The Storm God

Chapter 1386 Four Coins Celestial Master! (Please subscribe!)

Song Tianyin's family.

This shy little cripple runs an inn at home.

Even so, due to the limited conditions at home, the scale of this inn is not very large, and it looks very simple. Besides, Yongning Village is located in the middle of the mountains, and few people come here, so it's useless to make it so good! And there is only the little cripple in his family. There are too many rooms, well, he can't take care of it on his own!

not to mention……

the surrounding villagers.

They were all disguised by the monster race in human skin.

After the two of them sat down, Song Tianyin turned around and went to the kitchen to make food for Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan. After going through the monster hunt and half an hour's journey, it was getting late now. Bai Xiaofei didn't care, but Huo Xiaolan did. I'm a little hungry!

after all……

She was seriously injured before.

Although under the treatment of Bai Xiaofei's alien medical spray, he has recovered to the original state, but the exhaustion of his body has not been compensated. In addition, she is a practitioner, and she walked for more than half an hour. At this moment, Huo Xiaolan was already growling with hunger.

"Let me do it!"

Seeing the little cripple limping with a big belly, Bai Xiaofei couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help but speak. Although Huo Xiaolan couldn't bear it, but besides catching monsters, she didn't have any other skills, not even cooking, so she could only sit there and wait to eat ready-made food.


Song Tianyin was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Bai Xiaofei in surprise, and said, "Brother Bai, this is not good! You saved our lives, and now you have to cook for us, don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, I'm not really pregnant, it's just..."

The words are not finished.

Bai Xiaofei directly interrupted his speech.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, he immediately made a few seals there pretendingly, and then used the psychic technique of ninjutsu to summon a ninjutsu scroll. A table full of delicacies appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Bai Xiaofei curled his lips and said with a smile: "No, I have ready-made ones here!"

Song Tianyin: "..."

Huo Xiaolan: "..."

The two of them stared dumbfounded at a large table full of delicious food that they had never seen before, and they were dumbfounded.

Especially Huo Xiaolan.

"smell good!"

The delicacies that Bai Xiaofei summoned were not ordinary.

Although it is not a special tonic cooked in a Hunyuan iron pot, it is also an extremely rare and rare ingredient. The delicious food cooked by professional chefs has the color, fragrance and shape in seconds, reaching the pinnacle! Not to mention ordinary people, even the royal chef in the palace, I'm afraid they can't cook such delicious food!

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan are both living in the poor class in this world. They usually eat for food and clothing. How have they ever seen such amazing and delicious meals? Seeing this sudden table full of delicacies, it's no surprise if you're not shocked!


This is all secondary.

The most important thing is the origin of these delicacies.

OMG! They were all created by Bai Xiaofei! With such means, could it be possible that he is a god? !

Song Tianyin couldn't help shouting in his heart.

And Huo Xiaolan...

On the other hand, he stared at a pair of bright big eyes, and immediately revealed the previous nympho look again. She is not an idiot like Song Tianyin who has never seen anything in the world. Huo Xiaolan could clearly see Bai Xiaofei's actions just now. This is clearly an unpredictable spell, okay?

"I don't know if I can learn it?"

Huo Xiaolan whimsically said: "If you learn this trick, then you won't be afraid of starving in the future when you slay demons!"

Bai Xiaofei ignored the stupefaction of the two, and sat there with a faint smile. Then he picked up a cup of the summoned tea and drank it leisurely. Xin said: "If it weren't for the fact that you two are the parents of the little demon king Huba, the son of destiny in this world, my buddies wouldn't value you so much. Anyway, I made the stuff, you like it or not!"

That's right!

The reason for calling out food.

Bai Xiaofei actually has his own ulterior motives.

after all……

when he comes.

The little demon king is already in Song Tianyin's stomach.

After some investigation before, Bai Xiaofei discovered that this extremely miraculous dragon fetus has almost become one with Song Tianyin's life. If it is taken out rashly, it will definitely hurt Song Tianyin's life. Insufficient nutrition, if you don't do it well, you will lose money!

In order to study the little demon king Huba.

With no other choice, Bai Xiaofei could only helplessly wait for its birth. As for Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, they are also people with great luck, the darling of fate, and they are also the parents of the little demon king Huba, so there is nothing wrong with making friends with them!


If two people don't know what is good or bad.

To prevent Bai Xiaofei from studying the Little Demon King, someone doesn't mind using some tough methods!


There was a sound of hunger.

Huo Xiaolan suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately put away his thoughts, all his attention was on the delicious food in front of him, and his mouth was drooling!

Song Tianyin was not much better, he was not very hungry at first, but for some reason, when he saw and smelled these unprecedented delicacies, his stomach was instantly hungry! And he was still very, very hungry, as if there was a bottomless pit in his stomach. Song Tianyin felt that he could eat an elephant now!


Bai Xiaofei looked at the two of them like this.

Smiling slightly, he said, "Don't worry about me, just eat, I'm not hungry yet!"


"In that case, thank you, Brother Bai!"

"I'm welcome!"


Don't look at Huo Xiaolan as a woman, but apart from her gender, there is almost nothing like a woman in her body, and in some respects, she is even more masculine than a man. Careless, heartless, after hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, he immediately began to eat without any hesitation!

On the other hand, Song Tianyin was a bit sissy.

With his character, he should have been very reserved and polite, but... in front of the delicious food, his stomach was really upset. The little cripple who couldn't stand the "temptation", after being polite to Bai Xiaofei, He also immediately joined Huo Xiaolan's crazy eating and drinking action.


Compared to the carefree Huo Xiaolan.

Song Tianyin, who is pregnant with a dragon fetus and has a big belly, eats like crazy, even more fierce than Huo Xiaolan! His mouth is like a bottomless pit, no matter what kind of food, as long as it is put into the mouth, it will be devoured before chewing twice, and then stuffed inside!

One mouthful after another!

Plate after plate!

With such a ferocious appetite, Huo Xiaolan was dumbfounded on the spot: "Damn! Little cripple, you must be reincarnated from starvation, right? This is too much to eat, right? No wonder your family is so poor, I Guess it must be poored by you! Hey, that's mine, don't move!"

between words.

Of course, Huo Xiaolan didn't forget to protect her favorite food.

She is not full yet!


Bai Xiaofei was not surprised.

After scanning Song Tianyin's situation with his mind and thoughts, he explained with a smile: "It's not his fault. If I'm not wrong, it should be caused by the dragon fetus in his stomach. After all, the birth of a baby needs to absorb enough from the mother. Nutritious, otherwise there will be a mutation, or even an early death, and the dragon fetus will be transferred to Song Tianyin, so he will naturally increase his appetite!"

"These things are not what he eats, but the nutrients of the dragon fetus!"

"So it is!"

When Huo Xiaolan heard the words, he suddenly realized.

She was eating delicious food and was about to say something when a man suddenly walked in from outside. This man was ordinary, with tattered clothes, he was obviously not a wealthy man, with a stubble beard, he looked a bit masculine.


The most obvious sign of this person.

It's still the very conspicuous four huge copper coins connected in series with red strings on the left chest!

Four money celestial master!


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