The Storm God

Chapter 1397 Non-mandatory task! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei avoided his saliva, the little demon king Huba immediately tilted his head, and looked at Bai Xiaofei with great curiosity and doubt. "Wow wow wow wow" instead of "hubahuba" later!

"I don't like being spit on!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Huba with a smile, and said seriously.


The little demon king Huba doesn't care about these things.

In the final analysis, he has just been born, a newborn baby, you expect him to understand what adults say? !

Unless you're a super prodigy, that's simply not possible!


Bai Xiaofei just finished speaking.

The little demon king Huba took a deep breath, and his mouth swelled up like a balloon. Then, under Bai Xiaofei's astonished eyes, he opened his mouth and spit, like a machine gun, spit at Bai Xiaofei in a "puff puff puff" madness, as if he would never stop if he couldn't spray you!

"I go!"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a moment.

If you can't do it once, you still have the energy, don't you, you still shoot continuously, and treat me as a target!

"I block!"

Where the heart moves.

A huge amount of mental power suddenly emerged.

Although the speed of the little demon king Huba's saliva was so fast, it was almost comparable to the speed of a bullet, and the distance between the two was so close that it was impossible for ordinary people to avoid it, but Bai Xiaofei was different. Those saliva just shot halfway, and they were all set in mid-air by Bai Xiaofei.


All the drool was thrown aside by Bai Xiaofei.

It was inevitable that the little demon king Huba would do something wrong and accidentally drool all over himself, so Bai Xiaofei simply threw Huba over with him. Just at this time, Huo Xiaolan walked towards Bai Xiaofei, and she became a "taker".

Huo Xiaolan frantically caught the little demon king Huba when he was sprayed on the face.

It made her keep rolling her eyes.

"You little monster!"

Huo Xiaolan glared at Huba unhappily, while speaking, he stretched out his fingers and made wild gestures at him. As a result, the little demon king Huba also stretched out his soft little arm, and came into intimate contact with Huo Xiaolan's fingers, presenting the classic scene in the movie plot.

"Hurry up and let me see!"

At this time, Song Tianyin, who had been neglected all this time, barely recovered from the huge side effects of postpartum, and said to Huo Xiaolan anxiously. It's just because the little demon king Huba popped out of his mouth, causing Song Tianyin's jaw to dislocate a bit, so his speech was a little slurred.


"Look how anxious you are!"


Huo Xiaolan hugged the little demon king Huba and walked over.

Huba also looked at Song Tianyin very curiously. He was conceived from Song Tianyin's belly. Although most of his genes came from the demon king and demon queen, he also absorbed a lot of nutrients and energy from Song Tianyin , so for Song Tianyin's stepfather, uh...or stepmother, Huba can still feel a certain blood relationship!

"Whoa! Whoa!"

After confirming Song Tianyin's identity, the little demon king Huba suddenly stretched out his short and tender little arms, waving them towards Song Tianyin non-stop, screaming happily, as if he wanted to be hugged by his mother , not to mention how cute it is.

She looks so cute!

"Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Song Tianyin is not stupid, of course he can't fail to see Huba's obvious behavior.

"for you!"

Huo Xiaolan muttered angrily: "Look, I'm making you anxious!"

The little demon king fell into Song Tianyin's arms. Then Huba became surprisingly quiet. One person and one monster, just like this you look at me, I look at you, staring at each other, smiling, without saying anything, it seems that all the emotions are woven in the eyes, the picture is so warm and sweet!


In the next second, this harmonious and beautiful painting style suddenly changed.

Seeing Huba, the little demon king, opened his small mouth abruptly, revealing his sharp baby teeth, and suddenly bit the finger that Song Tianyin was holding him. Although Huba is just a newborn baby, but his strength is really not small, otherwise he would not be able to run around the room with the brats from the inn, even up to the beams of the roof!

A mere human body of flesh and blood is simply the most delicious food for monsters!

He was easily bitten by Huba, bleeding profusely!


The pain came.

Song Tianyin couldn't help but let out a cry.

Then he saw in astonishment that his child, the little demon king Huba was actually sucking his own blood at this moment!

Song Tianyin, who had never seen such a scene, immediately froze in place.


"I guessed right!"

At this time, Huo Xiaolan's voice came faintly from one side: "Little cripple, the demon is cunning by nature, and he is good at eating blood! See if you see it, you don't need to be taught at all, you are born with it! If you keep it by your side, it will definitely attract you!" A lot of trouble and disaster come!"


"Let's follow our original plan, find an opportunity, and sell it!"

"Lest you have long nights and dreams!"


A persuasive look.

As he said that, Huo Xiaolan looked at Bai Xiaofei, winked and said, "Brother Bai, do you think so?"


But Bai Xiaofei just stood there silently.

It wasn't that he was too lazy to talk to Huo Xiaolan, but that his thoughts were not here at all, and he didn't hear what Huo Xiaolan was saying at all. Actually... After Bai Xiaofei threw the little demon king Huba to Huo Xiaolan, Bai Xiaofei didn't know anything about what happened afterwards.


At that moment, the space-time shuttle suddenly popped up a prompt:

"Discover special mission!"

"With the birth of the little demon king, the worlds of humans and demons will undergo earth-shaking changes because of the existence of Huba. Before that, the little demon king Huba will encounter various forces and masters from the worlds of humans and demons. , rounding up, and hunting seriously affect their growth and development!"

"Therefore, a special mission is released now: protect the little demon king from growing up smoothly, train him to become a qualified demon king as soon as possible, and promote the reform and coexistence of the human and demon realms. The task time is not limited, but the less time it takes, the richer the rewards will be. The less! An additional reward will be given if the score is above the excellent level!"

"Hint: This task is not mandatory, acceptable, and can be rejected."

"Do you accept the mission?"


Following the hint is the range of reward items for that special quest.

Because the task time is not limited, and the task completion degree is also unknown, so the specific reward after the completion of the special task is not definite, but a rough range is stipulated. The most obvious ones are the rewards of energy value, power of fate, and power of merit.

Energy values ​​range from a minimum of 100,000 to a maximum of 10 billion.

It can be described as the difference between cloud and mud!

And fate...

The gap is relatively small.

The highest is about 10 million, and the lowest is 5 million, which is a full half. On the contrary, the power of merit that Bai Xiaofei cares about the most has not changed much, the lowest is 800,000, and the highest is 1 million. Compared with the energy value, which can easily exceed 100 million, or even exceed 10 billion, it seems really pitiful.

But for Bai Xiaofei, who is extremely lacking in merit, this 1 million merit can be considered a very good reward.


After reading the description of the special task.

Bai Xiaofei lowered his head and pondered for a while, then accepted the task without hesitation.

Although special missions have various restrictions and requirements, which will seal many of Bai Xiaofei's methods and strengths, the mission rewards are also extremely generous. It can be described as high risk and high reward. For those who like challenges and adventures, it is undoubtedly a challenge. A way to quickly accumulate wealth and experience of your own.

And Bai Xiaofei.

Apparently the same kind of people.

In order to challenge himself and get rich rewards from the mission, after careful consideration, he found that there should not be any great danger in this world, and he should be able to complete the mission soon, so Bai Xiaofei was willingly sealed by the space-time shuttle The strength and means of its own part.

Following the successful acceptance of the special task, a timer pattern immediately appeared behind the special task description. As for the time on the timer, every time a number is added, the highest value of the task reward range corresponding to the following will be reduced by a part!


This value decreases very slowly.

But even so, after Bai Xiaofei saw such a situation, he couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Be good!"

"Time is money!"


Bai Xiaofei's mind tightened, and he made up his mind secretly: "I have to find a way to complete this special task quickly, otherwise as time goes by, the task rewards I get will only decrease! But... How can we quickly cultivate the little demon king Huba?!"

With too little information in hand, Bai Xiaofei couldn't think of a reason for it.

Being clueless and depressed.


Bai Xiaofei saw the scene where Huba sucked the blood from Song Tianyin's fingers.

Someone's eyes suddenly brightened.



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