The Storm God

Chapter 1381 Falling from the sky! (Please subscribe!)

"Let's go!"

"You fool, fool, you will only drag me down if you stay!"

"Let's go... ah!"


Among the jungle.

A fierce chase and confrontation battle is unfolding.

The person who spoke just now was one of the opponents. She was a woman, with a pretty appearance, dressed in a dark red dress, slovenly, holding a special long whip, waving it in a vigorous and heroic manner!


Her strength is still too low!

Moreover, the other party's size is indeed a bit too big. The long whip of a delicate woman may have some power to ordinary people, but in front of this huge monster, it is like a rubber band toy. It doesn't work at all!

And that huge monster obviously didn't care about the woman, and let the other party's leather whip whip on his body, regardless of it, a pair of huge and fierce animal pupils, but stared at the man in front of him firmly!


Its main target is him!

If it weren't for the perseverance of the handsome woman behind him, the behemoth would have already succeeded!

Think here.

The behemoth seemed to be a little annoyed too. Seeing that the delicate woman was still trying her best to interfere with him, preventing him from arresting the man in front of him, his eyes froze and his pupils shrank. It was obvious that he had murderous intentions!

"Hattata Iruka!"

Seeing that huge monster's bloody mouth full of ferocious sharp teeth, suddenly spit out a series of incomprehensible words. Immediately afterwards... the gigantic monster with four legs, hands, a long tail, and two small wings on its back that seriously didn't match its size, finally moved for real!

"call out!"

The thick and slender tail suddenly swept away!

Although the delicate woman dodged this blow with her superb reaching, she failed to dodge the second blow that followed!


Her delicate red body was kicked hard by the gigantic monster, and she flew straight upside down like a cannonball!

During the period, there were three or four trees as thick as thighs, which were broken by the lazy red figure, and were affected tragically!

The delicate woman didn't stop until she hit a big tree as thick as a bucket, and fell heavily to the ground!


After landing.

The woman immediately spat out a mouthful of blood from the boss. Obviously, the blow just now caused her to suffer serious internal injuries!


This moment.

She didn't care about so much at all, but quickly raised her head and looked forward, only to find in horror that the man with a crippled left foot, instead of following her order and running away quickly, foolishly held two pieces of broken wood. With a stick, he rushed towards the giant monster in a frenzied way!

The most important thing is...


Just go ahead! It can be considered that you have the courage and dare to work hard! But what the hell is going on when you close your eyes?

next moment.

Seeing the gigantic monster grinning disdainfully, it didn't attack the man, but gently twisted its huge body to the side.


The delicate woman was extremely depressed to see that the lame man frantically waved the broken wooden stick in his hand, like a runaway carriage, crashing headlong into a towering tree!


"Wow, boom!"


The big tree shook slightly, and a few leaves fell leisurely!

And men...

On the other hand, he went straight to the bottom, knocked himself out, lay there sprawled, and completely lost consciousness!

And it wasn't until this time that another major characteristic of this lame man was fully highlighted!


He actually has an incomparably huge belly!

It's like being pregnant!


The man was seen unconscious.

Only then did the huge monster let out a mocking and triumphant laugh, and then walked towards the lame man with a big belly step by step with heavy steps, his eyes flashed fiercely, with infinite murderous intent!


The delicate woman was in a hurry!

She wanted to stand up and stop the giant monster from approaching the crippled man, but the injury just now was too serious, and she was still burned inside, unable to move!

Time of crisis!

She suddenly had an idea, and hurriedly took out a palm-sized paper figurine from her pocket and threw it towards the giant monster!


These red paper-cut paper figures are all alive, and each one of them looks like a brave soldier, posing in the mid-air with a posture of fighting the enemy bravely, carrying a special amulet almost the size of their body Command, quickly fly towards the behemoth!


For the delicate woman's behavior, the behemoth didn't pay attention at all, and kept walking towards the crippled man. At the same time, with just a sharp slap in his mouth, a shocking roar broke out immediately!

The roar was like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth!

at the same time……

A violent gust of wind was thus generated out of thin air, and the army of paper-cut figurines rushing towards it was swept away by the wind like fallen leaves. And momentum, flew back upside down!

This is the end of the witty trick of the delicate woman!

"It's over!"

See this scene.

The delicate woman's eyes were filled with despair and despair, she stared blankly at the huge monster approaching the crippled man, and murmured weakly: "The mission of one hundred taels of silver is completely for naught!"

All right!

Such a critical moment.

What she cares most about is not the life of the lame man, but Lao Shizi's mission and a hundred taels of silver!

It's really speechless!


But at this time, seeing that the handsome woman seemed to be in despair, and there was no way to stop him, the giant immediately laughed arrogantly and complacently!


The huge monster came to the comatose lame man, its eyes fixed on the lame man's big belly for a while, as if confirming something.

Then I saw a flash of light in its eyes, excitement, excitement, frenzy, fierce light, murderous intent... and so on, the emotions burst into full bloom like fireworks in an instant!

next moment!

The colossus licked its bloodthirsty mouth bloodthirstyly, then stretched out one of its own sharp and slender claws, with a cold and ruthless light, condescending, facing the lame man's big belly, it was about to fall down hard !


But at this moment.

The behemoth seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly raised its head with surprise in its eyes, and looked towards the sky!

at the same time.


The extremely violent roaring sound suddenly sounded from the depths of the sky, and then reached the ears of the behemoth and the delicate woman almost instantly!

The sound was so violent and shocking, as if it had angered the heavens, and the thunder sounded directly, it shocked people's hearts, and made people tremble uncontrollably, and the hairs stood on end!

Just when they were extremely puzzled, why such a violent thunder appeared on such a fine sunny day, above the almost impenetrable jungle, a gorgeous golden figure fell from the sky!

That momentum...

It's like a god descending to earth, unstoppable!


"Crack! Crack!"


The speed of the gorgeous figure is incomparably fast, one second he was still in the unattainable sky, and the next second he fell like a shooting star into the jungle!

In an instant, more than a dozen towering trees, as well as the land with a radius of tens of meters, were all destroyed by his wild and domineering momentum, forming a very obvious huge pit!

And this huge pit is not far from other big people, delicate women, and lame men!

The speed at which the gorgeous figure landed was really too fast!


When the huge crater on the ground was formed, the violent and powerful wind was blowing towards our faces, and even the comatose and lame man was awakened by the shock, the two of them were still looking up at the sky, facing the blue sky and the thunderbolt. The extremely confused posture of the matter did not react to the landing of the gorgeous figure at all!


When they finally withdrew their gazes, turned their heads blankly and set their gazes on the gorgeous figure, including the behemoth, they immediately froze in place stunned!

"Oh My God!"

"What the hell is that?!"

"Is it human?"

Of course it's human!

This gorgeous figure that descended from the sky was none other than Bai Xiaofei who had just traveled to this world, and it was still in a brand new state wearing the remodeled and upgraded Aries Golden Cloth!


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