The Storm God

Chapter 1399 Head to Shuntian Mansion! (Please subscribe!)

Yongning Village.

The peaceful village in the past has now turned into a mess all over the place.

There are ruins everywhere, which is horrible.

Outside the village...

Boss Ge and others have disappeared.

According to Bai Xiaofei's instructions, they had already embarked on the road back to Shuntian Mansion, and began to mobilize for Bai Xiaofei's future plans. At this moment, standing outside the village were Bai Xiaofei, Huo Xiaolan, Song Tianyin, and the sleeping little demon king Huba, three people and one demon.

The little demon king Huba has been sold to Bai Xiaofei by Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin.

no way!

Who made the price he gave awesome.

A whole thousand taels! And it's still gold, converted to silver, that's a whole ten thousand taels!

Even one hundred taels of silver can be regarded as an astronomical amount of money, how can you Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin resist the temptation of up to ten thousand taels? ! When they heard the price given by Bai Xiaofei, the two of them were dumbfounded on the spot, thinking they were dreaming!


"You think it's too little? Then I'll double it!"

"No, three times!"


Someone with a lot of money said that he is not short of money.

After Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin came to their senses, they hurriedly shook their heads, waved their hands and said, "No, no, no! Brother Bai, you misunderstood! We didn't mean that, we were just surprised and unbelievable. If you have money, you can get ten thousand taels of silver when you make a move, which really scares us!"

"Just do what you said, one thousand taels of gold!"

"after all……"

"You are our savior! How dare we care about you asking for so much, and one thousand taels of gold is not a lot. It is more than a hundred times higher than the reward amount of one hundred taels given by the Taoist. It’s already a big deal!”


Both of them said with embarrassment on their faces.

This is them, simple, kind, and the parents of Destiny Child, if they were other people, they would wish Bai Xiaofei would pay a higher price. But...if they were to be replaced by others, Bai Xiaofei would naturally not be so polite to them, and would have directly robbed them.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't say much.

A pile of gold was about to be summoned on the spot and paid to the two of them.

When the pile of gold appeared in front of him out of thin air, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin shouted excitedly and excitedly: "My God! This is the first time I have seen it since I was a child. So much money! So dazzling!"

"Okay, a lot of money!"

Even Song Tianyin, who was not very interested in money, almost fell at this moment, and his breathing was extremely short of breath.

"These are all yours!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the expressions of the two of them, and then smiled and said: "Considering the weight and volume of these golds, with your ability, you can't carry them with you, so let's do it! For the sake of everyone's predestined relationship, I will send you one by one." Put on your carry-on storage equipment!"


He casually threw a card to the two of them.

The material of the card is made of vibrating gold, with a built-in magic reactor, energy absorption conversion and binding identification device. Without damage, it can be used continuously for more than ten thousand years. As for the space inside the card, although it is not top-notch, it has a size of thousands of cubic meters, which can hold a lot of things.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation and how to use it, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin couldn't help being stunned again on the spot.


"The space inside is so big, this card is amazing!"

"It's incredible!"


While exclaiming.

The two began to experiment out of curiosity.

And that huge pile of gold was quickly put into their own cards by the two of them.

After the surprise, the two quickly thanked Bai Xiaofei.

"You are welcome!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, then shook his head and said, "These cards are not given to you for free. Recently, I have to be busy with a lot of things, so I would like to ask you to help me take care of this little demon, um...see that he is always If it’s called Huba Huba, why not call it Huba!”

"And this space card is the reward paid to you in advance!"

"What do you think?"


There are indeed many things that Bai Xiaofei needs to be busy with recently.

For example, cultivating the techniques taken from those celestial masters, considering and planning future strategies, maximizing one's own interests... etc., all require Bai Xiaofei's hard work. There is no extra thought to take care of Huba, the little demon king who has just been born and is so mischievous!

It is undoubtedly the best choice to let Huba's parents take care of it!


Huo Xiaolan was the first to agree.

Anyway, she was alone, with no worries, either catching monsters to make money, or practicing secret techniques to improve her strength. Isn't it just to help Bai Xiaofei take care of the children, it's a trivial matter! Because of that incomparably magical space card, Huo Xiaolan's integrity disappeared without a trace on the spot.

As for Song Tianyin?

All right!

After pondering for a while.

He finally nodded. After all, the little demon king Huba was born to him. No matter how depressed and complicated Song Tianyin was in his heart, it was hard for him to let go of the bond of flesh and blood. Before looking for his father, he could stay by Bai Xiaofei's side , take care of Huba for a few more days, Song Tianyin naturally wished for it!

Whether money is money or not, Song Tianyin doesn't care!

But this card...

But he likes it very much.

After accepting this task, not only can he take care of Huba, but he can also obtain an unimaginable artifact. This is simply a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!

A fool would not agree!


The three people and one demon returned to Yongning Village.

Bai Xiaofei originally planned to go to Shuntian Mansion to have a round with Boss Ge, but Song Tianyin said that before leaving, he wanted to take another look at Yongning Village, after all, it was the home where he was born and raised. No matter what, I have to take a look to see if there are any good things left that can be taken away.


Someone naturally has no opinion.

Song Tianyin's behavior was just human nature, Bai Xiaofei expressed that it was understandable, and it didn't take much time.

after all……

The entire Yongning Village.

At that time, it was completely destroyed by Bai Xiaofei.

Even if Song Tianyin went back, he couldn't see anything except the wreckage and ruins all over the place. Want to find some intact things to take away?

Absolutely impossible!


as expected.

After seeing the tragic situation in Yongning Village.

Both Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were dumbfounded on the spot. The two of them were completely shocked by the mess and scars all over the ground.

After a long while.

Only then did the two come back to their senses.


Huo Xiaolan gave Song Tianyin a sympathetic look.

Then whispered: "Little cripple, Yongning Village has been destroyed like this, is there still a need to check?!"


Song Tianyin was silent.

He stared blankly at the ruins on the opposite side, shook his head with a wry smile for a long time, and sighed: "That's all! Yongning Village has been destroyed like this, and it is estimated that nothing can be preserved intact Come down, there is no need to check!"


"I have to leave a message where I am at home and tell my grandma where I am going!"

"This way she can find me when she comes back!"


After speaking, Song Tianyin walked into Yongning Village.



It should be Yongning Village, which has become ruins.

Huo Xiaolan felt that Song Tianyin was quite pitiful, so she accompanied him and walked in together, chatting with him non-stop along the way, trying to ease his sadness, but she obviously underestimated Song Tianyin. Although Song Tianyin is useless, he is still the hero after all. His psychological quality is far beyond ordinary people, and he has no emotions to influence him at all!

And Bai Xiaofei.

It stayed in place.

He didn't want to wander around in a pile of ruins, besides, the little demon king Huba was still in his hands.

After drinking Song Tianyin's blood, the little demon king Huba quickly fell asleep and has not woken up until now. Don't look at it looking cute and cute when it's asleep, but when it wakes up, it's a full-fledged brat, so naughty that it can break you down, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to wake it up!

Not for a while.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin finished their work and came back.

"Brother Bai!"

Song Tianyin said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, everything is done, let's go!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

After handing over the little demon king Huba to Song Tianyin's care.

Then a mechanical carriage was summoned with a scroll, and the two were greeted to get on the carriage. The three people and one demon left Yongning Village and galloped all the way in the direction of Shuntian Mansion.


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