The Storm God

Chapter 1392 Leave it all to me! (Please subscribe!)


"Taking advantage of this opportunity, they have no time to control us!"

"Everyone split up and run!"

"Hurry up!"


The fight here is in full swing, and the situation has changed.

the other side.

The villagers of Yongning Village, or the monsters disguised as villagers who were forced out of the room by the celestial masters one after another, took advantage of the time Boss Ge and others were fighting Bai Xiaofei, and wanted to escape. And act quickly.

after all……

Nobody likes getting caught!

Especially these monsters, everyone is very clear about what will happen to them after they are caught, it is absolutely miserable!

They don't know Bai Xiaofei.

On the contrary, under Xiao Wu's lies, he became a celestial master that everyone feared and feared. Now that the two sides are fighting each other and fighting, it is naturally the most popular thing for all the monsters!

If you don't run now, when will you wait!

They acted tacitly and cooperated seamlessly. When all the celestial masters were in a stalemate with Bai Xiaofei, they suddenly exerted their strength, making the celestial masters completely defenseless!

next moment!

The villagers of Yongning Village broke free from the shackles of the celestial masters one after another, turned around and ran wildly for their lives!

Those who run are called fast!


See this situation.

All the celestial masters were so angry that they almost exploded on the spot. These are all monsters! If so many were captured, they would be able to exchange for some resources, or even advance themselves, but now they are all gone, damn it!

Some people are not reconciled.

After releasing the spell, he wanted to turn his head to catch the fleeing villagers. Boss Ge noticed their actions and immediately shouted: "Idiot! Our target is not them. Focus on me, the target is not dead yet!" !"


People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

They didn't dare not listen to Boss Ge's words, and immediately gave up their plans to capture the monsters one by one, and refocused their attention on the inn.

at the same time.

At this moment, the various spells cast by the celestial masters finally gradually disappeared, and the dust, smoke and mist all dispersed.


They were all stunned!

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei was unharmed, not only him, but even the inn behind him was not damaged at all. A layer of transparent light film in the shape of a huge egg shell made of water envelops Bai Xiaofei and the entire inn.


Everyone was dumbfounded!

They know that layer of light film is an intermediate spell in the magic of celestial masters, called the wall of light, which is a protective spell specially used to protect injured celestial masters or people from monsters.


This spell is very unpopular, and celestial masters rarely use it, because now, unlike in the past, most monsters have retreated to the mountains, and only a few will stay in the human world. The damage to the human world is very limited, and even if it is used, even if it is used It's Qiqian Celestial Master, and it can only open a radius of about two to three meters at most!

And this spell is extremely mana-consuming, even the highest-level eight-money celestial master can't use it for a long time!

How can I think...

Bai Xiaofei actually used it on himself. Not only did it spread out in an astonishingly huge area, it even enveloped the entire inn, and it lasted for about a quarter of an hour!

It's unbelievable!

See this scenario.

All the celestial masters couldn't help but secretly began to guess, what is the origin of the guy opposite, and which supreme celestial master's apprentice is unpredictable? Otherwise, how could there be such astonishing strength and magic attainments, but with his own strength, he forcibly resisted the magic attacks of all our celestial masters, it is simply a pervert!

Such a tyrannical and tyrannical, unprecedented terrifying strength, I am afraid that only the rumored supreme-level ten-qian celestial master is no more than that? !

If Bai Xiaofei knew what they were thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud and tell them: "You guys think too much!"

It is not so easy for a ten-coin celestial master to become the supreme among the celestial masters.

Although Bai Xiaofei's current mana is astonishing and boundless, but his attainments in other areas are somewhat unsatisfactory, such as refining weapons, such as the recognition of spells, etc.!


At most, his mana is equivalent to that of a ten-coin celestial master thousands of years ago. He has a shape but no substance!

Otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei wants to clean up this group of celestial masters, he will definitely be more relaxed and comfortable than now, so why would he need the boost of magic weapons!

Closer to home.

After experimenting with the application of mana and experiencing its power and effect, Bai Xiaofei slightly raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "Is that all? The effect seems a bit unsatisfactory!"

He thought that with his magic power, he could achieve the same powerful effect as those monks in the world of cultivating immortals when they cast spells, but the reality gave him a very cruel slap in the face.

"Could it be because of the world level and rules?"

Bai Xiaofei was thoughtful. It stands to reason that this mana should be more extensive and powerful than the application of chakra, but now it is not the case at all, which makes Bai Xiaofei very puzzled!

"That's all!"

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to.

Bai Xiaofei, who was a little disappointed with the effect of mana, didn't bother to continue the experiment at the moment, anyway, the results were similar, so he should hurry up and get rid of the rubbish in front of him and collect the benefits!

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't hesitating any longer, but at the same time his eyes suddenly focused, he shouted: "Duo Lan Bu Lu Ye!"

The technique of controlling objects is performed again!


With Bai Xiaofei as the center, everything around, including the houses and equipment in Yongning Village, immediately trembled violently and floated as Bai Xiaofei's surging mana poured out!


The wooden house fell apart in an instant!

Turned into countless wreckage fragments, along with other things around, suspended high in the air, covering the sky and covering the earth, like a dark cloud, covering Boss Ge and others all in it!


Bai Xiaofei's move undoubtedly shocked them all again. Looking at the vast wreck floating in the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it was so terrifying, all the celestial masters suddenly turned pale, and lost their minds in an instant. The courage to resist.

This moment.

There is only one thought in their minds - run!


When the wreckage from the sky falls down, no one will survive! Nima! That's almost all the buildings and things in the whole village! That guy actually used the most basic object control technique in the celestial master's spell to control the levitation and use it as a weapon!

Mom sells batches!

Do you want to have such a good time!

With such a huge scale that can block the sky and the sun, this is simply the rhythm of destroying us with one move!

Can I admit defeat?


This moment.

Everyone panicked!

Including Boss Ge, although he thought he was a monster, powerful, and thick-skinned, he didn't pay attention to these celestial masters under him at all.

But Bai Xiaofei is different!


The buildings and equipment in the entire village were actually used by Bai Xiaofei as a means of attack, what a pervert!

No matter how thick-skinned I am, I can't resist such a terrifying bombardment! I'm not an idiot, only a fool would endure such an attack!


Boss Ge turned pale in shock and ran away!

And seeing this scene, the celestial masters around will naturally not continue to stay here foolishly, even the boss ran away, and his head was kicked by a donkey. Fate sprayed wildly, and all fled towards the outside of the village!

A group of people came in aggressively, but met Bai Xiaofei, a pervert, and was frightened to death without a second, and ran away in fear, what a mess!


Bai Xiaofei looked at them silently, and said with a sneer, "Want to run? Can you run away? Since you're here, leave them all to me!"

Finished speaking.

He suddenly withdrew his mana!

All the wrecks that were controlled to float in the sky were instantly captured by the planet's gravitational force after losing the power to maintain them, and then "dragged" down fiercely!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Like a torrential rain.

I saw countless wreckages falling from the sky, covering the entire Yongning Village, falling in a crazy way, smashing Yongning Village into deep pits one after another, stirring up countless dust, smoke and debris!

The earth is crying!

at the same time……

Boss Ge and the others were also frightened, their faces changed in horror, and each of them burst out with the fastest speed and screams in their lives!

But if this is the case, many of them will still be hit by the falling wreckage unfortunately, turning into pieces of meat and mud all over the place, and they can't die on the spot!


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