The Storm God

Chapter 1393 Catch it for me! (Please subscribe!)

"Bang bang bang!"

Numerous wreckages fell wildly like meteors falling.

Boss Ge and the others all ran for their lives. From time to time, someone would be hit, and then turned into a puddle of mud on the spot, without a whole body. The fright made everyone even more frightened, their ghosts were terrified, and they all wished that their parents would give birth to two more legs, and they ran even more anxiously.


Seeing that the village entrance of Yongning Village is in front of you.

As long as they can break through the entrance of the village and get out of the range of Yongning Village, everyone will be able to escape and their lives will be safe. However, at such a critical moment, there was only a loud bang, and more than a dozen thick door panels suddenly fell from the sky, directly blocking the way of Boss Ge and others.

"It's over!"

See this situation.

Many celestial masters suddenly trembled in their hearts, and their faces were full of despair.

This delay made the action a little slower, and immediately there were several celestial masters, unfortunately they were smashed on the spot, their souls returned to the nine heavens, and their lives died in the underworld!

"Go away!"

Aware of the crisis behind.

Boss Ge became anxious immediately, and he couldn't care less about hiding his identity anymore. I saw him roaring crazily, followed by a "shua", he directly changed from a mortal to a colossus, like a giant mammoth, easily smashing into more than a dozen door panels blocking his way It's a mess!

With the disappearance of blocking.

Boss Ge, who had recovered his original appearance, was free of any obstacles, and immediately ran for his life and fled towards the outside of the village!


"Boss Ge turned out to be a monster in disguise?!"

"My God! There are so many layers of human skin, no wonder we can't find it!"

"If this gets out, we'll be embarrassed!"

"Let's run for our lives first!"


The Celestial Masters who survived.

After seeing Boss Ge's true face, Qiqi was startled and exclaimed one after another, their faces full of bewilderment and horror. Then they quickly recovered their mentality and hurriedly fled towards the outside of the village. After all, Boss Ge's affairs are trivial, and his own life is the real big deal!

Behind him are countless wreckages, which fell from the sky and smashed down crazily. Even if you are a little late, you will be smashed into mud, and you will die without a whole body! In order to save their own lives, the surviving celestial masters had no choice but to run wildly, fleeing from Yongning Village through the exit that Boss Ge knocked open.


When they finally escaped from Yongning Village.

They thought everything would be fine with this, and when they got rid of Bai Xiaofei's pursuit, the scene in front of them completely shattered their hopes!

Facing the crowd was a huge figure.

It was Boss Ge, the monster.


At this moment, Boss Ge, who had recovered his original appearance, not only did not reveal the ferocity and animal nature of a monster, but stayed there shivering like a frightened little rabbit, as if he had encountered a big bad wolf who only ate little rabbits. Same, that's called a trembling and fear!

Not only Boss Ge, but also the celestial masters who survived and escaped from Yongning Village. Gein... not far from Boss Ge and these celestial masters, there is a figure that fills them with terror and despair——Bai Xiaofei!

That's right!

It was Bai Xiaofei!

At some point, he was one step ahead of everyone and blocked there ahead of time, blocking Boss Ge.

It also blocked the surviving celestial masters.


"This is going to kill them all, you can't fight him!"

"It's all dead anyway!"


All the celestial masters discussed one after another.

As the saying goes, clay figurines still have three parts of earth, not to mention these celestial masters who catch monsters.

To be able to become a celestial master, and even a high-level celestial master, which one is not mentally tough, who is in the generation of great perseverance, before there was still a glimmer of hope, so everyone rushed with their lives, now seeing hope shattered, the rest There was only despair and death, and the anger in everyone's hearts was completely aroused.

Some fiery celestial masters were about to attack Bai Xiaofei in desperation.

At this moment……

Bai Xiaofei suddenly spoke.

He glanced coldly at the celestial masters on the opposite side, and said, "Now do you see it clearly? Boss Ge who hired you is actually a monster in disguise. You are all used by this monster. It seems that you are ignorant." For the sake of you, I can spare your life!"


All the celestial masters were taken aback for a moment.

Everyone was confused by Bai Xiaofei's sudden words: "Give us a life?!"


Everyone came back to their senses.

Then everyone was overjoyed, and their faces were filled with the joy of being alive after the catastrophe.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei spoke again, and said in a cold voice: "But don't be too happy too early, if you dare to attack me, you must pay the price! Although you are exempt from death, you cannot escape life. The beast is your task!"

"Catch it for me!"


"I want to live, if it escapes, you will all die!"


His eyes were extremely sharp.

The tone of Bai Xiaofei's speech was even more domineering, beyond doubt. At the same time, the domineering aura of the imperial way bloomed in him instantly, and the infinite majesty of the superior immediately shocked the audience, making all the celestial masters dare not show any resistance and disobedience!


The celestial masters were startled again when they heard this.

Immediately, a group of people looked at me and I looked at you. They stared at each other for a moment, and then fixed their gazes with determination.

Obviously, they already had a choice in their hearts.

"no problem!"

"We can listen to you and help you catch this monster. This is where our accusation lies!"

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

"Do it!"

The celestial masters have no choice.

The situation is stronger than the people, they can only follow what Bai Xiaofei said, otherwise they will only die.

After making up their minds, everyone didn't write any ink, and immediately took out the magic weapon, used their magic power, and shot together, and began to deal with the monster that Boss Ge turned into, and they shot with all their strength. Because they can also see that Boss Ge is definitely not an ordinary monster, if he underestimates the carelessness, he is very likely to die on the spot!

They haven't lived enough, they don't want to die here.



Boss Ge's incarnation of monster is really too strong.

Even if these ten or so celestial masters did not have the slightest intention of contempt, and all of them showed their strongest strength, they were still abused by others, just like in the movie plot, Boss Ge Before they could exert 100% of their strength, almost all of these celestial masters were laid down.

"Too bad!"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

He couldn't stop covering his face and shaking his head, and even sighed, "A dozen or so high-level celestial masters, working together, can't beat a mere monster. It's so shameful! The faces of the celestial masters are all covered. You were thrown in, I really don’t know how you got to this level, could it be bought?”

"You're the one who bought it!"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, all the celestial masters were so depressed that they almost vomited blood in anger: "This is why we are too inferior! It is obvious that the monster beast is too strong, okay? A monster beast of this level of strength can't be compared with the monster clan. Among them, even if it is not a general or something, it must be a ruthless character, you think it is an ordinary cat or dog!"


They dare not speak out.

This monster is powerful, but Bai Xiaofei is even more terrifying and perverted than this monster! They would rather face monsters and be tortured to pieces than face Bai Xiaofei, a humanoid tyrannosaurus, because facing his fate is definitely more miserable than facing monsters!

Those companions who died tragically in Yongning Village are the best example!

No one wants to be in the footsteps of those people!

"Come again!"

Think of Bai Xiaofei's horror.

No matter how badly they were raped by the demon, these celestial masters struggled to get up, and then used all their strength to deal with Boss Ge!

None of them dare to stop!


Once the fall stops, it means the failure of the mission.

To fail is to die!


"Plop! Plop! Plop!"


The ideal is full.

But the reality is very skeletal!

Even though the spirit of these celestial masters is very commendable, the strength gap between the two sides is too great after all, like a moat in the sky, it is not something they can overcome by standing tall and tenacious, and these celestial masters are eventually defeated Boss Ge all lay down and couldn't get up again.

"That's all!"

Seeing such a situation.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and sighed depressedly: "I thought I could save some effort, but in the end, I still have to do it myself!"

"Say it!"

He looked directly at Boss Ge, who was huge.

The latter trembled all over immediately, as if a mouse had met a cat, and was so frightened that he couldn't help taking a step back on the spot. At this time, Bai Xiaofei's last words came out faintly: "Are you going to roll over by yourself and sing conquest at my feet, or will you give in completely after being beaten by me so hard that even your mother can't recognize it?"


Facing the two choices given by Bai Xiaofei.

Boss Ge didn't choose any of them. Instead, he gave Bai Xiaofei a very apprehensive look, followed by a whine, turned around and ran away.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

Looking at Boss Ge who turned around and wanted to escape, he said helplessly: "It seems that you chose the latter, so I will help you with all my heart!"


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