The Storm God

Chapter 1389: Zhengyi Aiki! (Please subscribe!)


Just a Luo Gang.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about his life or death at all, anyway, this guy is just a trick in the plot of Monster Hunting, he doesn't have any weight at all, if he doesn't come to provoke him, Bai Xiaofei won't bother to stay with him, but the other party Since he wanted to die sincerely, then Bai Xiaofei didn't mind fulfilling him!

However, since Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin both pleaded for mercy, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but give them face. Bai Xiaofei looked at Luo Gang with a sneer, and said, "For the sake of Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin pleading for you, I will spare your life today! Get lost! Get out of here before I change my mind!"

After all...

The power of the mind suddenly withdrew.

Luo Gang, who was floating in mid-air, suddenly fell to the ground and fell on his back! But at this moment, Luo Gang didn't care about the sharp pain in his shoulders pierced by the chopsticks, he hurriedly got up, thanked Bai Xiaofei, Huo Xiaolan, and Song Tianyin, and then put away his food, and left the inn in a hurry.

That embarrassed look made Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin speechless for a while.


Bai Xiaofei waved his hands and said, "It's getting dark now, I'm going to rest!"

"You two do whatever you want!"


The two said in a daze.

How dare they say no to a terrifying master like Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei found the most comfortable and spacious room in Song Tianyin's family's inn, closed the door, separated his subordinates from the magic circle, and began to sit quietly and meditate.

Luo Gang's life is of no importance to Bai Xiaofei. What he really cares about is Luo Gang's spell and practice inheritance as a celestial master. Although the other party is only a four-dollar celestial master and his strength is not high, at least he is much more powerful than Huo Xiaolan, a two-dollar celestial master.

Something is better than nothing!

After finally coming to this fantastic and unpredictable world of time and space, I have to study it anyway, maybe there is something worth learning in it, which can improve my strength or means. And from Luo Gang's memory, Bai Xiaofei really got a lot of good things.

Although Luo Gang's celestial master rank is only four coins, his own strength and magic power are quite impressive. Apart from his very solid foundation, the most important point is his personal adventure. Simply put, Luo Gang has a very powerful master!

According to Luo Gang's memory, Bai Xiaofei learned that Luo Gang's master was also a celestial master. Although he was "wild", his spells and strength were unpredictable and extremely powerful. The overall style is somewhat similar to that of Hong Qigong, who likes to travel around the world and makes his home everywhere.

Luo Gang met this celestial master by chance, and the other party saw that Luo Gang had a good heart, so he passed on a set of basic methods of cultivation to Luo Gang. Although this method is only the lowest basic chapter, it is very comprehensive and solid, far more powerful than other methods!

It is precisely because of this.

After becoming a celestial master and obtaining more resources, Luo did not change the method just now, but continued to practice according to the method taught by the old celestial master, and this is how he has his current strength and level. Of course... Huo Xiaolan's contribution is also indispensable.

Who made Luo Gang always meet Huo Xiaolan to catch demons?

Closer to home.

After acquiring this set of basic practice methods, Bai Xiaofei immediately began to analyze and research. And according to his estimates and calculations, this set of basic methods can be described as very broad and profound. With Luo Gang's aptitude, he didn't succeed in cultivating even one-tenth of its power.


Luo Gang's current strength must be at least six money celestial master or above!

In addition to being comprehensive enough, this set of basic methods is truly terrifying not because of its power, but because of its versatility! The mana produced by cultivating it can drive and control almost all spells and instruments. Unlike other methods, there are restrictions of one kind or another. When you reach a certain level, you must change to other methods.

at this point.

It is somewhat similar to Chakra in Naruto World.

All the celestial masters in this world practice mana, which is different from the internal force of warriors. It is a mixture of spiritual and physical powers. In the initial stage, the power is not great, at most it is to strengthen the body, making the celestial master more resistant to beating.

But after reaching a certain realm and level, these mana can give birth to various supernatural powers and powers.

For example, a celestial master under Boss Ge of Dengxianlou used a special fan-shaped magic weapon to control the flow of air with a wave of his hand, forming a miniature controllable tornado, which can be used not only to deal with monsters, but even human beings. Can be trapped, even ruthlessly strangled!

And the so-called magic weapon.

There are also very specific methods of inheritance and refining in this world.

However, as Luo Gang's four-qian celestial master, he still doesn't have access to that level, he just has a little understanding of it. According to his memory, all magic tools in the world are made by a group of people other than celestial masters, who are called weapon refiners.


If the strength and ability of a celestial master reaches a certain level, he can also refine magic weapons by himself.

For example, Song Tianyin's family heirloom sword is a very powerful magic weapon. Not only does it possess fierce and domineering fire attribute power, but it can also become bigger and smaller, flying in the air like a flying sword, that is called a pervert. Many powerful monsters have died under its sword!

Song Tianyin also relied on it to kill the monster that turned into Boss Ge and Senior Brother Tianshitang.

Leaving aside the magic weapon, let's just talk about the method of cultivation.

According to Luo Gang's memory.

The celestial masters in this world seldom use magic power when fighting. Most of them are like warriors, choosing to fight with monsters in close quarters. Only at critical moments, they will use spells or magical weapons to attack. It's not that they are stingy and don't want to use it, but that the practice of mana is too difficult. Even a high-level celestial master doesn't have much mana!

after all……

Mana is equivalent to chakra.

Physical strength is easy to cultivate, but spiritual improvement is extremely difficult.

In this world, there is no very good method of spiritual cultivation, so most of the celestial masters can only focus on honing their own physical improvement, which has resulted in the current combat mode of the celestial masters, which is more like Warrior, not magician!

And no matter what kind of practice method, the quality of its mana, its power, the most critical factor is spiritual power!

With the tempering of thousands of years, the imperial court paid less and less attention to the celestial masters. Many spiritual cultivation methods, celestial master inheritance, magic weapon refining methods... etc., all disappeared in the long river of history. This has also led to the fact that the current celestial masters are not as good as one generation after another, and the moisture is very serious.

This has to be put aside.

A veteran celestial master of the same level can even beat the current ten celestial masters with one hand!

The gap is so big, it can be seen!

After understanding these.

"let's start!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly and didn't think about anything else.

Instead, put all your energy into this set of basic cultivation methods called [Zhengyi Aiki].

He wants to see, with his incomparably powerful spiritual strength + invincible physical strength, to what level can he cultivate this [Zhengyi Aiki], and if he has the power, what kind of strength should he be? , What kind of supernatural powers and powers will be born? !

Bai Xiaofei began to practice with infinite longing.

at the same time.

Shuntian Mansion is thousands of miles away.

The most famous and tallest building in the city is Dengxian Building.

Wearing multiple layers of human skin, Boss Ge, transformed from a monster, is listening to a report from a small monster that is covered in turquoise, looks like a grass radish, and has a pair of bamboo dragonflies on its head. This monster is his scout and spy, responsible for collecting and tracking down the information of the Demon Queen.

And now...

Boss Ge has already learned from it that the demon queen is dead, but the dragon fetus is parasitic in the belly of a human man.

The man is currently in the remote and remote Yongning Village.

There were two people beside him.

A celestial master.

A man of unknown origin descended from the sky.

"Yongning Village?"

Boss Ge's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself: "It seems to be a very special place. It seems that after many monsters went there, there was no news. Now the dragon fetus is also hidden there , Could it be... is there anything strange about this?"

After pondering for a moment.

He finally made up his mind, quickly recruited a group of celestial masters, and ordered: "I just received the news that the dragon fetus of the Demon Queen is in Yongning Village. Don't hesitate. In order to prevent the night from having many dreams, we will leave immediately and rush to Yongning!" Village, no matter what, the target cannot be let go!"


All the celestial masters were ordered.

Immediately, they packed up the guys one after another, headed towards Yongning Village in a mighty way, and came to the starry night!


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