The Storm God

Chapter 1379 Upgrade! (Please subscribe!)

After half an hour.

"do not fight!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the smiling red queen very depressed, and said angrily: "You are a pervert! No matter how hard you hit, you can't beat it, and the most disgusting thing is that you can still counter-shock and use your strength to hit it. It’s the same as wearing anti-armor, to be tough with you is simply looking for abuse!”


After red, his face was full of pride.

She raised her neck and said proudly: "Of course, this is the latest technology developed by Zhenjin Yin. I haven't used my full strength yet, otherwise..." She kept silent when she said this. But how could Bai Xiaofei fail to hear what it meant?

It just means that Bai Xiaofei, the master, is no match for the Red Queen!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was also quite speechless.

No way, who made the Red Queen become countless times stronger after being transformed and upgraded.

Her body was originally made of vibrating gold, and Bai Xiaofei also forged the super-addition technique, coupled with the almost unlimited energy supply of the magic energy reactor, and the latest development and utilization technology of vibrating gold factors, Rao Bai Xiaofei's strength has greatly increased , that is hardly the opponent of the Red Queen!

after all……

No matter how awesome Bai Xiaofei is, he is still made of flesh and blood!

Physical strength, true qi, spirit, and other strengths all have certain limits. Even if they can be tough with the red queen, it is only temporary and cannot last. But the Red Queen can rely on the uniqueness of her golden body to keep fighting, and sooner or later she will grind you to death!


This refers to the normal exchange situation.

Otherwise, if you really fight desperately, the result will be unpredictable.

Bai Xiaofei has many means, such as boost, buff, magic pupil, infinite rampage, etc. If all the means are used, it may not be impossible to kill the red queen. In the same way...the current strength and means of the Red Queen are far beyond Bai Xiaofei's imagination, maybe she also has some trump card!


The Red Queen has been banned by the space-time shuttle.

Skin to skin, but she will never betray Bai Xiaofei, the stronger she is, the happier and more relaxed Bai Xiaofei is, and the more important tasks can be entrusted to her!

Just like now!


Such abnormal strength.

It is estimated that even if you encounter Da Chao, who is a man of steel, you will not be afraid at all!

The most important thing is that not only the Red Queen, but also all the equipment and weapons made of vibrating gold in the future, or Bai Xiaofei's vibrating gold avatar, can also use this most advanced vibrating gold transformation technology. It can be said that Bai Xiaofei's Zhenjin series have all been upgraded!

The improvement of Bai Xiaofei's strength and means is definitely not a star!

It's a leap-like surge!


Bai Xiaofei immediately summoned the team.

He has upgraded and improved his vibrating gold avatar and other vibrating gold equipment, including the holy clothes.

Because Bai Xiaofei has too much vibrating gold equipment, and the upgrading process and procedures are also very complicated and cumbersome, a little carelessness may cause a chain reaction of vibrating gold chemical bonds, which is extremely dangerous. So if you want to completely complete the transformation, it will take at least a week or so.

"so long?"

After listening to Hong Hou's report.

However, Bai Xiaofei frowned, shook his head and said: "No way! It's too long, how about this! You first concentrate on dealing with the vibration gold avatar and the holy clothes, and slowly deal with and transform the rest of the equipment, anyway, they are in our The role on the body is basically dispensable!"

It's not that he can't afford to wait a week.

But completely unnecessary!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's own strength is already strong enough.

Plus two clones, Xuanyuan Sword, Void Mirror, Eye of Reincarnation, Six Paths Puppet, Myriad Demon Blood Eyes...and other means, such as BT Legion, Battle Dolls, Team Meow, Heavenly Sword Satellite...etc. Wait, it's hard for ordinary guys to shake Bai Xiaofei!

Unless the entry is high martial arts, or cultivating immortals, the interstellar world or something.


Whether there are those vibrating gold equipment, the impact on Bai Xiaofei is actually not very big, there is no need to waste extra time because of them! With this skill, it's better to travel to the next world quickly and find a way to revive Shan Xiaowei as soon as possible.

Even if you still can't find a way.

At least Bai Xiaofei can get some benefits from it, it's better than waiting and doing nothing.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei's mood.

The Red Queen can completely understand, upon hearing the words, she immediately gave Bai Xiaofei the answer, saying: "Master, if you remove those unnecessary vibrating equipment, if you just upgrade your vibrating avatar and the three golden holy clothes, That will take a day!"

"One day is acceptable!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and agreed: "Let's do it! I also have some new technologies, which I need to hand over to the research team for further development and research. By the way, I will also take a look at the situation of Dr. Ashford and Tiya. One day The time, no more, no less, is enough!"



that's all.

Bai Xiaofei's vibrating gold avatar and three golden holy clothes were all used for transformation and upgrading.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei wasn't idle either.

First, I found other free research team members, and taught them all about the Nianqi Tattoo Forbidden Technique and the battle doll technology developed by myself, and gave them a perfect technical operation demonstration, and left behind countless There are more than a dozen first- and second-generation battle dolls for everyone to conduct physical research.

When everything was over, a full eight hours had passed.

at dusk.

Bai Xiaofei left the research team.

When they came to Earth, they met with Dr. Ashford's family and the Virgin Tia respectively.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Ashford has already married in Elysium, and the bride is a Chinese, very beautiful, and his daughter also likes this stepmother very much. And also has a cute and naughty younger brother, a family of four is called a happy life!

It stands to reason.

The environment of the Bliss space station is the best, it is like heaven, and as Dr. Ashford, he has enough status to live there for a long time. However, their family has a special affection for this brand-new earth, so as early as more than a year ago, they moved to the earth collectively.

For the safety of their family.

The Red Queen specially arranged for them on the floating continent where the Atlanteans lived. Not only is it safe, but the environment is also very good. It can be said that it is the most ecologically beautiful place in the world after Australia, where the tree of life is located.

And Tia...

As Bai Xiaofei, the saint serving the god, she has been staying in the Australian continent where the tree of life is located, constantly monitoring the growth and development of the tree of life, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of the global ecological circle. At the same time, it also bred many very special and rare species for Bai Xiaofei!

Bai Xiaofei sat with them, had a good exchange, and obtained a lot of new technologies and products from the two of them, which can be said to be very fruitful.

By the time he left, it was already the next morning.

At this moment……

Remodeled and upgraded after almost a day.

Bai Xiaofei's vibrating gold avatar, the golden holy cloth, has also been basically completed, and the rest are some test items.

Taking advantage of this time, Bai Xiaofei came to the manufacturing factory and warehouse, and installed all the materials and supplies prepared by the Red Queen in advance, as well as the newly released energy system, into his space card and dimensional space. The reason for the haste is not fully completed, probably only one-tenth of the list.

But these things are all the most important parts!


The vibrating gold avatar and holy clothes are also completely fine.

After Bai Xiaofei took them all away, he briefly gave instructions on his future plans and development direction, and then left the Elysium Space with the Red Queen. That's right! This time, Bai Xiaofei brought the Red Queen with him! He was really afraid of this Hu Niu, if she did something crazy again, it would be better to keep her with him!

As for the Bliss Space, even though the Red Queen left, Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry about it at all.


The intelligent system code-named Mole is here.

Mole is an artificial intelligence system designed by Bai Xiaofei himself. Although it is not as powerful as White Cass, Red Queen, and White Queen, it is far superior to other intelligent systems, and it has also been strengthened and contracted by the space-time shuttle. It is absolutely reliable. , will never betray, you can rest assured!

Bai Xiaofei promised.

After returning from this time travel.

It will create an exclusive vibrating gold body for it, making it the same existence as the red queen and the white queen.

Mole was overjoyed and looked forward to it.


"Have a safe journey, go early and return early!"

"I'm waiting for you!"


Said the Mole when he said goodbye.


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