The Storm God

Chapter 1390 Are you looking for a beating! (Please subscribe!)

Nothing to say all night.

The time came quickly the next morning. Normally at this time, the villagers of Yongning Village would have already woken up and were busy with their own affairs, but today was an accident. None of them got up, they all hid in the room. Quietly waiting for Huo Xiaolan and Bai Xiaofei to leave!


Song Tianyin looked at the quiet village and felt very uncomfortable.

And Huo Xiaolan...

All right.

At the moment she is just like the uncle.

Sitting at the table with her legs crossed, she ate the noodles that Song Tianyin cooked for her with big mouthfuls.

That looks old and domineering.


Huo Xiaolan kept shaking her head while eating.

With a face full of disgust, he curled his lips and said: "This craftsmanship, this taste, this's so bad!"

She was talking about the noodles on the table, of course.

to be honest.

The noodles made by Song Tianyin are still very good.

But everything is afraid of comparison, after eating those delicacies from mountains and seas that Bai Xiaofei made yesterday, and delicacies that he had never seen before, Huo Xiaolan found that his mouth had been fed by Bai Xiaofei, and the noodles that he usually thought were delicious suddenly became indifferent Tasteless, like chewing wax!

That's a bad taste!


Song Tianyin stared at Huo Xiaolan speechlessly, and said angrily, "Since it's so bad, don't eat it!"

"Are you looking for a beating?!"

Huo Xiaolan's female attributes suddenly exploded, and she gave Song Tianyin a fierce look.

As he spoke, he raised his sandbag-sized fist.

Threat is full of meaning.


Song Tianyin stopped talking immediately.

He didn't want to be beaten. Although this Huo Xiaolan was a woman, she was extremely tough, and she was simply not something he could compete with.

A manly man who can bend and stretch!

I will endure!

Think like this.

Song Tianyin couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei's room, and said to himself, "I don't know if Brother Bai is up yet? Should I call him?"

Little did they know, Bai Xiaofei actually didn't sleep at all that night.

He has been practicing and studying.


After this night of practice.

Coupled with the buff bonus of the soul out of body, with the experience of refining and transforming energy, and refining chakra, Bai Xiaofei's study of the cultivation method of the celestial masters in this world can be said to be twice the result with half the effort, and he has made rapid progress! At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's [Zhengyi Aiki] has already been practiced to the point of perfection.

If you compare the mana in Luo Gang, the four-money celestial master, to a basin of clear water.


The mana in Bai Xiaofei's body.

Then it is the vast and vast West Lake water, which is almost inexhaustible!

Regardless of other things, in terms of the quality and quantity of power alone, Bai Xiaofei's level definitely surpasses any celestial master, and he can be said to be the number one person in the ages. Even some superficial techniques learned from Luo Gang's memory, in Bai Xiaofei's hands, can still unleash a mighty power against heaven!

If he could learn more advanced spells, he would probably have no pressure to become the legendary ten-money celestial master.

"Is this mana?"

Feeling the almost endless mana in his body like a vast ocean, as well as its unique power, Bai Xiaofei's face was full of surprise. He found that although this mana was far inferior to his own Beiming True Qi in terms of simple attack and defense, as well as its purity, but...

In other aspects.

However, mana also has a very powerful effect that cannot be ignored. The simplest example is that Bai Xiaofei does not need any martial arts realm now. He can use mana alone to display many martial arts and abilities, and the power is also impressive, such as the sword control technique, such as control Art of things, wait!


Mana and true energy have their own advantages and disadvantages, and each has its advantages and disadvantages!

And in this fantastic and unpredictable world of Monster Hunting, there is no doubt that the use of mana is more extensive and powerful. After all, the enemies Bai Xiaofei has to face now are mainly those who come to hunt and kill the little demon king Huba. To breed monsters, to deal with monsters, it is more direct to use the method of the celestial master!

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't withdraw the transformed mana in his body, but just kept it like this, ending his cultivation. It's a pity... there is no magic weapon available around me, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would be able to test it on the spot to see if his magic power has awakened some kind of power or supernatural power.

"That's all!"

Someone shook his head slightly.

Secretly said: "Come on slowly! This is only the first day, and it is quite good to have such a harvest. The rest, there are plenty of opportunities! According to the analysis of the plot, after Song Tianyin became pregnant, Yongning Village will soon encounter a Havoc, now that you have your own intrusion, I don't know if there will be any accidents?"

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Song Tianyin outside heard a sound of surprise.


"Suddenly a lot of people came outside!"


Hearing Song Tianyin's voice.

It was not too late for Huo Xiaolan to face up, she rushed to the window and looked out intently.

As far as the eye can see, a large group of people is driving straight in from outside. Judging from their posture, it is obvious that they are rushing to Yongning Village. The leader was a handsome middle-aged man. He was dressed gorgeously, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and two mustaches between his lips. He looked very handsome and had an outstanding temperament.

And behind him, there are more than a dozen high-level demon-hunting celestial masters. Huo Xiaolan glanced casually, his eyes widened immediately, he couldn't help taking a breath, and said in shock: "My God! There are so many celestial masters! And the lowest strength is also at the level of five-dollar celestial masters. what's the situation?!"

"Could it be..."

Huo Xiaolan suddenly thought of a possibility.

Luo Gang betrayed himself! Those menacing celestial masters outside all came for the dragon fetus in Song Tianyin's belly, what a disaster!

But they didn't know that when Bai Xiaofei absorbed Luo Gang's memories, he had already planted the seeds of spiritual suggestion and hypnosis in his mind. It was absolutely impossible for the other party to reveal any news about Bai Xiaofei and Song Tianyin's dragon fetus. Even conservative torture and torture are the same!


Huo Xiaolan guessed one thing right.

These people really came for the dragon fetus in Song Tianyin's belly, and their plans were huge, far beyond her imagination and cognition.


Bai Xiaofei also discovered the situation outside.

Seeing the mighty group of people rushing into Yongning Village, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, "It's true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here soon. I didn't expect Boss Ge to come so fast. Anyway, just use them to practice and try Try my Zhengyi Aiki, which is in the peak and perfect state, how powerful it is!"


He removed the isolation circle and walked out of the room.

"Brother Bai!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei appear.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin immediately found the backbone.

The two quickly walked up to Bai Xiaofei, quickly told Bai Xiaofei what happened outside, and asked: "Looking at their appearance, they are obviously coming for the dragon fetus in the little cripple's belly. There are too many people on the other side. Alright, what should we do now?!"

"Brother Bai!"

Song Tianyin asked with great anticipation: "With your strength, can you defeat them?"

"How can it be!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't speak yet.

Huo Xiaolan yelled first, and said in a bad mood: "There are more than a dozen celestial masters outside, and all of them are high-level celestial masters, and the minimum level is five coins. No matter how powerful Brother Bai is, it is impossible to deal with it." There are so many people, unless he is a god!"


Upon hearing this.

Song Tianyin was suddenly full of despair.

He said with a bitter face: "Then what should we do now? If they caught me, wouldn't they really perform an operation to remove the fetus? Will I die?!"

Huo Xiaolan looked at Song Tianyin with a sneer, and said, "What do you think?"


Song Tianyin despaired again.

In the end, he could only look helplessly at Bai Xiaofei, hoping that this big brother with a mysterious background could help him solve the immediate crisis.

"You go first!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while.

Finally made up his mind and said: "Use the cave dug by the demon queen before, retreat to the woods first, and I will come later!"


"The two of us go first?"


The two were shocked immediately.

They looked at each other and were about to say something.

At this time, the brigade brought by Boss Ge outside had already begun to behave extremely arrogantly against the villagers of Yongning Village, breaking down doors violently, arresting people roughly, and even directly attacking those who resisted or ran away. A typical invader with a ghost entering the village, not to mention how cruel it is!


One of them rushed towards the inn with big strides.

It's just around the corner.


Bai Xiaofei shouted in a low voice.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin immediately became disregarded, life-saving is the most important thing! The two left a sentence: "Brother Bai, be careful yourself, we are waiting for you outside!" After that, they hurried to the big human-shaped hole in the room, slipped into it, and left Yongning Village quickly.

at the same time.

A burly celestial master outside also came to the door of the inn.

He was about to force open the door.

How can I think...


However, Bai Xiaofei kicked it out, and directly sent the gate flying like a cannonball. Pitiful for this burly celestial master who was caught off guard and without any precautions, he was knocked out on the spot by the extremely thick door panel, blood was sprayed from the mouth, he was seriously injured, and fell to the ground.


The move here immediately attracted the attention of Boss Ge and others. Dozens of pairs of gazes immediately shot over, and under everyone's attention, Bai Xiaofei walked out of the inn leisurely with a faint smile on his face.


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