The Storm God

Chapter 1395 The Little Demon King is Born! (Please subscribe!)

Everyone was dumbfounded.

As celestial masters, they have seen all kinds of methods to absorb monsters. But it was the first time that everyone saw it being beaten directly. The most important thing is that this method of beating and subduing is not the skill of a celestial master, but relying solely on the physical strength of human beings to forcibly beat and subdue the monsters!

That's a cruelty!

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei directly threw out a beast ring.

He ordered Boss Ge to say: "Are you convinced? Good! Put this ring on your head, otherwise your life will be worse than death immediately!"


Boss Ge dare not follow.

Hearing this, he hurriedly put the beast ring that Bai Xiaofei threw over, and obediently put it on his head.


The moment that followed.

Boss Ge felt extremely miraculous.

The beast ring that Bai Xiaofei gave him didn't look very big, and it just fit the size of a human bracelet, but as soon as it was placed on his head, it immediately became bigger, and the size was just as big as his head. The size fits, it's incredible!

He was wondering.


The beast-controlling ring on his head suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Boss Ge inexplicably felt that something had invaded his soul and consciousness, and then tied him tightly. Although it didn't bring him any pain, it made Boss Ge feel extremely awkward.

"This is the beast ring!"

Bai Xiaofei's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "The special magic weapon specially used to control you monsters, once you wear it, it will be completely integrated into your soul and consciousness. From now on, your life, life and death will be up to you I'm at my mercy, if you have any unruly intentions, or dare not listen to me..."


"As a result, you should understand!"


Someone said with a gloomy smile.

As he spoke, he graciously demonstrated to Boss Ge that what he said was true, and activated the effect of the beast ring on the spot.


Unspeakable pain added to the body.

No! Not only the body, but also the soul and consciousness, all suffered endless torture!

It was as if I had been thrown into a human meat grinder. My body, mind, consciousness, soul, everything, at this moment, was suffering from an unforgettable pain that penetrated deep into my soul. He trembled and twitched involuntarily.

that look...

It is very similar to the scene of human epilepsy.



Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers proudly.

In the next moment, Boss Ge only felt the crazy torment in his body, mind, and soul, which instantly faded away like a tide, making him feel like he was finally alive. And after this brief torture, Boss Ge was completely paralyzed, foaming at the mouth, weak all over, panting heavily.

That's an embarrassment!


Bai Xiaofei asked Boss Ge with a smile: "Is the power of this beast ring okay? If you are not convinced, I can make it even more powerful! By the way, those just now are just the most basic beast rings. It’s just a means. How about it, Boss Ge, do you want to try it?!”

"No no no!"

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words.

Boss Ge was so frightened that his ghosts froze. He hurriedly tried his best, shook his head and shouted, "No! Don't! Please, I don't want to suffer that kind of pain anymore. It's more terrifying than death! Human beings beg! Please! Tell me, whatever you want me to do, I promise you everything!"

this moment.

He doesn't have the slightest appearance of a monster general.

Not to mention his moral integrity, his integrity, dignity, face, etc., were all torn to pieces by Bai Xiaofei, and he no longer had any sense of existence. In front of Bai Xiaofei, Boss Ge is like the most despicable slave, he pleases Bai Xiaofei to his heart's content, just begging not to bear the pain of the ring of beasts!

compared to those tortures.

At this moment, Boss Ge suddenly realized that death was an incomparably extravagant existence for him!

Putting on the beast ring, he couldn't even commit suicide.

He can only let Bai Xiaofei manipulate him!

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled in satisfaction.

Then he said: "This is like an attitude of submission! Boss Ge, remember it for me. From now on, you are my slave. You can't help yourself. If you dare to have any disobedience... Hehe ! You know what will happen, I promise you will suffer a thousand times more terrifying torture than now!"

"You can't live, you can't die!"

"Pain forever!"


Bai Xiaofei's tone was cold and heartless.

Like the ice of the twelfth lunar month, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow, full of disregard for life.

Boss Ge had no doubts about what Bai Xiaofei said.

I dare not doubt it!

this moment.

He could only accept his fate in despair and bitterness.

Otherwise, my end will definitely be thousands of times more miserable than now!

The two powers harm each other whichever is less.


Boss Ge could only desperately express his sincerity to Bai Xiaofei, so as not to suffer more pain.

That attitude was downright humble.


And after seeing Boss Ge's performance.

Bai Xiaofei smiled in satisfaction, and said: "It seems that you have made a choice, I hope you will not let me down!"


He took out two bottles of pills and threw them to Boss Ge.

He ordered: "This is for healing, you eat it first to heal your wounds, and then hang out with me, Bai Xiaofei, you can't look like this, it's too ugly!"


Boss Ge wants to cry but has no tears.

Xin said: "Be good! You beat me up like I am now!"

"Are you still blaming me?"

Bai Xiaofei simply ignored him.

After throwing the elixir, he went directly to the celestial masters who were beaten down by Boss Ge.

This moment.

Those celestial masters were all dumbfounded.

Whether it's Bai Xiaofei's ability or means, it can be said that they have completely refreshed their three views and cognitions. Seeing this peerless and fierce god of unknown origin, he can so easily tame Boss Ge, a monster. It's like a cat, very obedient.

They suddenly felt that they had learned all the techniques of the celestial masters for so many years, and they had all learned them from dogs!

Such a result is really shocking!

After recovering.

They were all terrified and appalled.

Bai Xiaofei had said earlier that the condition for letting them go was to subdue Boss Ge, but Boss Ge didn't subdue him, but Boss Ge directly put him down. Now Bai Xiaofei, who was killed, took action himself, and the mission was a complete failure.


I don't know how the other party will deal with me.

Seeing how Bai Xiaofei dealt with Boss Ge, I guess it won't be much better for him and others, right?

So far.

All the celestial masters couldn't help but tremble all over.

A great fear struck, and some of the celestial masters were even ready to commit suicide. It's not that they want to die, but they have to. Otherwise, if it falls into Bai Xiaofei's hands, the end will only be worse than it is now, and death will be an incomparably extravagant hope for everyone!

They don't want to live a life worse than death!

At this moment……

Bai Xiaofei finally spoke.

He glanced at everyone, then sighed helplessly, and said disappointedly: "You guys are really...forget it! This is the end of the matter, so I won't say anything, because you are all being punished by Boss Ge." For the sake of being deceived, ignorant and ignorant, and that you all tried your best just now, I won't argue with you!"

"Let's go!"


Facing this sudden scene.

The celestial masters at the scene were all stunned for a moment, their faces were full of astonishment and bewilderment, and their eyes were full of unbelievable expressions.

One of them boldly asked, "You mean..."

"Can we go?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he said, "Why, isn't it hard to understand what I said? I don't have any deep hatred with you. Is it unbelievable to let you go now? Of course... If you want to die, I don't think so." Mind fulfilling you!"

"No no no!"

"Your words are easy to understand, we all understand!"

"Let's go!"

"Thank you!"

Hear Bai Xiaofei's words.

All the celestial masters were shocked, and hurriedly spoke. Now that they have managed to get rid of the threat of death, they don't want to bury themselves in it because of some misunderstanding. After finishing speaking, one by one quickly started to pack their things, turned around and left.

But the next moment.

All of them froze in place. One by one, they stayed there vividly like statues, without moving. Except for the heartbeat and life that continued to be maintained, the consciousness of all of them fell into a standstill and blankness.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power turned into countless tentacles, instantly invading their consciousness.

What he was waiting for was the moment when everyone was freed from the threat of life and death and relaxed wholeheartedly. Otherwise... With the level of spiritual power of these celestial masters, it would be really difficult for Bai Xiaofei to invade the consciousness of all of them in an instant, search the memory of each other, and master the skills of the celestial masters of the other party.

at the same time.

In the woods not far from Yongning Village.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin who had evacuated from Yongning Village first, now faced a very troublesome problem.

Song Tianyin is about to give birth!

That's right!

The dragon fetus in his belly.

That is, the little demon king, Huba, is going to be born ahead of schedule at this time!

This is much earlier than in the plot!


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