The Storm God

Chapter 1380 Middle Ancient World! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei returned to reality.

However, he didn't stay longer, but entered another small world in an instant - the four famous arresters. As for the behavior of the main body, the shadow clone has long been used to it, and it is not surprising, it is still sitting there very calmly, drinking tea and watching the news, leisurely, that is a pleasure!

Inside the small world.

After Bai Xiaofei entered.

It didn't alarm anyone. The purpose of his visit this time was mainly to let the Red Queen be in charge of calculations and statistics.

after all……

White Cass is best at fighting.

And only the red queen is the best little expert in management. There are still many aspects of the world of the Four Famous Captures that require her to participate.

"not bad!"

After the Red Queen connected to the satellites of the four famous world-capturing satellites, she quickly understood the specific direction and most of the situation of this small world through the huge data information, followed by nodding, and praised Bai Xiaofei, saying that he formulated the The development policy is indeed in line with the operation of this world.


Hu Niuer followed the style of painting.

Then he began to mercilessly criticize many mistakes in Bai Xiaofei's management.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't angry either.


"Just do as you say!"


After someone is educated humbly.

Immediately after that, Bai Cass contacted his Terminator avatar in this world, and then transmitted all the relevant policies and management plans formulated by the Red Queen to the other party. I believe that with these, the development process of the four famous capture worlds should be on the right track more quickly and flourishing day by day!

"let's go!"

After doing all this, Bai Xiaofei proposed to leave.


The Red Queen was stunned on the spot.

Staring blankly at Bai Xiaofei, he didn't dare to say anything: "Master, Sister Wuqing is in this small world. Since you are here, can't you show up and meet her? After all, I don't know how to travel through this time. How long will it take to come back, is it too cruel to do so?"

"No problem!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said: "After I leave, I will adjust the time ratio of this world to be the same as that of the real world. In this way, even if I stay in a different time and space for 10 years or longer, it will be difficult for Ruthless , it’s only been about half a month, so there won’t be any problems!”


Why doesn't he want to see Ruthless!

It's just that it's hard to say goodbye when we meet, parting is always the most painful moment, since we've already left once, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want Wuqing to suffer another time of parting.

"All right!"

He looked at Bai Xiaofei with a serious look on his face.

The Red Queen didn't have much to say. After writing a program system for intelligent auxiliary operation for the main control satellite of this world, she curled her lips and entered Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space again. Following Bai Xiaofei's dodge, she returned to the to the real world.

"came back?"

This time, the shadow clone finally moved.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei appearing again, he stopped what he was doing, and asked a question with great concern.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "No, I haven't gone yet. Just now, I went to the small world and arranged some things. The next step is the real time travel. I don't know how long it will take me to go there." Come back, here in the real world, please take care of me!"

"Especially my cute and stubborn sister!"

"Do not worry!"

The shadow clone patted his chest.

With a confident assurance, he said: "With the general policy you gave me, I already know what to do, so you can go there with confidence!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a moment.

Don't worry? Nima! What is this called, why can't you say something nice? !

Immediately realized that the shadow clone also originated from himself.

Immediately became more depressed.


Say it yourself!


He shook his head with a wry smile.

next moment.

With a thought, time travel was activated, and Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared instantly.


"What a strong aura!"

This is Bai Xiaofei's first feeling after appearing in a different time and space.

At this very moment, he is standing on a majestic and majestic mountain, condescending, and has a panoramic view of the small mountains, magnificent and bright scenery: gurgling water, rolling mountains, delicate grasslands, green vegetation, blue The blue sky, small animals that appear from time to time...

Everything is so beautiful!


See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled knowingly, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "The aura in this space-time world is generally hundreds of times stronger than the world of the four famous catchers. Judging from this situation, it should be an intermediate level." In the ancient world of this level, there should be a lot of natural treasures!"

The higher the level of aura in the world, the higher the level of time and space. For example, the world of Xianxia is definitely tens of thousands of times higher than the world of Wuxia. Under such a world environment, it can naturally Breed more rare and rare treasures of heaven and earth.

Let's not talk about other things for now.

Just these rare treasures alone are enough to make Bai Xiaofei a lot of money!

Not to mention there are others!


Bai Xiaofei's current mood is extremely excited.

He couldn't help but secretly sighed: "It seems that I have been lucky this time, and I have traveled to a time and space world with such a strong aura, but I don't know whether this is the original civilization world or a different world evolved from spiritual culture. Fang Shikong has a way to bring people back to life!"


Bai Xiaofei lifted the protective effect of the world stillness.

The next moment, the whole world returned to its original state in an instant, the clear river continued to flow, everything was flourishing, and Bai Xiaofei himself had officially entered this world of time and space, and was once again deeply moved by the freshness of this world. shock!


Bai Xiaofei took a deep breath, feeling the flowing wind, the fragrance of flowers in the distance, the breath of mountains and rivers, and the rich breath of life, all flowed into his body together with the oxygen between breaths, that feeling...'s so refreshing!

No wonder!

Looking at the worlds of time and space that Bai Xiaofei traveled through, this is almost the one with the highest level of aura. It is as if you have suddenly entered a garden full of blooming flowers from a filthy and smelly place like a hut. The comparison difference is simply too obvious!

Whether it is the fused world of Bliss Space or the world of A Chinese Ghost Story where Nie Xiaoqian is, they have never given Bai Xiaofei such a comfortable feeling.

This space-time world has a high level of spiritual energy, which can be seen!

Take back your mind.

Bai Xiaofei was about to release the reconnaissance satellite.

Utilize the mighty power of the Heavenly Sword to investigate the specific appearance of this space-time world.

Just then.


There was a loud roar.

But it suddenly shot out from a jungle at the foot of the mountain, and shot straight into the sky.

The roar was like thunder, brutal and domineering.


Countless birds and beasts seemed to be frightened and fled in all directions, forming quite a commotion in the quiet and green forest. So much so that Bai Xiaofei, who has amazing eyesight, can locate the location of the accident in an instant.

The jungle is too dense, and the trees here are all extremely thick. Obviously, the idea of ​​survival has been very long. They are tough and straight, with luxuriant branches and leaves. Under the layers of crossing, the movement in the forest is tightly covered Tight, almost airtight.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's astonishing eyesight, he couldn't see what happened in the forest.

And this sudden situation immediately aroused Bai Xiaofei's interest. Looking at the vision in the forest that fluctuated and spread like waves, Bai Xiaofei chuckled and said with a grin: "Interesting, the roar just now is definitely not something that ordinary animals can make, could it be..."

"What kind of rare beast, or spirit beast or monster?"

"Let's go and have a look first!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's figure has already soared into the sky, from the top of the mountain, toward the rapidly flashing wave vision in the forest, shooting away like a shooting star.


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