The Storm God

Chapter 1378 Advance by leaps and bounds! (Please subscribe!)

"Lord, master!"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared, the red queen had a look of horror.

Twitching his mouth, he said, "Well... you're back! When did you come? I didn't even notice... Hehe!"


Bai Xiaofei said with a fake smile.

He was also completely speechless about the personality of the red queen, a tiger girl. After such a long period of reflection, Bai Xiaofei thought that the red queen would calm down a bit, and knew where he was wrong. If he behaved well, it would not be impossible to take her with him in the next time travel.

How can I think...

This Huniu is still the same, and even started to complain about herself as the master, it really makes people speechless! Bai Xiaofei chuckled, looked at the Red Queen with malicious intentions, and said, "Red Queen, it seems that you are quite critical of my decision! It seems that it is necessary to extend your punishment for a little longer!"


Heard that the sentence was getting longer.

The red queen became anxious immediately, and rushed over on the spot.

Then he hugged Bai Xiaofei's thigh, then raised his face, put on a pitiful look, and said with moist eyes, "Master, it's very hard to guard an empty room by yourself, please! Please!" Don't leave me here alone anymore, I'm going to go crazy!"

"I sweat!"

Bai Xiaofei heard a black thread directly.

Stay alone? I rely on! It's all about what, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, okay, it's easy to misunderstand.

I blushed for a while.

He didn't bother to talk about such nonsense with the red queen anymore.

In the end, he sighed helplessly and changed the subject: "Let's not talk about this matter. I am here to replenish supplies. By the way, I will take a look at the development of the Bliss Space. If your performance is good and satisfies me, this It's not impossible to take you out this time!"


When the red queen heard it, she was overjoyed.

Immediately stood up excitedly, then patted his chest and promised: "Master, don't worry, leave the matter to me, and keep you satisfied!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly and shook his head: "I hope!"


He made a list.

The above are all the black technology resources left there after I traveled to the world of the four famous catchers this time. With this list, the Red Queen can easily and clearly know what Bai Xiaofei lacks, and then make targeted supplements or upgrades.

after all……

After two years.

With the development potential of Elysium World, many industries and technologies will inevitably usher in a new wave of technological innovation and development. The black technologies on Bai Xiaofei may have been very advanced in the past, but after two years of delay, they are already behind the Elysium Space!

that's the truth.


The red queen finished processing Bai Xiaofei's list.

Then it was formulated into a more detailed and complete planning plan, and uploaded to the server of Elysium Space, remote control operated countless smart devices and personnel, and began to quickly equip Bai Xiaofei with the latest and best energy and supplies Equipment, to ensure that the task assigned by Bai Xiaofei can be completed as quickly as possible.

at the same time.

Hu Niuer also began to introduce the recent situation.

During the two years that Bai Xiaofei traveled through, the development of the world of Elysium did not stop for a moment, and it has been advancing non-stop in accordance with the guidelines set by Bai Xiaofei. Today, the changes in the world of Elysium Space can be described as earth-shaking.


It is the problem of the earth itself.

Whether it is the population base or the environmental ecology, with the continuous popularization and improvement of the small ecological circle, there have been obvious improvements and changes. The earth, which was once riddled with holes and almost dying, has now begun to recover its vitality. From the gray and yellow color of the past, it is gradually moving towards the blue of life!

Castle in the Sky.

Floating continents!

Alien immigrants!

All kinds of construction work have also made breakthroughs and explosive progress. The earth's population of nearly 100 billion has received a huge buffer and is being transported to major immigration locations in batches. And with the gradual reduction of the population, the pressure on the consciousness of Gaia on the earth is also getting smaller and smaller.

In this way, the ecology of the earth will recover faster!

The two complement each other!


It is the development and expansion of advanced technology.

Bai Xiaofei has recruited countless geniuses from other worlds to gather in the Bliss Space Station, and there are also countless rare beasts, natural treasures, and rare materials for them to use and study. It's really hard not to improve!

Whether it is biotechnology, interstellar migration technology, energy development, or the ecological field of plant systems, mechanical improvement and improvement, or further research on nanotechnology, the research teams in Elysium Space have not disappointed Bai Xiaofei.

During these two years.

They have all broken through their own limits and developed many technical fields to another level.

In particular, space transmission and anti-matter engine technology have made great progress, achieved breakthrough progress and development, and have been practically applied to the interstellar project, and have achieved quite gratifying results. It is thanks to these technologies that the Interstellar Migration Program can have today's scale and results!

"That's great!"

After listening to Queen Hong's rough report, Bai Xiaofei was immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

The rapid development of Elysium Space, as well as the progress of many plans, were all within Bai Xiaofei's prediction range, so he was not surprised. But what he never expected was that there would be such a huge improvement in space transmission technology and anti-matter engine, which surprised him very much.


Whether it is space technology.

Or the anti-matter technology, both are very unfathomable, and its application is also the most extensive and powerful. With the advent and continuous improvement of these technologies, Bai Xiaofei's comprehensive strength will inevitably be greatly improved, and even in many aspects, he will also gain huge benefits from it.


It is the Kryptonian library technology that Bai Xiaofei cares most about.

It's a pity that there is still little progress. It's not that the research team in Elysium Space is not strong, but that there is no key key to the Gene Book, just like a clever woman can't cook without rice. No matter how powerful the research team is, they are helpless and powerless. .

The most powerful technology that Krypton is proud of can only be reduced to an upgraded version of cloning technology here!

It can be described as reckless!


In the development of vibration gold technology.

As for the research team, it gave Bai Xiaofei a huge surprise.

With many years of research on vibrating gold factors and chemical bonds, the research team finally mastered some of their characteristics, and added nanotechnology, integrating Pym particles, quantum entanglement technology, magic reactors, text imprinting technology, heart-changing elements, etc. Many technologies have developed a lot of anti-sky technology!

The Mole spacecraft that Bai Xiaofei put in for maintenance in the Elysium Space was the first batch of pioneers of these dark technologies!

Including the red queen, the tiger girl!


Someone's eyes widened.

Looking in disbelief at the confident and proud red queen, she exclaimed, "You actually transformed your body? And more than once? Oh my God! You little bitch, You really dare to mess around, I'm not here, so aren't you afraid of any accidents?!"

"Of course I'm afraid!"

The red queen said so.

But her expression didn't look like she was worried at all.

Hu Niuer laughed and said: "So before the transformation, I had the research department make a backup and transfer device for me. If there is any accident in the middle, I will activate the emergency plan. My luck is better. The reconstruction operation was basically completed in one go, and it went smoothly!"


"Master, don't look at my appearance, but if you talk about real strength, I'm afraid even you are not my opponent!"

"How about it? How about we make gestures?"


A look of eagerness to try.


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