie would definitely be more than ten times higher than it is now!

even more!

It's a pity that there is no if in reality!

So, this favor, no matter what, Bai Xiaofei will help!

What's more, this matter may also be of some help to Bai Xiaofei. After all, he can travel through time and space, and cross the heavens and worlds. In addition to the original civilization world, most of the space-time world is a world formed by movies, TV dramas, etc.!

If these superstars have regained their youth and physical condition, they can spend more energy and time to make more classic movies worthy of people's praise. Maybe one day, Bai Xiaofei might travel through it. At that time, it will be Bai Xiaofei himself who will benefit!


Instead, it was a drama starring those little fresh meats.


One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help shivering, and said to himself: "Damn! If that's the case, regardless of the boss and the plot, I'm afraid that if I meet them, I'll be so embarrassing that I can't express it in words." Describing the acting skills, you will poke your eyes blind, right?!"


There are so many movies and TV dramas like this!

Such as "Fighting Days"!

Such as "Journey to the West"!

Another example is the most popular "New Swordsman" nowadays!


These dramas.

It's almost hotter than the other!

If he really wanted to travel to such a world, Bai Xiaofei was afraid that he would not be killed by the boss, or that he hadn't even met the boss, so he would directly let these little fresh meat perform "defying the sky" and use "Rolling Thunder" on the spot. "It was hacked to death!" Bai Xiaofei couldn't accept such a way of dying!

It's so frustrating!


"Such a thing cannot be allowed to happen!"

"Absolutely not!"


Someone who is terrified.

After recovering, I made up my mind and made up my mind on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei nodded directly at Director Zhao and agreed: "Director Zhao, I can help with this matter. The universal medical device is covered by me, and I don't need you to pay a penny! But... I have a special Conditions, if you don’t agree, then I’m sorry, just pretend I didn’t say anything about it!”


Hearing that Bai Xiaofei promised to help.

Director Zhao was so happy and excited in his heart and face that he almost jumped up excitedly on the spot.

But he heard that there were some special conditions in the future, which made him calm down again on the spot. Don't want a penny, but have other special conditions? Obediently! What kind of medicine is sold in this Bai Xiaofei gourd? Director Zhao, who was extremely confused in his heart, could only bite the bullet and say: "Xiaobai, what are the conditions, please tell me first!"

no way!

Director Zhao is just a middleman.

Regarding the conditions and other issues, it doesn't count if he said it, at most he can be regarded as a staff member, and the real decision is made by the superstar alliance behind it!

If Bai Xiaofei's request is not too much, considering the heaven-defying curative effect of the universal medical device, and the increasingly chaotic and deformed development trend of the entertainment industry, Director Zhao believes that those superstars should not refuse, personal interests They should be able to distinguish clearly which is more important than the development of the entire film and television culture!


If it were Bai Xiaofei, the lion would open his mouth wide.

He actually said some unacceptable conditions, let alone the Superstar Alliance, I am afraid that Director Zhao himself will quit!

"Director Zhao!"

Bai Xiaofei saw the other party's worry.

Then he didn't keep a secret with him, laughed, and said directly: "Actually, my condition is very simple, that is, after they recover, they can make more classic films, but it can't be like the current drama, which is not full of embarrassing performances. Incomparable, it's just that the screenwriter's brains are out of his mind, it's completely nonsense!"

"What I want to see is the craftsman spirit of the past!"

"And real movies and TV!"


Said here.

Bai Xiaofei's expression also instantly became serious and serious: "Director Zhao, that's all I ask, I hope to see more classic movies and TV shows starring them in the future, instead of movies like "The Wind and Cloud of Macau" and "Fengshen". "Legend" kind of fooling stuff!"

"It shouldn't be too much, right?"


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's serious expression, which didn't look like he was joking at all, Director Zhao's eyes widened and he froze on the spot. He thought of countless possibilities, but he never expected that Bai Xiaofei's request was so simple! It is even no exaggeration to say that this is simply equivalent to nothing!


What Bai Xiaofei said.

It's all filmmakers, the accusations and conduct that should have been done!

This is also called a request? !


Director Zhao also looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously.

He said solemnly: "Xiaobai, if your request is really that simple, then I can agree to you now instead of them! After all, the reason why they plan to ask me to ask you for help is to come back again and use my ability to change The current status of the entertainment industry, even if you don’t tell them, they will try their best to do their job well!”

"I can guarantee this with my personality!"

"You can rest assured!"


What he said was resolute and resounding!

Obviously, Director Zhao has absolute confidence in those old friends in the Superstar Alliance, otherwise he would not have boasted so much to Bai Xiaofei.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "Since Director Zhao said so, let's settle this one! I will immediately notify Mumu and the others to produce three special universal medical instruments for you , free for you to use, and the follow-up maintenance, maintenance, and performance upgrades are all in our charge!"

"And the Superstar Alliance, as long as they are responsible for shooting as many classic movies as possible!"

"Director Zhao, do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?"


Director Zhao was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he smiled excitedly: "No more, no more! Just do as you say! Xiaobai, thank you so much for this matter!"

"Brother, I don't have much to say! Come!"

"I toast you!"



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