The Storm God

Chapter 1388 Luo Gang gives in! (Please subscribe!)


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Huo Xiaolan, who was tied up like a zongzi and speechless, suddenly became anxious. He wanted to ask Bai Xiaofei not to kill Luo Gang. It's a pity...she can only make a "hmm" sound now. Others didn't understand what Huo Xiaolan meant at all.

Bai Xiaofei knew what Huo Xiaolan meant.


He doesn't care at all.

Luo Gang has friendship with Huo Xiaolan, but he doesn't, so Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to listen to her.

Even Song Tianyin is the same, he knows that Bai Xiaofei is awesome, and he probably understands in his heart that if this man who wants to catch him, once he makes a move on Bai Xiaofei, he will definitely end badly. Although I feel a little unbearable in my heart, is it important?

To know.

The other party came to catch him.

As soon as they met, they didn't even know who the other party was, so they just started to fight. For such a person, why do you ask Song Tianyin to be considerate of Luo Gang?

He is stupid, but he is not stupid!

You are the victim!


Song Tianyin didn't say anything.


On the other hand, Luo Gang himself, after listening to Bai Xiaofei's stern words, laughed on the spot: "Young man, what did you just say? Don't force you to do it? Let my end be worse than Huo Xiaolan's? Hahahaha! This is simply It's a big joke, I'm a master of four money!"

"And you..."

"Just an ordinary person!"

"Want to deal with me?"


Speaking of which.

Luo Gang immediately shook his head "tsk tsk tsk".

Disdainfully said: "Young man, you don't have the qualifications yet, trying to deal with me is just a daydream!"

Finished speaking.

He had already walked in front of Bai Xiaofei.

The distance between the two was less than half a meter, and Luo Gang seemed to have completely lost his patience. After Luo Gang stood still, without further ado, he stretched out his hand towards Bai Xiaofei, as if he wanted to pull Bai Xiaofei away, so that he could smoothly catch Song Tianyin who was hiding behind Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei sat where he was, without moving.

Sipping tea leisurely, he just let Luo Gang's thugs press on his shoulders.


There's no after that.

Luo Gang pushed hard, trying to push Bai Xiaofei away.

Unexpectedly, the person didn't push it, let alone, but he himself was pulled by an incomparably huge force and fell headlong to the side.

The Way of Tai Chi - four or two strokes!


Unsuspecting Luo Gang.

I was stunned and fell a dog to eat shit on the spot, that was a mess!

Simply put, the place where he fell was just an open space, and there was no extra thing, otherwise, if this face bumped into him, his nose would be bruised and his face would be swollen!

"I rely on it!"

"What's the matter?"

"I actually..."

Luo Gang's eyes widened, and he was immediately stunned.

Not only him, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin in the scene were also stunned by Bai Xiaofei's move. From their point of view, Bai Xiaofei didn't do anything at all, and Luo Gang just fell over like crazy, but this is obviously impossible!

It must be Bai Xiaofei's hands and feet, otherwise, with the strength of Luo Gang's four-qian celestial master, would he fall down by himself?

No one will believe it!


Regardless of the reactions of Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin.

I saw Luo Gang got up from the ground in a rage, then stared at Bai Xiaofei with fire-breathing eyes, and said angrily: "Boy, did you play tricks just now? Good! Unexpectedly, you, this guy, have two tricks, even when I didn't pay attention. , it’s all overcast, if that’s the case, then don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

"Give you one last chance!"

"If you don't get out of the way, I'm going to get serious!"

"Do you want to let it go or not?"


While drinking angrily.

Luo Gang also pulled out the ax-shaped magic weapon he carried with him, and put on a look of being ready.

With such an appearance, it was obvious that he was really angry.


Bai Xiaofei still had a sneer on his face.

Seeing that the other party made a serious move, there was a murderous look in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Luo Gang, right? For Huo Xiaolan's sake, I will also give you one last chance. This person is my favorite, and you are the best if you are sensible." Give up, otherwise... I'm going to get serious!"


When Luo Gang heard this, he was immediately annoyed.

He yelled in his mouth: "Good you brat, since you don't eat toast, don't blame me for being rude! Look at the trick!"

With the magic weapon in his hand, he swung it fiercely, and slashed straight at Bai Xiaofei.

And Bai Xiaofei...

Still a calm look.

Seeing that the huge ax in Luo Gang's hand was about to hit his shoulder, he sneered and shot suddenly.

next moment.

Just listen to "噗嗤".

follow closely……

Luo Gang screamed and flew backwards.

Not only the giant ax fell to the ground on the spot, but the whole person was also like a cannonball, hitting many things in the lobby of the inn, smashing the whole room into a mess! And the shoulder of his right hand, which was holding the magic weapon just now, now has a big bloody hole, and the blood is flowing!

A chopstick, like a sharp blade, was inserted straight there, almost piercing through Luo Gang's entire shoulder!


See such a scene.

Whether it's Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, or Luo Gang himself.

They couldn't help but gasp!

"A chopstick?"


"Luo Gang (me) was injured by a chopstick?"

"How can this be?!"


The three of them had expressions of disbelief.

But the facts were in front of everyone, the piercing pain spread all over Luo Gang's body clearly, he couldn't help but believe it!

The way the three looked at Bai Xiaofei changed instantly.

Especially Luo Gang!


At this moment, when he looked at Bai Xiaofei's eyes, he was full of fear and horror, and secretly cried out in his heart: "This is not an ordinary person, he is obviously a pervert, okay! How dare you use a chopstick to kill me, who is a four-dollar genius? The teacher was seriously injured, and the most important thing is that I didn't see how he shot!"

"Such a method is simply unbelievable!"

"Don't fight hard!"


Thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side finally moved.

I saw him put down the teacup in his hand, and then slowly stood up. There was no movement of Bai Xiaofei, and the whip on Huo Xiaolan's body was untied automatically as if it had some spirituality. At the same time... Luo Gang also floated uncontrollably and flew in front of Bai Xiaofei.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

The whip is coiled like a snake.

After two or three strokes, Luo Gang was easily tied firmly.

Bai Xiaofei stared straight at Luo Gang with a pair of indifferent pupils, and said in a cold voice: "You don't have to drink a toast, Luo Gang, Luo Gang, since you don't cherish the last chance, don't blame me for being rude, say Go! How do you want to die, since you and Huo Xiaolan are old acquaintances, I can give you a good time!"

"don't want!"

Huo Xiaolan broke free from the shackles of Luo Gang's spell.

She was finally able to speak, and her first sentence was to intercede for Luo Gang: "Brother Bai, don't! Killing people is against the law! At that time, it will not do you any good to attract the officers and soldiers of the imperial court. In my opinion, Luo Gang also knows that he is wrong, why not let him go!"

While talking, he desperately winked at Luo Gang.

"Yes! That's right!"

Luo Gang is not stupid either.

Seeing this, how could he not know that Bai Xiaofei is a stubborn stubble who regards human life like nothing, so he immediately gave in, and quickly said: "This hero, I know I was wrong! It was my fault, I offended you, you are my lord!" Don't remember the villain, just treat me as a fart, let it go!"

"Killing me won't do you any good!"


That attitude is one of reverence and humility.

How can there be such an arrogant and arrogant look just now, as if they are completely two people, and the face-changing becomes so superb, there is no one else!


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

While controlling Luo Gang, he glanced at Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan.

Seeing that both of them wanted to be forgiving and forgiving, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh in my heart, and said to myself: "Forget it! Since these two are the parents of the little demon king Huba, the son of destiny, I will just forgive this one for now." Just one, but... death penalty is inevitable, life penalty is inevitable! If you dare to offend me, Bai Xiaofei, you will have to pay a heavy price!"

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes froze immediately.

The psychic power attacked instantly and directly invaded Luo Gang's mind.

Memory Search!


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