The Storm God

Chapter 1394 Obediently get beaten up! (Please subscribe!)

The words should just fall.

Bai Xiaofei's figure had disappeared.

Those celestial masters who were laid down and fortunately did not fall into a coma were stunned when they saw this situation, and all of them stared wide-eyed, looking in the direction where Boss Ge was escaping.

as expected……

A phantom suddenly appeared on Boss Ge's side.

It was Bai Xiaofei!


Bai Xiaofei would not be polite to Boss Ge.

As soon as he appeared, before the monster could react, he kicked it hard and smashed it down. Bai Xiaofei's kick was powerful and heavy, like a giant ax that opened a mountain, or like a mountain pressing down on the top, with a force of 10,000, hitting Boss Ge's huge monster on the face, smashing it to the ground on the spot.


The solid ground shook suddenly.

Dust and green smoke were stirred up all over the sky, and a huge deep pit was instantly dented on the ground.

The power of Bai Xiaofei's kick can be seen.

"So fast!"

"So strong!"

"What a pervert!"


All the celestial masters who saw this scene were stunned and shocked.

To know.

Boss Ge's monster is not ordinary.

Not only is it huge in size, its skin is rough and fleshy, but it also has extraordinary flexibility and intelligence. Its combat power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary giant monsters. The teachers all fell to the ground so quickly.

Conservative estimate.

Boss Ge is a monster.

Among the monster clan, at least there must be a warrior-level existence, even a general of the monster clan is not out of the question.

But now...

Such a mighty monster.

But Bai Xiaofei's seemingly incomparably relaxed and freehand kick hit the ground on the spot, and even made a hole in the boss!


What kind of power is this? !

How could human beings have such powerful brute force without using mana and spells!

All this is simply incredible!

Regardless of what they think.

the other side……


Boss Ge was also annoyed.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, and was kicked hard by Bai Xiaofei, and his head was still dizzy, Boss Ge suddenly aroused his blood as a monster, he suddenly exerted force, Pulled his upper body out of the deep pit, stared at Bai Xiaofei with blood-red eyes, and roared angrily: "Damn human, don't bully people too much, I will fight with you!"


While roaring.

Boss Ge immediately attacked Bai Xiaofei.

He has two legs and four hands, and his attack speed is unbelievably fast, and his strength is very strong, the air is about to be exploded by his hammer, and there are bursts of whistling sounds, sharp and terrifying!

"Are you a human too?"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and sneered.

At the same time, his body was as graceful as a dragon, and he dodged all of Boss Ge's attacks with ease and ease.


Boss Ge's monster has an extraordinary history.

Skill and strength are also powerful and unnecessary, but that is for the celestial masters of this world.

But Bai Xiaofei is different!

He is an outsider.

Not of this world per se.

His own power and means are far beyond the limits and imagination of this world.

Even without using mana, or any other means, just relying on physical strength, Bai Xiaofei's strength is definitely above Boss Ge's. Don't forget, Bai Xiaofei has become a god in the flesh, and he has also practiced Huangtu Domineering. He has the real qi that refines and transforms qi, chakra, and the nourishment of the emperor's dragon energy. Bai Xiaofei's physical strength has long surpassed the limit of human beings. !

It is no exaggeration to say that despite the human appearance, Bai Xiaofei is a real monster compared to Boss Ge, a native monster! And it's super super perverted! Showing off one's own speed and strength in front of Bai Xiaofei, that's simply playing tricks, overestimating one's abilities!

After personally experiencing Boss Ge's strength for a while, Bai Xiaofei's face was filled with disappointment, and he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Cut! I thought you were amazing, but your real strength is nothing more than that, far lower than that." It's not as exciting as I expected!"

"In that case..."

"Then there is no need to continue playing with you!"

"Be obedient and get beaten!"


The voice did not fall.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's figure, he flickered suddenly.

next moment.

Boss Ge was shocked to find out.

A dozen or so figures of Bai Xiaofei appeared directly in front of him.

These figures look very illusory, just like shadows, they seem to have no real body, and each of them maintains different postures, some are punching, some are kicking, and some are splitting palms... There are so many things to see There were so many of them, it dazzled him, and he couldn't tell which one was Bai Xiaofei's real body!

I am in doubt.

There was a burst of "bang bang bang!" sounded like a torrential rain suddenly.

Immediately after, the huge Boss Ge, with his majestic and mighty body, was inexplicably subjected to countless punches and kicks. These attacks were fast and fierce. The pain was so painful that Boss Ge almost didn't call his mother!

Only this blow has such a terrifying terrifying power.

Not to mention countless hits?


Apart from the sound of Boss Ge's body being beaten non-stop, and the horrific screams and roars, there was no other sound at the scene.

Especially the celestial masters who were watching the battle on the other side had been dumbfounded for a long time, their eyes were wide open, their chins were long, and their mouths were completely froze in place, as if they saw something incredible. It is full of shock and horror!

They were howling, messing, and screaming in their hearts...

"Oh my God!"

"How is this possible? To rely on pure physical strength to create an afterimage, as if more than a dozen people were cloned and attacked at the same time. It was the powerful monster that turned Boss Ge into a monster, and he had no power to fight back! Such a shocking method is simply unheard of, never seen before!"

"so amazing!"


This moment.

They had completely forgotten their own situation, and even the companions beside them, as well as the serious injuries on their bodies from Boss Ge's beating. Right now, there is only one thought in their minds, and that is to observe and study Bai Xiaofei's body skills and attack methods with all his strength.

Such astonishing fighting skills cannot be seen at any time. After passing this village, there will be no such shop! Learning a little more is a little bit! Even if you can't learn it, it's good to have a good look at it and gain a lot of knowledge! In this way, if you compare yourself to bragging with others in the future, you also have capital, right?

"Bang bang bang!"

Bai Xiaofei's attack lasted for a full minute.

In this minute, he punched 123 punches, 168 kicks, and 216 palms, and these attacks all landed on Boss Ge's body.

When Bai Xiaofei finally stopped attacking, Boss Ge was beaten to pieces, bleeding profusely, almost no longer in monster shape. It was like a mass of rotten meat that had been splashed with sulfuric acid, limp there powerlessly, and let out bursts of mournful sounds in misery and pain.


Bai Xiaofei didn't kill him.

Because there are still many things that require the cooperation of Boss Ge, so at the critical moment, Bai Xiaofei restrained his fists and left Boss Ge with a chance of life. be able to withstand so many attacks from Bai Xiaofei and still not die, Boss Ge is considered to be very lucky, and his body is extremely resistant to beating.

Otherwise, if it was another monster, it would be GG by Bai Xiaofei without even two or three hits!

At this point, Bai Xiaofei was amazed.


Bai Xiaofei stopped.

Staring at Boss Ge, he thought to himself: "Unexpectedly, this guy's strength is not good, but his body is quite fleshy. Maybe after getting the information you want, you can consider taking him as a younger brother or something. If it is upgraded and modified, it is estimated that it can act as a very powerful meat shield!"

"Don't...don't...don't hit...hit..."

"I... take..."


Boss Ge's bulging eyes, which looked like big meat buns, saw Bai Xiaofei staring at him with "bad intentions" all the time, and his soul suddenly froze, and he was almost scared to death on the spot. : "I...listen all...listen to you...I sing...sing...conquer..."

While talking.

Still kept crying.

With teary eyes and a miserable look, it was obvious that he was completely scared of being beaten.


the other side.

The celestial masters, who had witnessed all this and gritted their teeth to hold on to the fainting, were speechless when they saw this scene.

Xin said: "I made a big fuck, this is okay!?"

"How are you, Niubi!"


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