The Storm God

Chapter 1391 Show your sharpness! (Please subscribe!)

"It's you!"

Boss Ge frowned, and recognized Bai Xiaofei almost immediately.

This action, what made him fear the most was Bai Xiaofei, a guy of unknown origin. After all, the power to blast the blood demon to pieces with one palm was really too scary. Just in case, Boss Ge brought all the celestial masters under his command.

How can I think...

Before I saw the person, I laid down one on my side first!

It just doesn't make sense!

"it's me!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Boss Ge's detection of monsters, Bai Xiaofei actually discovered it a long time ago, but he just pretended not to see it.

At this time, his gaze did not pay attention to everyone at all, and he slowly swept across everyone present, finally fixed on Boss Ge, and then hehe said: "Boss Ge, I know the purpose of your coming here, but why don't you come here?" To tell you the truth, that thing belongs to me, and no one wants to catch its attention, otherwise... I don't mind letting the other party disappear from this world!"

The tone is tough and arrogant, and the domineering side leaks!


Hearing this, Boss Ge's eyes turned cold instantly, and he said with a gloomy face, "Arrogance! You are only a mere person, while I have twenty-one high-ranking celestial masters. No matter how strong you are, I will not I believe you can stop all of us! Give it to me! The dragon fetus must be in that inn!"

The latter sentence was naturally directed at his subordinates.

He still didn't forget to remind: "Everyone, be careful, this person's strength is unpredictable, and his methods are extremely weird. Don't underestimate carelessness, so as not to capsize in the gutter!"


"Boss Ge, don't worry!"

"We are all high-ranking celestial masters, and there is such a person, no matter how powerful this person is, there is no way to make any waves!"

"Let this old man try this kid's weight!"

"watch out!"

A group of celestial masters laughed.

They obviously didn't take Boss Ge's words to heart, thinking that no matter how strong Bai Xiaofei was, there was a limit, and he couldn't be a match for high-ranking celestial masters like himself.

Especially the oldest Liuqian celestial master among them. Although his level is not the highest among the crowd, he is definitely the one with the richest experience and means. Now he is only one step away from being promoted to become a seven-qian celestial master, so he was the first to stand up and want to settle Bai Xiaofei.

"Show your sharpness!"

What he used in his hand was a cane.

This is not an ordinary crutch, but a celestial master's magic weapon polished and transformed by special means. It has various supernatural powers and means, and it is the most proud and powerful magic weapon of the old man. As he danced repeatedly, under the urging of mana, dozens of hidden weapon needles with thin hairs burst out from the head of the crutch.

The hidden weapon method needle is violent and domineering, not only extremely fast, but also has the property of piercing the air and making no sound, making it hard to guard against. Ordinary monsters, or celestial masters, have absolutely no possibility of dodging this kind of method. More or less, they will get hit with a few needles, thus being branded, followed by being chased and beaten by the old man repeatedly. In the end, the hatred was defeated!


What he was facing now was Bai Xiaofei.

I didn't see Bai Xiaofei making any movements. When those hidden weapon needles shot in front of Bai Xiaofei less than one centimeter away like lightning, the corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth slightly grinned, and then he shouted softly: "Duo Lan Bu Lu Ye!" The development of hidden weapons is all set in mid-air.

don't move!

This is not Bai Xiaofei using his telekinetic power.

Instead, he used the celestial master's spell - the technique of controlling objects, but Bai Xiaofei's mana is too strong, so it has this miraculous effect, directly immobilizing all the hidden weapon needles fired by the old man, reaching the level of harmony with the soul. The same effect as the power of thought!


"It actually fixed all the hidden weapon needles?"

"This is impossible!"


See this scenario.

The celestial masters on Boss Ge's side were all stunned, including the old man.

Such an astonishing method is simply unheard of!

"Nothing is impossible!"

Bai Xiaofei would not be polite to them: "It's all just your ignorance!"

"Back to you!"

After a sneer.

Bai Xiaofei's mana circulated, and those hidden weapon needles that were fixed instantly turned around, and then shot at the old man at a faster speed than when they came. The poor old man who is a master of Liuqian, before he recovered from the shock, he was shot into a hedgehog on the spot by the hidden weapon needle he fired!


The old man fell to the ground.

He was covered in spikes, but he didn't die because of it. It's just... Bai Xiaofei reflected back the concealed weapon needle, and the parts where it hit were all very particular, which happened to seal all the mana in the old man's body. At this moment, the old man is just an ordinary old man, without any fighting ability.

And the crutch in his hand.

Also under Bai Xiaofei's spell control, it flew into his hand, and then with a sweep of divine sense, he penetrated all the mysteries of this magic weapon crutch almost instantly.


Bai Xiaofei sneered.

The big hand waved violently, and as the magic power circulated, many abilities and supernatural powers of the crutch, a magic weapon, were immediately aroused.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

It's another trick to show your sharpness!

Following Bai Xiaofei's waving movements, hundreds of hidden magic needles appeared instantly from the head of the magic weapon crutches, and then shot towards Boss Ge and the others like a violent storm. That power is like a machine gun, wild and domineering, it is more than ten times stronger than the old man just now!

"I rely on it!"

"This is so impossible!"

"So strong!"

Everyone was taken aback immediately, and at the same time they exclaimed "Get out of the way", everyone hurriedly hid, looked for cover, and dodged away. Otherwise... Once hit by such a violent hidden weapon needle, it will be over on the spot. Even if he does not die, he may be seriously injured!

Bai Xiaofei's magic power is too strong!

Coupled with the boosting effect of the crutches, this wave of concealed weapon needles is almost as real as it is, but it is more than a hundred times more powerful than the wave of the old man just now, and it is simply beyond the reach of human flesh and blood. Good resistance!

don't you see...

The surrounding shelters, such as wooden boards, houses, iron objects, and even magic weapons in the hands of some celestial masters, were all scarred by countless hidden weapon needles in this wave of shooting. Isn't it terrible? , and almost shot on the spot!

Not even magical artifacts can stop it, let alone human beings!


The celestial masters hiding around, at this moment, felt as if they were being trampled by a hundred thousand muddy horses galloping past. It was a messy and suspicious life: "Who is that kid? Why is he so strong! Just a simple spell , it can explode such terrifying power in his hands!"

"Could it be the legendary ten-coin celestial master?"


"Isn't this too young?"

"I can't believe it!"


At this moment, all the celestial masters were stunned.

Including Boss Ge, who is disguised as a monster and has the strongest comprehensive strength. He knew that Bai Xiaofei was very strong, but he never expected that Bai Xiaofei would be so strong to such a perverted level. The same tricks and magical weapons, in the opponent's hands, the power that would explode would be nothing short of difference!

There are more than 20 high-ranking celestial masters on my side, who were beaten by the other party alone and ran away!

This perverted strength is too much!

Simply inhuman!


Bai Xiaofei's salvo ended.

The celestial masters on Boss Ge's side are not idiots either. After the situation just now, everyone knows that Bai Xiaofei is not easy to deal with, and no one dares to belittle or be careless any more. After everyone looked at each other, they shot almost at the same time at the moment when the volley of concealed weapon needles ended.

"Doran Buruya!"




All kinds of celestial master spells emerged one after another.

A hot and raging fireball!

Domineering hurricane!

The mighty ice pick!

Thick and hard rock!


Etc., etc.

No less than twenty kinds of celestial master spells all bombarded Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately.

Seeing such a situation, Boss Ge breathed a sigh of relief, secretly said: "Hey! This wave should be stable, no matter how strong that kid is, he can't resist so many powerful magic spells at the same time, let alone him, I'm afraid Even the inn behind him will fall apart on the spot and turn into wreckage and fragments all over the floor!"


"Let's see if you die or not!"


His face was full of complacency and the pleasure of a successful plot.


Boss Ge couldn't laugh anymore. Because he was suddenly horrified to find that even in the face of such a severe and dangerous situation, Bai Xiaofei stood there like a normal person, and his face and eyes were still full of incomparable confidence and smile. meaning.

It was as if what attacked Bai Xiaofei was not spells, but the spring breeze of March.

It's all so weird!

next moment.

All the spells of the celestial masters.

Finally, after crossing a short distance, it landed firmly on Bai Xiaofei's body. In an instant, the sky fell apart, and the sun and the moon were darkened!

Someone and the inn were directly overwhelmed by the spell.


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