The Storm God

Chapter 1396 Spit on! (Please subscribe!)

Outside Yongning Village.

The surviving celestial masters were all restrained by Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power, and then began to invade everyone's consciousness and search for their memories. Of is mainly the skills of the celestial masters. Although their level is limited, the skills themselves are not high or low.

With Bai Xiaofei's strength, any technique in his hands can exert great power.


Boss Ge, the monster beast, took the elixir.

Bai Xiaofei's elixirs are top grade, although they are not aimed at monsters, but monsters still have incomparably miraculous curative effects after eating them. No, Boss Ge, who was still miserable just now, started to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye after taking Bai Xiaofei's elixir.

"The effect of this amazing!"

Boss Ge was shocked immediately, and his awe of Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but increase a lot again.


his attention.

Put it back on Bai Xiaofei's side.

Seeing all the celestial masters froze in place, Boss Ge was full of doubts: "What's wrong with them?"

Although he couldn't understand the tricks in it, Boss Ge's intuition told him that this must be Bai Xiaofei's method. Except for this perverted human being, there is probably no one who can make all the celestial masters freeze in place without moving. This human being must be doing something shady!

Regardless of what Boss Ge thinks.

"It's finally over!"

Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power is extremely powerful, and he used some tricks to invade when the spiritual consciousness of the celestial masters is the weakest and most relaxed, so all the plans went very smoothly, without any effort, Bai Xiaofei got his own everything you want.

After this moment of effort.

Bai Xiaofei not only searched all the techniques of the celestial masters, but also reprogrammed everyone's memories. Boss Ge is of great use to him, so his identity as a monster must not be exposed, so... Bai Xiaofei directly deleted some of the memories of the celestial masters here, and modified them.

When they wake up, they will completely forget that Boss Ge is a spy of the Yaozu. And everything that Yongning Village sent was thrown on an unfounded powerful monster. They, celestial masters, will follow Boss Ge as always as the most central subordinates.

And Bai Xiaofei.

It is to stay behind the scenes and control everything!

"Is your injury healed?"

Bai Xiaofei turned his gaze, saw Boss Ge who had recovered to his original state, and immediately ordered: "Then pretend to be a human Boss Ge again, and act as if nothing happened. These celestial masters have been tampered with by me, and they will I will forget everything that happened before, especially your identity as a monster!"

"Give me a good show!"

"Don't show any telltale feet, otherwise, if the performance fails, you should understand the consequences!"


Bai Xiaofei shouted sharply.


Boss Ge responded immediately.

His brain is not stupid, being able to get mixed up in the human world to this point represents a certain ability in itself, if there are no two brushes, how could the Yaozu send him to infiltrate the human world as an undercover spy, while collecting information, And help the new demon king eradicate dissidents!

Although he doesn't know what Bai Xiaofei's plan and purpose are, Boss Ge understands one thing very clearly, that is, everything is at Bai Xiaofei's discretion, and he can do whatever he wants, and he must do his best to do it well, otherwise his own In the end, life would be worse than death!

Boss Ge was fiddling there for a while.


Boss Ge, who was almost identical to the original human skin, reappeared in front of Bai Xiaofei. The appearance is still the same handsome, the temperament is outstanding, but the eyebrows and eyes are full of fear and awe of Bai Xiaofei, becoming so humble and flattering, which greatly destroys the original image.


Looking at Boss Ge's technique of transformation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being amazed, he scanned it privately, and after finding no flaws, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad! Your method is quite powerful, and the rest depends on how good your acting skills are." I hope you don't let me down!"

Finished speaking.

He resolutely withdrew the psychic power that invaded the celestial masters.

Under the effects of hypnosis and spiritual suggestion, these celestial masters did not wake up directly, but all fell to the ground and fell into a complete coma. Bai Xiaofei also wanted to ask Boss Ge about the Yaozu. It was not convenient for these celestial masters to be there, so Bai Xiaofei directly knocked them all out.


Bai Xiaofei was about to speak.

But at this moment, his brows suddenly frowned.

Song Tianyin was pregnant with a dragon fetus, and had the little demon king Huba in his belly. Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not let him leave his side easily, so when Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan left the inn tunnel, Bai Xiaofei had been in front of them without anyone noticing. The spells and brand marks were engraved on his body so that he could perceive and catch up with the two of them at any time.

And just now...

In Bai Xiaofei's perception, there was a change in the spells and brand marks on Song Tianyin's body.

"Damn it!"

"The abnormal movement is so strong, could it be that Song Tianyin has encountered some trouble?!"

"No, I have to hurry over!"


It's about the little demon king Huba.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, he hastily ordered Boss Ge a few words, and after engraving the spell and brand on the opponent, he directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and teleported over there. Only the bewildered Boss Ge and the comatose celestial masters were left outside Yongning Village, at a loss.


Among the woods.


Song Tianyin's face was red, and she kept screaming, as if she was enduring some great pain.

And in fact, it is true.

He is going to give birth!


Huo Xiaolan turned around in a hurry.

Although she is a girl, this is the first time she has seen such a thing as giving birth, and she has no experience at all.

not to mention……

The situation is different now.

This is a man giving birth to a child, and the child is not a human, but a demon!

What do you want her to do?


"You you bite the branch in your mouth and take a deep breath..."

"And then...then..."

"Work hard!"


Huo Xiaolan was in a hurry.

Although she is inexperienced, at this moment, human life is at stake, and Huo Xiaolan doesn't care much, so she has no choice but to bite the bullet and pretend to understand indiscriminately. And in the process, naturally, many ridiculous and funny stories happened, especially Huo Xiaolan almost cut off Song Tianyin's lifeblood as the umbilical cord!


The process was safe and sound.

But nothing major happened, such as a miscarriage or something.

I saw Song Tianyin's neck suddenly puffed up, followed by his mouth opening angrily, and finally there was a "bang", finally just like in the original plot, the little demon king was "born" smoothly. It's just that the location has changed, and the noble lady played by Yan Ni and the naughty boy of the innkeeper are not there!

And just under such circumstances.


Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly flashed.

Before he had time to observe the surrounding situation, with his powerful spiritual sense, he sensed an unknown thing falling from the sky and falling towards him.


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly puzzled.

Then he looked up subconsciously, and saw a strange egg the size of a coconut flying from nowhere and falling into his arms.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the strange egg, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while. And at the moment when he was dazed, the strange egg had already landed in Bai Xiaofei's arms, and he instinctively caught it firmly with his hands.

"This is……"

Bai Xiaofei picked it up curiously.

He held it up to his eyes and looked it over carefully, only to see that the strange egg was round and full of elasticity, and there was a warm temperature on his body, which was very comfortable to touch. The most surprising and inconceivable thing for Bai Xiaofei was that he actually sensed an incomparably huge force of life in this monster's body!

"Little Demon King!"

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized.

He looked at the "weird egg" in his hand in astonishment, then turned around to look at Huo Xiaolan who was secretly relieved, and his stomach had returned to normal. At this time, he was looking at Song Tianyin with extremely eager and curious eyes. Bai Xiaofei finally With the exact answer.

at the same time.

The strange egg in Bai Xiaofei's hand suddenly trembled slightly.

follow closely……

A cute little tail.

Two tender short legs, four soft little arms, and a big head with round head and pointed ears, with piles of green moss, appearing one after another, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes the cute girl in the movie plot. The image of the cute little demon king Huba is as white as jade, like a big radish.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The little demon king Huba was finally born.

I saw him staring at Bai Xiaofei for a while with two big and round eyes, and then he danced and shouted happily, as if he was also celebrating that he finally came to this world smoothly, smiling happily That is innocent and happy!

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being infected by the little demon king Huba's smile, showing a gentle and bright smile.

Just then...


The little demon king Huba opened his mouth and spat out.

Seeing the boss spit out his saliva like a spring, he sprayed it directly towards Bai Xiaofei.

"What the hell!"

Bai Xiaofei was sweating profusely, and while he was speechless, he quickly dodged to avoid the little demon king Huba's saliva. Although this saliva is a way for the little demon king to express his closeness, and it also has an incredible effect, allowing the person or demon being sprayed to see some scenes that Huba saw, but Bai Xiaofei still doesn't want to be sprayed.

After all, it's still saliva anyway!

It's disgusting, okay!


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