The Storm God

Chapter 1387 Don't force me to do it! (Please subscribe!)

The four money celestial masters just came in.

Those tiger eyes fell directly on Song Tianyin. no way! Who told him to have a big belly. As a man, but like a woman who is pregnant in October, with a big belly, such a weird thing, I am afraid that everyone can't help but look at it more often, right?


I saw his eyes fixed.

As if the hunter saw the prey, the green light shone brightly, and the whole person became excited and excited.

"Sure enough, it's here!"

But he heard him staring at Song Tianyin's big belly, and said with a smile: "Huo Xiaolan! I guessed right, the dragon fetus of the demon queen is indeed here, hahaha! It really pays off for those who care, and ran away two demon queens." A beast, but let me pick up a dragon fetus, this deal is worth it!"


He snatched two monsters from Huo Xiaolan's hands. Then, in order to avoid getting entangled with Huo Xiaolan, he immediately took the monster out of the way. Unexpectedly, at night, he was deceived by the other party's cunning, knocked himself out and escaped.

Luo Gang is so depressed!

The obtained monster actually ran away like this, damn! This is the bargaining chip for me to be promoted to the five-qian celestial master!

That's right!

This four-money celestial master is the Luo Gang in the movie plot! Huo Xiaolan's acquaintance, or the most annoying competitor in the same industry, because Luo Gang often steals monsters from Huo Xiaolan without morality! It was secondary to causing her to lose a lot of money. The key point was that without those monsters, Huo Xiaolan would not be able to advance!

The promotion of a celestial master has its own set of rules and regulations. If you want to gain recognition, promotion, and more powerful spells and techniques of celestial masters, even magic weapons and magic weapons, you must constantly hunt and kill monsters. corresponding rewards.


You just stay where you are!

Huo Xiaolan was alone, and although she was a woman, her personality was more masculine than a man's. When she caught a monster, she dared to fight and fight hard, quite desperately! This can be seen from the plot of the movie. Although her level is low, she accumulates a lot. It stands to reason that she should have accumulated enough meritorious deeds to be promoted to a three-coin celestial master, or even higher.

But she didn't!

And the most direct reason for this is Luo Gang!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or what’s going on. Many times in the past, whenever Huo Xiaolan was about to catch a monster, Luo Gang would miraculously appear, just like yesterday. As a result, Huo Xiaolan worked hard and was busy. After a long time, the monster that was about to be caught became Luo Gang's trophy!

It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Gang's achievements today are largely due to Huo Xiaolan's credit!

And because of this.

As long as the two meet, they are like enemies.

Simply jealous!


The voice just fell.

Luo Gang immediately started without any hesitation.

He saw that he was chanting the incantations unique to celestial masters, but he threw out a magic weapon like a cage in his hand, and attacked Song Tianyin head-on! When the magic weapon was just thrown out, it was still the original size, but the closer it got to Song Tianyin, the bigger it became!

When the magic weapon was less than a foot away from Song Tianyin, it had already become as big as a real prison. It's like a net, it's not a problem at all to detain Song Tianyin, who is nearly 1.8 meters tall, more than enough!


Most of the magical tools of the celestial masters are used to catch monsters, but there is no absolute in everything, and many of the skills and methods are also applicable to dealing with humans! For example... Huo Xiaolan once used spells to "sew" Song Tianyin's mouth shut, making him unable to speak!

And the magic weapon that Luo Gang is using now is a very high-level treasure, which can be used whether it is a monster or a human being. Although it can't be reduced to the smallest size like trapping a monster, and it can be carried with you, it is unbreakable and extremely strong. Without Luo Gang's approval, it is almost impossible to escape from the prison!

Luo Gang took the lead in order to take the initiative!

By the time……

Song Tianyin was trapped by himself.

No matter how noisy Huo Xiaolan is, it's useless!


"With this dragon fetus, not only will you be able to be promoted to five coins smoothly, but you can also make a lot of money!"

"It's lucky this time!"


Luo Gang thought so in his heart.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very cruel!

"Luo Gang!"

Huo Xiaolan immediately became angry.

Leaving aside the previous incidents, this time Luo just met, without further ado, unexpectedly snatching things from him again unreasonably, this is simply unbearable, okay?

Seeing the opponent's magic weapon, it turned towards Song Tianyin as a hood.

Huo Xiaolan also made a decisive move!


The long whip waved.

The mana was mixed with powerful force, and it was drawn directly on Luo Gang's cage.

Although Huo Xiaolan is only a celestial master with low strength, the whip-shaped magic weapon in her hand is quite extraordinary. It can be said that it is the most powerful magic weapon in her hand. Even a giant blood demon can't damage it. It can be seen that its quality is by no means ordinary.

The whip was whipped over the cage.

Hearing a "bang", the latter immediately changed direction like a ball, and landed next to Song Tianyin with a bang, shining a piece of furniture in the room.


Song Tianyin was terribly frightened, he couldn't care less about eating right now, he screamed and ran away, hiding behind Bai Xiaofei. In his mind, the only one who can protect him now is Bai Xiaofei, who has a mysterious origin and is even more powerful. As for Huo Xiaolan...

It's good that she can protect herself!

at the same time.

Huo Xiaolan also held the whip, stepped forward, and stood in front of Bai Xiaofei and Song Tianyin heroically.

He confronted Luo Gang with big eyes and small eyes.


There is also some meaning of protecting Luo Gang.

Although Luo Gang hates it, Huo Xiaolan has been with him for so many years, and they are very familiar "old friends". The two have no feelings, but also have friendship! Bai Xiaofei's strength is too abnormal, he can easily kill the giant blood demon, Huo Xiaolan dare not let Bai Xiaofei do it!

Otherwise, Luo Gang will definitely die!

after all……

For Luo Gang.

Someone doesn't have any friendship!

Bai Xiaofei also saw Huo Xiaolan's intentions, he just smiled lightly and didn't say anything more.

What he is most concerned about now is the dragon fetus in Song Tianyin's belly. Before the little demon king Huba is born, no one can touch him, otherwise... no matter who it is, as long as it hinders his plan, Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind letting the other party with that Like a giant blood demon, dead without a whole body!

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.


Huo Xiaolan and Luo Gang have already opened their mouths.

As for the result, of course, you don't even need to think about it. After talking for a few words, the two of them fell apart. Luo Gang's attitude was unusually firm, indicating that the dragon fetus was decided. And Huo Xiaolan did not back down, and then the conversation between the two of them directly changed to seeing the real chapter under his hand.

Whoever wins, the dragon fetus in Song Tianyin's belly will be his!

Very simple and crisp!


Even the location of the competition is the same.

The two of them didn't go out to fight, but they fought directly in the lobby of Song Tianyin's inn.

Huo Xiaolan and Luo Gang, one is a two-qian celestial master and the other is a four-qian celestial master, the difference in strength is almost clear at a glance. Although Luo Gang didn't use all his strength due to affection, Huo Xiaolan still couldn't resist Luo Gang's attack. After all, there was a full two levels difference between the two of them!


Huo Xiaolan was defeated like a mountain, and was completely controlled by Luo Gang.

The long whip in her hand was used by Luo Gang in reverse, and he tied it into a big rice dumpling. Even Huo Xiaolan's mouth was sewed up by Luo Gang with magic, just like at the beginning Huo Xiaolan was the same as Song Tianyin, she couldn't speak, and could only make "hmmmmmmm" sounds from her nasal cavity.

After finishing Huo Xiaolan, Luo Gang immediately set his eyes on Bai Xiaofei.

In Luo Gang's view.

Bai Xiaofei is just an ordinary person.

There is no mana fluctuation on his body, so it is easy to deal with him!


"Young man, get out of the way!"


Luo Gang approached Bai Xiaofei step by step, and said as he walked: "Your fate can only be the same as that of Huo Xiaolan over there, and you will be subdued by me, or even worse! My goal is only him, and I have nothing to do with you." If you are sensible, get out of the way quickly, and don't force me to do it!"

"Is it?"

Bai Xiaofei sat there leisurely.

He glanced at Luo Gang indifferently, took a sip of tea calmly, and then sneered: "Unfortunately, this person really has something to do with me, so... I can't get out of the way! And I have something to tell you : Uncle, if you are sensible, leave quickly, don't force me to do it!"


"Your end will definitely be worse than Huo Xiaolan's!"

"I promise!"


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