The Storm God

Chapter 1384 I am a warrior! (Please subscribe!)

The three people's current location is actually not far from Yongning Village where Song Tianyin is located, but because of fleeing, they ran a considerable distance. But this distance is nothing to the three of them. It takes about half an hour to walk.

Bai Xiaofei had nothing to do.

Just taking this opportunity, I asked Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin to learn about this world.


It's mainly about demons.

And mysteries such as the celestial master who is the natural enemy of demons!

When he first watched the movie, Bai Xiaofei didn't think how great these celestial masters were, because their skills were really bad, not to mention their power (special effects), and they were often fooled around by one or two monsters , even easily bloody abuse!

For example, Boss Ge, who climbed to the fairy tower.

A single-handed monster actually maimed all the boss group of celestial masters!

If it weren't for Song Tianyin and others with the help of the pig's foot halo, I'm afraid the whole army would be wiped out and the finale would be over. There would be no follow-up to the second part. Although the second part is also quite rubbish, there is no plot at all. , but if a movie for children can reach this level, Bai Xiaofei will no longer insist on anything.

After coming to this world.

Through contact and inquiry with Huo Xiaolan, Bai Xiaofei finally realized that the so-called celestial masters in this world are far more powerful than he imagined! Even... when the cultivation level of the master reaches a certain level, he can still maintain his youth forever and increase his lifespan!

And the spells and skills that the celestial masters are proficient in are also quite unimaginable, which should not be underestimated!

For example, the art of imperialism shown in the movie.

Paper-cut villains!

The family heirloom sword!


These are the representative abilities of the celestial master's spells, and they are all the most low-level applications and powers.

If it is developed to the extreme, there is no need to say more about the power!


The inheritance of the celestial masters has gradually declined and disappeared as the monster clan retreated to the deep mountains. After thousands of years of hard work, today, even the once glorious Tianshi Hall has become a small hall and temple that no one cares about, let alone the inherited techniques practiced by the Tianshi.

To be before.

The highest level of a celestial master is still ten coins.

But as the backbone of the celestial masters, they are basically celestial masters with around eight coins. They can basically capture monsters with ease, and they are extremely majestic!

And now...

Ten money celestial master has become a long-standing legend.

The former backbone force, the eight-qian celestial master has become the highest existence today, and the number is still pitifully small, only double ten. Leaving aside the ages and ages of each and every one of them, God knows whether they are dead or not!

Even the four or six money celestial masters of the backbone are not good at it! Compared with the previous celestial masters, the real strength, techniques, methods, etc. must be at least one level lower, otherwise it will not appear. There are so many celestial masters, and the phenomenon that they can't beat Boss Ge's monster up.


The situation on Yaozu's side is not much better.

After all, the deep mountains and old forests are not a good place. Living in a backward environment for a long time, many monster race species must pay a sufficient price to adapt to the environment and survive, otherwise they can only end up being eliminated by the environment!

Once upon a time...

The monster clan is tyrannical and there are many kinds.

Even a ten-dollar celestial master would not dare to easily go to the Yaozu to make trouble.

But it is different now. Many powerful races have been annihilated in the long river of history, and they have disappeared. It's a dire situation, and the overall strength has been severely weakened!


With the strength of the monster clan shown in the movie.

With few enemies and many beings able to easily torture countless celestial masters with blood, the demon clan may have fought back long ago and ruled the world!

In fact, to put it bluntly, the monster clan still has too little high-end combat power and too many mediocre monsters. Moreover, the evil heart is not in harmony, and it is currently in civil strife. Don't you see, the countless monsters in the movie are all weak and pitiful, vegetarians? Such monsters have almost no fighting power, but they have been caught by humans a lot and eaten as delicacies!


A delicate balance has been formed between the two parties, and neither of them can do anything to the other!

But this phenomenon is only temporary.

To know.

Whether it is the first Monster Hunt.

In the second part, there are not a few examples where the monster clan mixed into the human world and gained great power and status. Boss Ge's climbing to the fairy tower and the Tianshi Hall, the holy place in the mind of the celestial master, are all the dark chess of the monster clan. Playing around with ordinary monsters!

The strategy and ambition of this new demon king can be seen by no means ordinary!


None of these things are the point.

What Bai Xiaofei is really interested in is the son of destiny in this world—the little demon king Huba!

It is rumored that the little demon king will subvert the world and promote the coexistence of monsters. Whether someone deliberately rumored it, or it was true, let's not talk about it for now, what Bai Xiaofei cares most about is what the little demon king's ability is! After all, he is the son of the demon king and the dragon fetus of the demon queen. With such an extraordinary status, he can't be ordinary, can he?

And in the movie Monster Hunt.

The first part shows the blood of the little demon king, which seems to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and it can also make the dead wood rejuvenate. Even the wood that has been made into the floor can also produce fresh green shoots, which can be said to be incomparable. In the second part, what is shown is the saliva of the little demon king.



What Bai Xiaofei cares more about is the blood of the Little Demon King.

You know, he has the Mudun clone, and he has also taken the seeds of the stars. He possesses vast and endless life force, but he can use the Wooden Ninjutsu as he likes, but similar to the little demon king Huba who only needs a few drops Blood, the ability to bring people back to life, is completely powerless!


Perform wood escape ninjutsu.

And let the wood made of the floor rejuvenate and grow buds, these are two completely different concepts! And this is Huba's ability that was conceived shortly after he was born. What if when he grows up, his body becomes stronger and stronger? Will there be any unbelievable ability against the sky?

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to it very much.

He secretly made up his mind that when the little demon king Huba was successfully born, he must take some blood and study it carefully! If there is really any special mystery, it seems pretty good to snatch it over and raise it as a younger brother! The heaven-defying ability of the Little Demon King's blood, coupled with the power of Mu Dun's Mu Dun avatar, they are a perfect match!

And that new demon king!

Since the other party was able to defeat Huba's father, that is, the old demon king, it can be seen that he also has real skills.

Maybe it's also some rare and exotic monster!

It is necessary to investigate!

in addition……

It is the magic of the celestial masters.

As well as the foundation of cultivation, countless treasures of heaven and earth, these are what Bai Xiaofei values ​​and lacks.

Especially Tiancaidibao!

To know.

The concentration of aura in the world of Monster Hunt is unprecedentedly high!

Even monsters can be bred. For countless years, the vast and endless land must have bred countless unknowingly rare and rare treasures. Otherwise, those celestial masters are not as powerful as warriors, so how do they cultivate? Mana, enhance physical fitness and lifespan!

If you conquer this time and space, you should no longer worry about the treasures of heaven and earth, right? !

Bai Xiaofei thought happily.

"Brother Bai!"

At this time, Huo Xiaolan suddenly tilted his head, and asked curiously and puzzled: "You asked me so many questions about celestial masters and monsters, why... aren't you a celestial master?"

Until now, she couldn't believe that a person who was not a celestial master could easily kill the giant blood demon!


Hearing Huo Xiaolan's question.

Bai Xiaofei withdrew his thoughts and thoughts, then shook his head and said with a smile: "That's right! I'm really not a celestial master!"

"I am a warrior!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were both taken aback.

In the world of Monster Hunt, there is no occupation or vocabulary of warriors, only ordinary people, soldiers, celestial masters and monsters. This is formed by the general environment of the world, just like the western world, in ancient times, there were only warriors, knights, priests, magicians... and other professions, but there was never such a profession as a Taoist priest.

So when they heard Bai Xiaofei's words, both of them were stupefied.

His eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension.


Bai Xiaofei smiled faintly.

I didn't explain much, and I couldn't explain this stuff for a while. Besides, Yongning Village is just around the corner, so his attention is all on the villagers of the village at the moment, or...these human skins of the villagers are actually monsters!

In this world, it seems that no matter how big the monsters are, they can almost wear human skin and pretend to be human.

Such a staggering ability is simply incredible!

It is necessary to study carefully!


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