The Storm God

Chapter 1398: Possessed by a playwright! (Please subscribe!)


Demons suck blood and eat meat.

Although there are some demons who are vegetarians, they are a minority after all, and most of them are acquired changes, not their nature.

When the little demon king Huba was just born, it was the same reason that human children need to drink milk. They all need sufficient nutrition to thrive and develop rapidly. It's a pity... Poor Huba met such a good-for-nothing stepmother like Song Tianyin, and was educated to regulate his behavior by human moral standards, and became a vegetarian!

This is the same as keeping lions and tigers in a pigsty since they were young, and then feeding them vegetarian food all the time, and raising them as pigs. Even if such lions and tigers can survive and grow up by chance, it is just a superficiality, their true nature And instinct, has long been obliterated!

If there is no external teaching and change, they will live like pigs throughout their entire lives, eating omnivores, sitting lazy when eating, sleeping when they are full, and eating when they are full. King's might. Even if they are released, nothing will change!


The living habits of these pigs have been completely imprinted and integrated into their lives!

As the saying goes, "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!"

This is the truth.


Now there is Bai Xiaofei's intrusion.

Moreover, he also accepted a special mission to ensure the smooth growth of the little demon king Huba, and to promote the transformation and coexistence of the human and demon worlds. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not sit idly by. Even if Song Tianyin is the stepmother of the little demon king Huba, he would never want to dictate Huba's growth path!

Bai Xiaofei absolutely does not allow it!

the other side.

Song Tianyin has accepted Huo Xiaolan's "teaching", and feels that what he said is quite reasonable. After all, this child is a demon, completely different from his own human identity. Leaving aside other things, the living habits of the two are extremely different. And I was so poor, how could there be so much blood for this child to suck!

Could it be possible to let it suck its own blood all the time?


Thinking of the madness and greed of the little demon king just now when he was sucking blood. Song Tianyin couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat immediately, and said with lingering fear: "Are you kidding me! It's still so small, it can suck like this. If it goes on for a long time, I won't be able to be sucked by it!"


"This is absolutely not possible!"


Song Tianyin shook his head fiercely.

He secretly said in his heart: "During the period before it is sold, I must find a way to make it get rid of this bad habit, otherwise I will not be able to stand its devastation!"

At this moment……

Bai Xiaofei suddenly walked over.

Looking at the two of them curiously, he asked with a smile, "What were you talking about just now? Sell it?!"

He vaguely heard such words.


What exactly is going on.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't be sure, after all, with his intrusion, the plot of the original Monster Hunt has changed quite a bit. Whether Bai Xiaofei is sure, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin will not go on according to the inertia of the plot, and decide to sell the little demon king Huba!

Selling is naturally the best.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't have much else, he is rich, as long as Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin are willing to sell, he can immediately spend a large sum of money to complete this transaction!

If it is not sold, then someone will have to find another way.


As a last resort.

In order to complete his task, Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind using some tough methods!

"Brother Bai, it's like this!"

Huo Xiaolan heard the words, and immediately told Bai Xiaofei their plan happily: "We decided to sell this little monster and make a fortune. Otherwise, we won't have a good life if we keep it by our side." , and other celestial masters will not tolerate a monster following a human being, and they will catch it and sell it for money!"

"I've already discussed with the little cripple before, the money from the sale will be divided into three parts!"

"You are five, I am three, and he is two!"

"How about it?"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

This Huo Xiaolan is worthy of being the heroine, as expected, she is still the same, as always, she wants to sell the little demon king Huba to pay back the money.

But what surprised Bai Xiaofei the most was: "Why do I still have my share?"

"And it's the biggest portion?"


Huo Xiaolan explained: "Brother Bai, we are not ungrateful people, you saved our lives before, if it weren't for you, let alone this little demon, even our two lives would have been gone long ago , how can it still be now, so you must have a share of the money from the sale, and it must be the big boss!"

"Yes, little cripple!"

"That's right!"

Song Tianyin nodded vigorously.

Pity the little demon king Huba sleeping soundly in his arms, who has no idea that its stepfather and stepmother are actually discussing how to sell it and share the money!

Song Tianyin seemed to have thought of something, suddenly changed the subject, and asked, "By the way, Brother Bai, how is the situation in the village? How are the villagers? And... what do those people do? Why did they come to our Yongning Village to engage in matter?!"

The problem is like a cannonball.

Apparently, his mouth was already quite sharp after being frightened by the little demon king Huba sucking blood just now.


When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he suddenly possessed a playful spirit.

After a long sigh, he said with great shame: "Tianyin, I'm sorry! Although I have tried my best, there are too many opponents, and they are all high-level celestial masters. I am not their opponent at all. I tried my best to save the villagers of Yongning Village, but Yongning Village..."

"how's it going?"

Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan said anxiously.

"Totally ruined!"

Bai Xiaofei pretended to be helpless and blamed himself very much, and said: "After a great battle between me and the enemy, Yongning Village has now been completely reduced to ruins, all the houses have been destroyed, and there are craters and craters everywhere. The mess, the situation is simply appalling!"


Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were silent for a while when they heard the words.

At this moment, the two of them were completely stunned and shocked by Bai Xiaofei's words. Although Yongning Village is not a big village, it can even be said to be the smallest of all the villages, but with dozens of houses, manors, vegetation, vegetable fields...etc, the scale is quite large.

And now...

In this short moment, it was completely destroyed by the aftermath of Bai Xiaofei's battle with the enemy!

This made both of them a little unbelievable and horrified!

That is a village!


It's gone when you say no!

What Huo Xiaolan was shocked and concerned about was the intensity and intensity of the battle at that time.

And Song Tianyin...

As the head of Yongning Village.

The home he grew up in was completely destroyed, and the sadness and despair in his heart can be imagined. But fortunately, this guy is also a very nervous master, and is also the stepmother of the little demon king Huba, the son of destiny. He has great luck and destiny, and his psychological quality is naturally quite strong.

Song Tianyin quickly recovered from depression, self-blame and guilt.


He shook his head with a wry smile.

He said to Bai Xiaofei: "Brother Bai, it's not your fault! Without you, I'm afraid the result would be even worse! It should be me who wants to thank you for saving the villagers of Yongning Village! By the way...Brother Bai, those Where are the villagers now? Is anyone injured?!"

"Do not worry!"

"The villagers are all right!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and then said nonsense seriously: "But for the sake of safety, I let them all leave, so as not to be caught by the enemy, and then threaten you in turn, then things will become more troublesome, so I let They're all hiding!"

"As for where he hid, I don't know!"


Bai Xiaofei comforted: "After the matter is over, I believe they will stand up and look for you, the security chief. After all, you are all from Yongning Village, you can be said to be a family, I believe they will not leave just now, you Just rest assured!"

"everything will get better!"


Song Tianyin was immediately encouraged.

Then he nodded confidently and said, "That's right! Everything will be fine, Brother Bai, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

Immediately changed the subject and said: "Yongning Village is gone, and the villagers are hiding, so what are your plans now?!"

"Are you planning?"

Hearing this, Song Tianyin was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about his future. After a long while, he finally answered: "Yongning Village is gone, and the villagers are all safe. I can say that I have nothing to worry about now, so... I want to get rid of this trouble first!"


He looked down at the sleeping little demon king Huba.

There was deep reluctance in his eyes, but more of helplessness and various complicated emotions. Song Tianyin also deeply understood that those people must have come here for it. Without its existence, Yongning Village would not be destroyed. It can be said without exaggeration that all of this is all because of it!


This moment.

Song Tianyin's feelings for the little demon king Huba are very complicated.

There are fetters and feelings arising from pregnancy, but because of Bai Xiaofei's intrusion, this process is very short, so the relationship between the two is not very strong, compared to the one in the movie, there is much less foreshadowing And brewing, so that Song Tianyin was more at a loss, resentful, and at a loss when he treated the little demon king Huba!


Song Tianyin forced himself to be ruthless, and said firmly: "I decided to listen to Miss Huo, sell it, and then use the money I got to find my father and ask him why he left me back then. Satisfy one of my knots and wishes for so many years!"

The tone is full of sadness and bitterness.


For my father.

The emotions and resentment in Song Tianyin's heart are still quite big!


After listening to Song Tianyin's plan.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders, and then said with a smile: "This way you at least have a goal, which is pretty good! Since you two have this plan, and I am very interested in this little demon, I think it's better to be like this, Tell me a price, I bought this little demon, and it can be regarded as a good fortune!"


"What, you want to buy it?!"

The two of them froze in place for a moment, their faces full of bewilderment.


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