The Storm God

Chapter 1400 Big Brother Yun Qing! (Please subscribe!)

Shuntian Mansion is one of the most famous capital cities in the world. It is located in the main road of transportation, and it is also the most prosperous communication center of the human race. Dragons and snakes from all over the country are mixed in it. Many celestial masters chose to send the captured monsters to Shuntian Mansion for trading.

And Yongning Village.

Surrounded by mountains and canyons. Although it is located in a remote place, thousands of miles away from the bustling metropolis of Shuntian Mansion, it is a rare and blessed place in the world. Otherwise, Song Tianyin's father, Song Daitian, would not have chosen to take the kind monster, Hide here and live here.


With the appearance of the little demon king Huba.

As well as the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei, a traveler, the happy and happy Yongning Village in the past has now completely become ruins. Song Tianyin also had to leave his hometown. Following Bai Xiaofei and Huo Xiaolan, he took the little demon king Huba on the journey to Shuntian Mansion and to find his father's whereabouts.


"Gollum! Gollum!"


A horse-drawn carriage that looks inconspicuous on the surface, but whose speed is extremely astonishing, suddenly passed by the forest path, and the strong wind brought by the galloping startled many birds and animals, and drove the forest to the ground. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the room was completely broken.

And this carriage is exactly Bai Xiaofei's traveling tool.

Although it is almost no different from ordinary horses and vehicles, at most it looks a little more luxurious. Compared with other ordinary carriages, its structure and appearance are much more avant-garde and fashionable, but in fact, all its cores, But it's all mechanically constructed!

The horses that pull the carts are built using Terminator technology. They are covered with a layer of artificial muscle tissue and skin, making them look almost indistinguishable from real horses. However, in terms of weight, speed and endurance, But it completely defeated all horses, including the legendary Maxima!

And the carriage behind.

Although it looks very simple, it is actually something different. It is not only made of the strongest vibration gold material, but also supplemented with Pym particle technology, flat space compression technology, nanotechnology, deformation elements...etc. Wait, it can be said to be priceless!

Resting in such a carriage, no matter how bad the outside environment is or how rugged the road is, the people inside will feel as if they are walking on flat ground, and will not feel half of the bumps and abnormalities. Entertainment facilities, delicious food, etc., can definitely make people sweep away all the tiredness and bad mood.

it's not...

Huo Xiaolan has been completely obsessed with this kind of enjoyment.

Even Song Tianyin, who had left his hometown, temporarily forgot all his worries and depressions at this moment. All that remained was his admiration for Bai Xiaofei, as well as his shock and amazement at the various magical functions and means of this carriage, which made him completely lost in the charm of technology. under.


Even the little demon king Huba couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, woke up from a deep sleep, and began to eat extravagantly. Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, looked at them very calmly, smiled and said nothing, silently admiring the unique scenery outside, while thinking about his own plan.

After half an hour.

Song Tianyin suddenly said, "Brother Bai, Qingshui Town is ahead, how about... let's stop and do some shopping!"

Bai Xiaofei's carriage is good, but there are no clothes inside. Even if there were, Song Tianyin probably wouldn't be used to wearing them. After all, this world is very special, completely different from other ancient worlds, so clothes and accessories also have their own special development and style.


Someone didn't mean to change his clothes.

Yongning Village was destroyed and his home was gone. Song Tianyin only had this set of clothes on him now, and then Bai Xiaofei's payment in advance, space cards, and five hundred vehicles of gold. This is obviously not acceptable for Song Tianyin who wants to go out to find his father and help take care of the little demon king Huba.


After seeing Qingshui Town not far away.

Song Tianyin wanted to stop and buy some supplies, and he was a little embarrassed to follow Bai Xiaofei to eat and drink other people's food all the time! Moreover, although Bai Xiaofei's food is extremely delicious, it does not belong to this world after all. After Song Tianyin discovered this, he thought about buying some food unique to this world to entertain Bai Xiaofei.

Not just him.

Huo Xiaolan, who was hugging Huba and playing non-stop, actually had the same intention.


She also looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Inside the big bright eyes, there was an undisguised pleading look.

Compared with Song Tianyin, to survive as a woman, she actually needs to buy more things, and her desire is stronger. It was just out of face that she didn't open her mouth. Now that Song Tianyin had said everything she wanted to say, Huo Xiaolan could naturally express her opinion.

"Qingshui Town?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and then he began to think deeply, secretly said: "I remember that the plot of the second part of Monster Hunt happened in Qingshui Town, the gambler Tu Sigu, and the bank owner's wife, Brother Chun, is just a trick and has no effect at all. , it’s not worth wasting energy to pay attention to!”


"There are a lot of good things in that Heavenly Master Hall, but you can explore them!"

"And Yun Qing!"


Thinking of the incomparably powerful senior brother of Tianshitang, Bai Xiaofei immediately became interested, and secretly said in his heart: "I don't know whether he is the Tianshi Yunqing of the human race, or the blood of a titan wearing Yunqing's human skin." The demon—Chi Tianba? And Dapeng, the pavilion master of the Monster Hunting Pavilion!"


"This man is an expert at refining magic weapons. He is almost responsible for all the magic weapon building and maintenance work in Tianshitang. It can be seen that his ability is not low. If he absorbs his skills, maybe he can let my Celestial master ability, go one step further!"

"That's it!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei nodded immediately, and said to the two: "Okay! Just as you said, we will stop in Qingshui Town for a while!"


He pretended to flick the horse a few whips.

In fact, through the brain, it secretly gave the mechanical horse an order to slow down.

next moment.

The speed of the carriage slowed down significantly.

After a while, Qingshui Town appeared in front of everyone. Qingshui Town is a large town, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a very special and advantageous geographical environment. It is one of the only ways to go to Shuntian Prefecture. Its waterway transportation is second to none in the country. It can be said to be a Venice city in another world. , very beautiful and rich.


Tianshitang will not build a branch here.

The main purpose of Bai Xiaofei's coming here is to meet Yunqing, the master of Tianshi Hall, Dapeng, the master of the Pavilion of Catching Monsters, and to collect some magical treasures! As for the others...someone is not interested at all! So after arriving in Qingshui Town, the three "parted ways".

Song Tianyin went to buy his supplies, while Bai Xiaofei went straight to Tianshitang.


Huo Xiaolan also wanted to be with Bai Xiaofei.

However, the little demon king Huba insisted on following Song Tianyin, and Bai Xiaofei hadn't brought a monster with him when he went to Tianshitang, so as not to cause any misunderstanding, otherwise he would be the one who would be affected if there was any trouble. In desperation, Huo Xiaolan could only act as a bodyguard, with Song Tianyin.

"Little cripple!"

"What do you want to buy, go, let's go buy it!"

"Then go to Tianshitang!"


Huo Xiaolan urged with a straight face, angrily.


Song Tianyin lay innocently on the gun.

He knew that Huo Xiaolan had a crush on Bai Xiaofei, and at this moment, because of himself, Huo Xiaolan couldn't be with Bai Xiaofei, so naturally his mood wouldn't be any better, so he was very discerning and didn't say anything, as if he didn't know anything look.

In such an atmosphere, the two of them plunged headfirst into the bustling streets of Qingshui Town, and started their own plan to purchase supplies. As for Bai Xiaofei... After asking clearly about the location of the Tianshi Hall, he went straight to the topic without stopping, and soon found the location of the Tianshi Hall.


I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence.

Bai Xiaofei had just arrived at Tianshitang, when he ran into Yun Qing, the elder brother of Tianshitang who just came back from the demon. However, he saw that his steps were steady, his breathing was long, his eyes were like electricity, and his temperament was outstanding. He deserved to be the chief person in charge of the Tianshitang in Qingshui Town. Both his strength and aura were really extraordinary!

Yun Qing obviously also noticed Bai Xiaofei.

no way! Who made his temperament also transcendent and outstanding, like a firefly in the night sky, bright and dazzling, it is impossible not to attract the attention of others! The two of you looked at me, I looked at you, looked at each other, looked at each other, and their eyes revealed surprise and astonishment.

Yun Qing was naturally surprised by Bai Xiaofei's strength.

after all……

In this day and age.

High-level celestial masters are not common, especially young and powerful celestial masters like Bai Xiaofei are even rarer.

And what makes Bai Xiaofei feel unbelievable is that with such a strong mental power, he can't tell whether the big brother in front of him is Yun Qing, the celestial master of the human race, or Chi Tianba, the blood demon of the monster race, because he is on the opponent's body. , has a very special power, isolating Bai Xiaofei's investigation.



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