The Storm God

Chapter 1375 Great job! (Please subscribe!)

after a meal.

The matter of the Superstar Alliance was settled in this way.

With the personal guarantee of Bai Xiaofei, the CEO of Space-Time Technology, Director Zhao believes that the things entrusted to him by his many friends will definitely go smoothly without any problems. In order to express his gratitude, Director Zhao also planned to invite Bai Xiaofei to some places to be cool.


But Bai Xiaofei rejected it.

"Director Zhao!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "We don't talk about that, otherwise we will see each other!"


"I still have some things to deal with later."


Bai Xiaofei did not lie.

According to Bai Xiaofei's plan, at this moment, after such a long time, Shangguan Hong had already called Bai Xiaoran and announced that he would break up with her as he ordered. With Bai Xiaoran's personality, when he first heard such news, he definitely couldn't stand it!

As Bai Xiaoran's older brother.

Bai Xiaofei felt that it was very necessary for him to go to comfort and persuade Bai Xiaoran. As for other messy things...

All stand aside!

"All right!"

Director Zhao somewhat understood Bai Xiaofei's temper.

Seeing that he said it so solemnly, he stopped insisting immediately, and just smiled: "Since you have other arrangements, I will keep this matter in mind. When everyone is free, let's have a good get-together. Time...not just me, I also want to call all those friends over, so everyone can have a good time!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Director Zhao's proposal was not rejected.

For him, these stars and superstars are no longer unattainable, but they are completely ahead of them, and they can even make them look up to him. But this does not mean that they have no use value, such as endorsement or something.

If there is an endorsement promotion by a Uranus superstar, I believe that the products of my own space-time technology company will become popular more quickly.


The most important thing is.

Bai Xiaofei also wanted to meet the idols he had admired for a long time, such as Zhou Xingchi, Andy Lau, Jet Li... etc. Before, there was no suitable opportunity, and he didn't have the leisure, but this time it was different. With Director Zhao as the matchmaker, everything will come naturally.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose, so see you soon!


Bai Xiaofei called a substitute driver.

He sent away Director Zhao, who drank too much and started to feel dizzy when walking.

And himself.

I found a place where no one was there.

Directly fly Thunder God Technique, teleported back to his villa, then took out his mobile phone, and called Mu Mu. Mu Mu thought that Bai Xiaofei was calling to inquire about the downfall and acquisition of Time Technology, but after answering the call, he immediately began to report the situation.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

My heart said, can't you just listen to me? Just know that you are self-righteous!


Listen to Mu Mu's report.

Bai Xiaofei was quite surprised. It had only been more than two hours since Mu Mu and the others had already worked out a plan and started to attack Times Technology, which greatly affected Times Technology's stock and market value on the spot. , almost in a waterfall-like slump, turning sharply down!

So it goes.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Times Technology will go bankrupt completely.

"Good job!"

Bai Xiaofei praised Mu Mu and the others excitedly, then changed the subject, and hummed angrily: "But Mu Mu, the point of my calling you this time is not this, but another reason. Please, can you first Listen to what I have to say!"


Wood laughed awkwardly for a while.

Hastily nodded yes, and promised that similar "mistakes" would never be made again. Then he changed the subject and asked curiously: "Xiaobai, since the purpose of your call is not to inquire about the progress of technology that will destroy the times, then why?!"

"Is such that!"

Bai Xiaofei told Mu Mu about Director Zhao and the Superstar Alliance.

Finally, he said: "I have agreed to Director Zhao to send them three special universal medical devices as a solid backing for the Superstar Alliance, and they will not charge a penny, and will also contract all the maintenance and other messy matters in the future. You send them People should contact the production factory to get this matter implemented as soon as possible!"

"I see!"

Wood nodded knowingly.

For Bai Xiaofei's decision, he fully supports and agrees with it.

In addition to trusting Bai Xiaofei, there is also a large part of the reason, that is, the current film and television dramas are too eye-catching! Even... Sometimes, you don't even need to watch it, you can feel the thunder and drama attributes just by listening to it with your ears!

People who are simply abusive don't want it!


Similar to the help information of stars.

It's not that Mu Mu has never seen it before, but the universal medical instrument is of great importance, and he dare not make decisions easily. Now that Bai Xiaofei has taken over this task by himself, it is undoubtedly the best. I believe that with the support of the universal medical device, the former stars, superstars, and actors who really made art with their hearts will definitely make a comeback!

By the time……

All compatriots who like to watch movies and TV dramas can be completely relieved, and don't have to be devastated and tortured by those garbage dramas.

This is a great thing, and it must be implemented as soon as possible!

One thought here.

Mu Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, full of excitement and excitement.

Patting his chest on the spot, he promised: "Xiaobai, don't worry, let me handle this matter, within three days, it will definitely be properly implemented, and you will be satisfied!"


The strength of the space-time technology company.

As the boss, Bai Xiaofei is naturally the clearest. With the ability of the production factory, it is absolutely easy to produce three universal medical instruments. The reason why the progress is so slow is to create an illusion for the world, making them think that this thing is not good!


If it is the same as Chinese cabbage.

It can be made casually, who still pays attention and cares!

Of course, the effect of the universal medical instrument is abnormally against the sky. Even if the news that can be easily produced is released, it will not cause too much negative impact. Just like the Apple mobile phone, the price is so high, whether you want to buy it or not ! The strength of the iron, coupled with the marketing strategy of hunger, almost kills everything in seconds!

But in this way.

It is bound to have a great impact and influence on the existing medical industry.

Even a fatal blow.

By the time……

People who are sick or not.

If they don't go to the hospital for treatment, but wait for the universal medical device to come out, then the world will be in chaos!

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to be a sinner!


Three units were rushed out ahead of schedule.

This can be done at the beginning. After all, the quantity is small, and it will not attract too much attention and public opinion.

Mu Mu has basically grown up now, Bai Xiaofei can rest assured that he is doing things, since he has guaranteed everything, then there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to worry about this matter at all. The one who really deserves Bai Xiaofei's attention now is his younger sister - Bai Xiaoran!

I don't know how this simple silly girl will react after Shangguan Hong announced his breakup with her? !

Don't let her miss it!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was completely speechless in his heart.

There is no other reason, with Bai Xiaoran's cute and stubborn temper, she might really do some crazy things!

"Let's take a quick look at her situation first!"

Bai Xiaofei, who became more and more frightened as he thought about it, hurriedly hung up the phone, and immediately asked Bai Cass to connect with Bai Xiaoran, responsible for monitoring and protecting her Terminator signal, and wanted to obtain information about Bai Xiaoran, followed by... An extremely clear picture immediately appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

The background of the picture is an artificial river!

Sunset on the western mountain, red clouds all over the sky. The flow of people is like the sea, and the traffic is like a dragon. And Bai Xiaoran, at this time, was squatting on the edge of the artificial river calmly reflecting the afterglow of the sunset, crying alone there, with a heartbroken look. Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei's heart trembled suddenly, he was in a bad mood!


"I'm really afraid of something!"

"I flash!"

Flying Thor launched.

Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared in an instant!


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