The Storm God

Chapter 1383 Believe it or not, I will chop you up! (Please subscribe!)

To know.

That is a giant blood demon!

The strength is not ordinary strong, the skin and flesh are notoriously thick, extremely resistant to beating! Not to mention myself as a two-dollar celestial master, even if a four-coin celestial master or even a five-coin celestial master wants to deal with it, it may not be safe and sound. Only a celestial master with six coins or more can easily surrender it!

That's right!

It is to surrender, not to kill!

Especially in the situation like now, just waving the palm casually, and blasting it into scum, without the level of seven or eight money celestial masters, it is absolutely impossible to do it! But... Today is different from the past. The Tianshitang has been in decline for many years, and many classics and unique skills have been lost due to the lack of attention of the court.

So among the current celestial masters, the highest level is only about seven or eight dollars!

Four to six dollars is the backbone!


Still very hydrating.

Judging from Huo Xiaolan's limited experience, even if a celestial master with seven or eight coins came in person, it would take several tricks to kill the giant blood demon so easily. The moves of the golden-armored monster are too casual, right?

I didn't feel any magic power from it at all!

That is to say, nine times out of ten, this person killed the giant blood demon completely by relying on his physical strength? But how is this possible? That is a giant blood demon! Notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he can be regarded as a relatively powerful character among monsters. If ordinary force can easily kill monsters, why would we want our celestial masters to fart?

this moment.

Huo Xiaolan, a handsome woman.

Completely shocked by Bai Xiaofei's world-shattering force, his brain was in a mess on the spot.

And Song Tianyin.

But he heaved a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

With a look of rejoicing on his face, he secretly said: "I am really lucky! If you survive a catastrophe, there will be future blessings!"


"What the hell is going on with my stomach?"

"I'm a man!"


Equally messy.

Be good, a man is pregnant, this is a miracle that has never been heard and seen through the ages!

If it gets out...


Then the Song family's face will be completely lost!

Regardless of how the two react.


But I heard a "click".

Bai Xiaofei took off his clothes and walked out of Aries directly.

And Aries, under the control of Bai Cass, flew to the giant blood demon's rotten corpse, and began to collect blood and DNA samples, intending to take them back for further research. After all, this is a brand new species, very valuable!

"Are you all right?"

Bai Xiaofei came in front of Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, smiling and caring.

Although this world is a world of humans and demons, with its own civilization system and worldview, except for the demon race, the language development of the human race is not much different from other ancient Chinese worlds, so there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to ask. What translation, I believe the two should be able to understand.

as expected.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei came to him and greeted him very politely, Song Tianyin hurriedly got up from the ground, and said with a naive smile: "It's okay, it's okay! Thank you hero for saving me just now, if it wasn't for your action, we probably would have all died." Feed that monster, I, Song Tianyin, will never forget the hero's life-saving grace!"

"Dare to ask the hero's name?"

"Little things!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly and said, "My name is Bai Xiaofei!"


I turned my gaze.

His eyes fell on Huo Xiaolan.

At this moment, she was still lying on the ground, struggling to get up, but because the injuries on her body were too serious, she was unable to succeed. On the contrary, it also affected the injuries of internal organs, and the severe pain hit her, causing her to suddenly His face was pale, and big cold sweat was pouring down!


Huo Xiaolan wanted to say something.

But at this time, Song Tianyin also discovered Huo Xiaolan's situation.


He screamed.

Before Huo Xiaolan finished speaking, he ran over like the wind, stretching out his hand as if helping Huo Xiaolan to get up.

that action...

that skill...

that speed...

I am obedient...

Where is the slightest pregnant woman and lame look? !

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a while, he thought to himself: "Damn it! Could it be that I met a fake Song Tianyin? Can I run so fast with such a belly and serious lameness? Could it be that something happened? Some accident that I don't know about, Huo Xiaolan has become his true love now, that's why he's so desperate?!"

I am in doubt.

There was a sudden scream from the opposite side.

Bai Xiaofei looked intently, but saw Huo Xiaolan slap Song Tianyin's face suddenly, and said angrily, "You cripple! Idiot! Idiot, two hundred and five! I don't know that my internal organs have suffered serious internal injuries. Are you trying to hurt me by moving me so hard?!"


"Where are you touching your stinky hands! Do you want to take advantage of me!"

"Believe it or not, I chopped you up!"


A fierce look.

It's just like the legendary dominatrix, destroying her delicate and sweet appearance in an instant!

"What a pair of enemies!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head amusedly, ignoring the tricks of the two, stepped forward two steps, walked in front of Huo Xiaolan, then handed her a pack of alien medical spray, and said with a smile: "This is my holy medicine for healing, Regardless of internal injury or external injury, you can heal quickly with just one spray!"

"So amazing?"

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Huo Xiaolan immediately revealed a shocked and obsessed expression.

There is no way, who said that Bai Xiaofei's appearance just now was so handsome, and his physical strength is so strong, he can't help but be admired! She looked at it carefully for a while, and then, without further ado, followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, pointed the nozzle of the spray at her mouth, and sprayed it lightly twice.

next moment.

Huo Xiaolan's big bright eyes suddenly opened wide, with ecstasy and disbelief on his face. Obviously, she should have clearly felt that the injury in her body was recovering rapidly, and she was deeply shocked and convinced by Bai Xiaofei's methods once again.


The way she looked at Bai Xiaofei would definitely not be so hot and hot!


This look in Bai Xiaofei's eyes is too familiar.

In the real world, countless idiot fans usually have such expressions when they see their favorite idols!


Compared to those brainless fans.

Huo Xiaolan's fanaticism is even worse!

After all, this is a world of humans and demons, and what is admired is powerful strength and means, and of course money! Otherwise, a mere nouveau riche would not open the Ascension Tower in Shuntian Mansion, and hire countless celestial masters to hunt and kill monsters on a large scale for him!

And what about Bai Xiaofei?

Descending from the sky, wearing golden armor, her strength is incomparable, and the holy medicine for healing in her hands is even more shocking! Money, strength, means, and all kinds of conditions combined, in Huo Xiaolan's eyes, he is definitely the candidate for Prince Charming in his heart. How can you tell him not to be obsessed with sex? !


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei gave a dry laugh.

He ignored Huo Xiaolan's silly eyes, but quickly changed the subject, and focused all his eyes and attention on Song Tianyin, uh... To be precise, it should be Song Tianyin's stomach. Bai Xiaofei had also heard about men getting pregnant and giving birth in the real world, but that was when they were transformed and had wombs!

And Song Tianyin...


He is an out-and-out man, okay!

Moreover, the demon queen's dragon fetus was forcefully stuffed in from her mouth. According to common sense, after the dragon fetus enters, the normal location should be in Song Tianyin's intestines and stomach. After all, he is a man, there is no such thing as a uterus, and the dragon fetus can only stay here.

The stomach is one of the most important digestive functions of the human body.

The dragon fetus here, not only has not been digested, but has also occupied the magpie's nest, and began to absorb the essence and nutrition of Song Tianyin. Such a phenomenon is simply unbelievable!

In modern terms, that is——

This unscientific!


This is the world of humans and demons.

Creatures like monsters cannot be explained by science, especially the monsters in the world of Monster Hunting. They are even more unimaginable. They can become bigger and smaller, wear human skin, and mix with people in the downtown area. It is seriously inconsistent with biology and normal logic. In other words, even the appearance and appearance are very different from other monsters!

Existence is reasonable!

For some things, you don't have to know the specifics and why, just accept it!

Just like now, even if Bai Xiaofei has traveled all over the heavens and worlds, his experiences and experiences are extremely rich, and his own knowledge is even more shocking, but at this moment, facing the situation of Song Tianyin's pregnancy, he still has no clue at all. Regarding the extremely mysterious dragon fetus, It is the monk of Zhang Er, who can't figure it out!


In desperation, Bai Xiaofei could only give up and continue his research.

At this time, Cass controlled Aries and came to him, reporting: "Sir, the blood and DNA samples have been collected!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

We will talk about the research later, the problem now is to quickly integrate into this world.


He put away Aries.

The cool special effects and scenes naturally once again deeply shocked Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin!

The three of them chatted politely.


Song Tianyin expressed that he would like to invite the two of them to sit at home, have some food or something, and chat to express their thanks.

Huo Xiaolan naturally has no objection, her goal is the dragon fetus in Song Tianyin's stomach, even if Song Tianyin doesn't invite her, she will not leave! What's more... Bai Xiaofei has nothing important to do now, he has already promised Song Tianyin, as a fan and fan girl, Huo Xiaolan will naturally follow wherever his idol goes!


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