The Storm God

Chapter 1385 Human skin disguise! (Please subscribe!)


As soon as the three of them approached the village, they immediately attracted the attention of the villagers. One of the thin and short young people rushed over cautiously, and said to Song Tianyin with a smile: "Baochang, how did you come back from outside? When did you go out? Why don't I know? Your stomach What's wrong?"

"And...these two are...?"


The young man said.

He also glanced at Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan with a very vigilant and xenophobic look.

Especially Huo Xiaolan!

no way!

Who told her that the two huge copper coins on her chest were too conspicuous. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that she is a celestial master! Although he is only a low-level celestial master, he is also a celestial master, the old enemy of the demon clan! Erqian Tianshi may not be able to deal with big monsters, but it is easy to deal with little monsters like Xiangyoun!

That's right!

The young man who ran out to meet Song Tianyin was also a demon!

His name is Xiao Wu.

Song Tianyin's best friend!

In the entire Yongning Village, Song Tianyin, the chief security guard, may be the only one who takes the security chief as a cadre.

Also one of the most bullied.

And another one.

It was Song Tianyin who was the chief security officer!

The so-called Baochang, which means the village chief, should be the most powerful and status person in the village. A cripple, the value of the villagers is extremely sturdy, naturally no one takes him seriously as the village chief!

Not only that.

The villagers in Yongning Village often bullied him and Xiao Wu, but they did things for themselves.

Such as laundry, cleaning the room and so on.

Although the days are hard.

But it is also very harmonious, and it can be regarded as an alternative kind of happy atmosphere!


Song Tianyin enjoyed this kind of life very much.

Otherwise, as a big man, as long as there is nothing wrong with him, who can swallow his anger for a long time!

Closer to home.

When Xiao Wu was sizing up Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan, Bai Xiaofei was also using his mind and thoughts to carefully investigate and scan Xiao Wu. He would like to see how this monster put on the human skin, turned into a human, and then lived in this Yongning Village in disguise for more than ten years without being discovered.

As for Huo Xiaolan?

All right!

She didn't care at all.

With the strength of her Erqian Tianshi, she still can't see through Xiaowu's human disguise.

not to mention……

Long before yesterday.

Huo Xiaolan had already met Xiao Wu and other villagers in Song Tianyin's inn. However, the camouflage of the monsters is too sophisticated, and they have lived in the human world for more than ten years, even decades, and they are already used to human actions, so Huo Xiaolan can't find them at all.

Let alone Huo Xiaolan.

Even Luo Gang, the Heavenly Master with four coins, still couldn't find anything abnormal.

The reason why the demons in Yongning Village were encircled and suppressed by Boss Ge who climbed to the Immortal Tower led many celestial masters, and wiped them all out. In the final analysis, it was because of the scouting little demon who looked like a blue pineapple, not only could fly, but also had a very powerful concealment ability.

As a Yaozu.

Especially the high-level monster race.

No matter how well these villagers pretend, they cannot escape the eyes of Boss Ge, who is also a monster and is more proficient in disguise.

The defenseless Yongning Village naturally cannot escape the doom of extinction.

And now...

Xiao Wu's disguise.

In front of Bai Xiaofei's mind power as high as level 4, it is also useless!

Although his fake human skin is exquisite and unparalleled, in the final analysis, he is not a real human being after all, but a monster race. Even though he looks the same as ordinary people on the surface, his actual internal composition is very different from that of the human body, and the power of the mind and thoughts But it can go deep into the deepest essential realm of matter, and see clearly!


A demon race disguised as a human like Xiao Wu has no secrets at all in front of Bai Xiaofei! Almost effortlessly, as soon as Bai Xiaofei's mental power came into contact with Xiao Wu's body, he noticed the abnormality in the opponent's body.

It's like banging your hand on a wall.

If you want to know whether the inside is hollow or not, you can tell at a glance just by listening to the sound fed back from the wall!

And Xiao Wu gave Bai Xiaofei the feeling, that's it!

after all……

Xiao Wu is just wearing human skin.

Just like wearing clothes, instead of growing human skin on your body, you can't hide from Bai Xiaofei's psychic investigation!

"I see!"

After figuring out the mystery.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly understood, and then lost interest.

In fact, to put it bluntly, there is nothing worth exploring about this thing. It is nothing more than wearing bionic muscle tissue and skin like the Terminator. As long as the AI ​​​​of the Terminator is high enough, like these monsters, it is not easy to find out if it mixes into human life. It's not that hard!

The real technical core is the ability of Yaozu to freely change its body size. Judging from the information shown in the movie plot, it seems... almost all monster races have this kind of ability. And if you want to thoroughly study this ability, it can't be done in a while, you have to think about it in the long run!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately withdrew his mind power and stopped investigating.

All this is a long story, but in fact it is only a blink of an eye, a minute or two at most. At this time, Song Tianyin had already explained the situation of Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan to Xiao Wu. As for his big was too difficult to describe, and he didn't know how to explain it.

"Ha ha!"

Huo Xiaolan is still witty.

Seeing that Song Tianyin was hesitating and unable to explain why, he took a step forward and chimed in and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally ate something that shouldn't be eaten, and I've been supported, and I'll go down in two days, don't worry , he's fine!"


"So this is ah!"

"Look at him like this. At first I thought brother Tianyin was pregnant! Haha...but it's right when you think about it, how can a man be pregnant!"

"It seems that I am still thinking wildly!"


Xiao Wu shook his head amusedly, laughing at himself.

But he didn't know that his unintentional words made Song Tianyin extremely depressed and bitter, thinking: "Damn! I'm really pregnant! No way! I'm so conspicuous, Xiao Wu saw That's all, he is my best friend, and he can't be seen by other villagers in the village, otherwise it will be embarrassing!"

Think here.

He hastily pulled Xiao Wu aside and whispered.

After a while, I saw Xiao Wu nodded, and then ran back to Yongning Village in a hurry. I don't know what method he used, but in a blink of an eye, he persuaded all the villagers who were tending to surround him, and quickly ran back to him house, and shut all doors and windows.


Song Tianyin was immediately dumbfounded.

Seeing such a weird scene, he was full of disbelief, and muttered to himself: "My God! it fake! When did Xiao Wu have such a big influence, and he is actually more conservative than me? He's so tall, he convinced all the villagers almost instantly!"


Although Huo Xiaolan didn't know the specific situation in Yongning Village, seeing such a scene at this moment, as a woman, she was born with a super strong sixth sense, and she immediately noticed the unusualness of it. A pair of big bright eyes wandered back and forth between Song Tianyin and Yongning Village from time to time, thoughtful!


Only Bai Xiaofei still had an indifferent smile.

It seemed that there was nothing that would make him flustered and astonished, and his eyes were full of calmness and aloofness. Moreover, Bai Xiaofei, who was extremely mentally powerful, also saw the strategy Xiao Wu used just now, so he naturally didn't find it strange!

In fact, things are very simple.

Xiao Wu just told the villagers of Yongning Village the identity of Huo Xiaolan's Celestial Master.

You know, they are all disguised by the monster clan. Facing their old enemies of life and death, the monsters naturally attach great importance and care to them, and avoid them as much as they can! In addition, Xiao Wu lied to them that Song Tianyin, the chief security guard, was in Huo Xiaolan's hands, and the demons dared not act rashly.

Exposure is small, but harming the benefactor's son Song Tianyin is big! As long as he doesn't reveal his identity as a monster, Song Tianyin, a human, will be fine! This is what Xiao Wu told them. So...they all obeyed Xiao Wu's orders and ran to hide in their own houses.

"Let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone go in first, take a rest, and then talk about other things!"


The two returned to their senses.

Then the three walked into Yongning Village together.


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