The Storm God

Chapter 1402 Leapfrog Challenge! (Please subscribe!)

a few minutes ago.

On the most famous commercial street in Qingshui Town.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin are doing a lot of shopping, replenishing supplies, along the way, as long as they like and need, they just buy, buy, buy, that's a joy!


The little demon king Huba also used to emerge out of Song Tianyin's arms constantly out of curiosity and childlike nature, looking eastward and first first, with an appearance full of curiosity and joy about the human world.

But every time he just came out, he would be discovered by Song Tianyin or Huo Xiaolan, and then he would push it back angrily!

Fortunately, the two of them had a lot of bags and bags on them, so hiding the little demon king Huba didn't make much difference.


Must be discovered!

However, when the two were walking outside a casino, the little demon king Huba was forcibly pushed back into the package by the two, but he was hidden in the carriage and had to wait for Tu Sigu to escape. The monster Benben saw it!


He misunderstood immediately!

Thinking that Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were bad guys, they abducted the poor little demon Huba. Immediately, his sense of justice was overwhelmed, and he slowly approached the two while they were not paying attention when they were shopping. It was stolen!

Huba has just been born, and has never seen anything in the world, so how can he tell who is a good person and a bad person!

to him.

Almost besides eating, it’s just playing!

Seeing a monster that looks a bit like him (are you sure?) willing to "play" with him, Huba was too happy, and didn't scream or make a sound at the moment, but stared at a pair of cheerful and excited eyes. Big eyes, just follow Benben away!

Seeing that Huba was about to be "abducted", at that moment, a man ran out from the gate of the casino.

This man is Tu Sigu!

Obviously, he lost again, and then he was chased by the people from the casino. In the rush, he bumped into the invisible Benben and Huba.


Startled and interrupted.

The stupid invisible ability of the big fat monster was thus broken, and the appearance of him hugging the little demon king Huba, who was about to escape, was clearly seen by the passers-by present.

Including Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan!


The two were shocked, and only then did they realize that Huba had been stolen by someone, oh no, by a demon, and their expressions changed drastically, horrified.

the other side.


"It hurts me to death, which bastard is so short-sighted, blocking my way...Huh? You are stupid!"

"I rely on it!"

When Tu Sigu saw that what he bumped into was actually his own monster, Benben, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said angrily: "You want to kill me, don't you! You actually blocked my way..."


"What are you holding in your hand?"


Tu Sigu apparently also found the Huba in Benben's hand, and was immediately distracted. He was about to ask what happened, and where did the monster in Benben's hand come from.

"catch him!"

"This damned Tu Sigu, cheated and gambled, and didn't pay back his debts. Give me a hard hit!"

"Don't let him get away!"


A roar suddenly came from the direction of the entrance of the casino.

"I rely on it!"

Tu Sigu was startled and shouted, "I'm chasing you so fast, let's run first! I'll deal with you later!"



A stupid look of grievance.

However, he was already used to everything about Tu Sigu, and he didn't care when he heard the words. Instead, he got up quickly and put the little demon king Huba in the car specially made by Tu Sigu.


I saw it grabbing the handle of the car, turned on the horsepower, and immediately took the car, Tu Sigu, and the little demon king Huba, and rushed out, the speed is so abnormal!

And until this time.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin managed to recover from the shock just now, and immediately jumped up like burning their buttocks: "Huba! Don't run! Give us back Huba!"

this moment.

The two obviously misunderstood!

They thought that Tu Sigu and the monster were specially here to snatch Huba, they didn't know that it was an accident, and they immediately fell behind with the casino crowd, chasing after him!


The entire street of Xiaobaner in Qingshui Town was immediately turned upside down by this group of people.

That's a lot of fun!

at the same time……

In the Heavenly Master Hall, Bai Xiaofei is accepting the qualification examination for the Heavenly Master. In fact, there are many ways to obtain the qualification of a celestial master, and the examination is just one of them!

For example, Song Tianyin.

At the end of the first episode of Monster Hunt, after killing Boss Ge with his own hands, Song Tianyin took over the ancestral copper coins from his grandma. In this way, he is a heavenly master of one coin!

A celestial master with such a background is generally called a wild celestial master. As the name suggests, it is a celestial master with an unorthodox background and a wild path!

Although wild celestial masters can also catch monsters and level up to eliminate harm for the people, it is difficult for them to be recognized by the celestial master hall, and the resources and wealth exchanged by the same monsters are also less than orthodox celestial masters!

This directly led to the fact that the strength of the wild masters is uneven, and it is difficult for any real master to appear!

For example, most of the celestial masters around Boss Ge are wild celestial masters. Otherwise, it is impossible for so many people to be unable to deal with Boss Ge, because of their different backgrounds, they are all unorthodox angels. Skills, simply cannot display the true power of a high-level celestial master!

Only celestial masters with an orthodox background and passing the strict examinations can be recognized by the celestial master hall and receive huge resources and support. As long as such celestial masters are not too talented, they can generally be greatly improved.

These contents were only known to Bai Xiaofei after absorbing the skills of those celestial masters. He came to the celestial masters hall to take the exam this time because he wanted the approval of the celestial masters!

Because only by becoming a celestial master with an orthodox background, relying on the strength of the celestial master hall that spreads all over the country and has a huge and profound foundation, Bai Xiaofei's future plans can be carried out more smoothly!

At the same time, it can also allow Bai Xiaofei to learn, cultivate, and improve better. Ye Luzi's skill method has too many shortcomings and loopholes, and it is impossible to get into Bai Xiaofei's eyes!

And the first level of the exam is the written test!

Bai Xiaofei glanced at it, and then found out with great sadness that many of these problems, with the ability of his wild celestial master, there are many that he can't and don't understand!


A certain person was speechless on the spot, thinking: "Could it be possible that you failed the first written test? Isn't this too embarrassing?!"

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei who didn't want to lose could only choose to cheat!

The power of the mind was quietly displayed, and after a while, he successfully copied all the memories of the invigilator!

The invigilator of the Tianshitang is naturally from an orthodox background, and both in terms of strength and spell attainment, they are far above the orthodox celestial masters in general, otherwise they would not be in important positions and be in charge of the invigilation!

After Bai Xiaofei obtained their abilities and memories, he could be said to be better than blue in the blue. It couldn't be easier to pass the first written test!


Bai Xiaofei finished the written test without hesitation, and then handed in the paper without hesitation, and finally, under the unbelievable and admiring eyes of the invigilator Tianshi, he said: "Very good! You are my second student!" The best seedling I have met in the past ten years, you passed the written test! And you passed with a full score!"

"I hope you can continue to maintain this good grade in the upcoming exams. I'm optimistic about you!"

"come on!"

"Thank you senior!"

After Bai Xiaofei thanked him, he left here without hesitation, and followed Ruya Tianshi to the place where the second practical test was conducted.

It's a huge square!

The center is circular, with a diameter of about ten meters, surrounded by a large dark pit, like an abyss, bottomless, and those who participate in the test must defeat the monsters released by the Tianshi Hall within a fixed time and within a certain range. beast!

Once timed out, or out of range, or defeated by monsters, it means you have failed the exam!


Ruya Tianshi looked at Bai Xiaofei and said with a smile: "As long as you successfully pass this test, from now on, you will be the orthodox Tianshi of our Tianshitang!"

"I think this level should be easy for you!"


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

Staring at the venue of the exam, he seemed to be thinking about something, he pondered for a moment and shouted, only to hear Bai Xiaofei suddenly said: "Brother Liu, I want to know, is there any way to directly increase my level of celestial master after passing?"


The Ruya Heavenly Master, that is, the brother Liu that Bai Xiaofei was talking about, was startled when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "Brother Bai, you... okay! It seems that you are very confident in your own strength! Forget it! It’s okay to tell you, The method is actually very simple, you can directly choose to leapfrog the challenge, as long as you pass the corresponding celestial master level test, then you are a celestial master of the corresponding level!"



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