The Storm God

Chapter 1403 Come on! (Please subscribe!)

"But what?" Bai Xiaofei asked curiously.

"Leapfrog challenges are too dangerous. The difficulty factor is several times, or even ten times more difficult than the normal difficulty you want to pass the test. If you are not careful, you may die on the spot! This is why Tianshitang wants to prevent easy It is one of the main reasons why some people leapfrog the challenge!"

Liu Tianshi sighed.

Then he continued: "Since the appearance of this leapfrog challenge, there have been countless people who have enthusiastically signed up for the challenge. After that, there are very few people who will leapfrog the challenge again!"

"Brother Bai, I don't mind participating in this!"

"Hehe, it's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and said confidently: "I have confidence in my own strength, brother Liu, don't worry, even if I can't beat me, I still have a trick to save my life, and nothing will happen! Brother Liu, please help me!" Please let me know that I want to participate in the leapfrog challenge!"

"All right!"

Liu Tianshi saw that Bai Xiaofei's mind had been made up, and he looked like he couldn't bring back even ten cows. In addition, the two had just met, and they didn't have much friendship. Neng shook his head helplessly, and agreed to Bai Xiaofei's request.

"Brother Bai, wait here!"

Liu Tianshi instructed: "I'll go and explain to the chief examiner that the venue for the leapfrog challenge is different from the general ones. There will be some changes in a while. When the changes stop, you can appear on the stage at that time. Make sure to be fully prepared, because once the exam starts, several powerful blood demons will be released immediately!"

After all, Senior Brother Yun Qing brought Bai Xiaofei here, and from Senior Brother's appearance, he seemed to be very concerned about him, so Liu Tianshi couldn't help but say something more before leaving.

"Thank you Brother Liu for your advice!"

Bai Xiaofei cupped his fists and thanked him: "What Brother Liu said, I will keep it in my heart, and after I pass the exam, I will definitely thank Brother Liu!"

"Some small things are not worth mentioning!"

Tianshi Liu smiled, turned around and left, and went to explain the situation to the Tianshi who can take the exam.

Not for a while.

The venue of the examination has indeed changed.

Compared with the original area of ​​more than ten meters, the current site is significantly larger, at least ten times larger, and the surrounding facilities and layout have not changed much. It is estimated that it is for the examinees to have enough space. Space to face the monsters.


Bai Xiaofei walked into the venue calmly.

As soon as he arrived at the center of the field, there was a parchment scroll that fell from the sky, and it seemed to have a spirituality, and it automatically flew in front of Bai Xiaofei. He took a closer look, and it turned out to be a life-and-death contract, because the leapfrog challenge is very likely to cause death, so the reference must sign the contract in advance.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Without any fear, without any hesitation, Bai Xiaofei immediately darkened his handprint on it.

The life-death contract of this sheepskin scroll is also a kind of magic weapon, similar to a magic talisman. When Bai Xiaofei pressed his handprint, it changed into a light and shadow-like thing on the spot, and Bai Xiaofei voluntarily signed the scene of life-death contract. The scene was recorded in detail.

at the same time.

In the huge venue, the chief examiner's voice sounded immediately: "The referee Bai Xiaofei has voluntarily signed a life-and-death contract, which means he fully agrees with all the rules of the leapfrog challenge. Please note that the leapfrog challenge is about to start. You must not use any magic weapon, you can only rely on your own strength, otherwise it will be deemed a failure!"

"Referrer Bai Xiaofei, the selected leapfrog challenge is the Heavenly Master of Seven Coins. According to the regulations, seven monsters of the corresponding level will be released at that time, and they will be defeated or killed as soon as possible without using any magical weapons. , choose to challenge successfully!"


"The leapfrog challenge has officially begun!"



As the challenge begins.

The huge walls around the venue opened and closed in an instant, revealing special things like big cages, in which seven monsters of different strengths were imprisoned, including weak wild monsters and powerful blood monsters, and so on. They were like hungry and crazy tigers, each and every one of them was ferocious, full of hunger, thirst and greed for Bai Xiaofei in the center of the field.

next moment.

The confinement devices of all the cages were instantly opened.

The seven-headed monsters lost their shackles and hindrances, and they didn't need anyone to tell or order them. Out of instinctive desires, they all ran out spontaneously, one by one, baring their teeth and claws, and came straight to Bai Xiaofei, with fierce and evil eyes. In the big mouth, the saliva flowed even more, obviously treating Bai Xiaofei as an incomparably delicious delicacy!


Looking at the seven monsters that were rushing towards him.

Bai Xiaofei was fearless, his face was calm, his eyes were full of indifference, and the corner of his mouth was slightly grinned, with a sneer full of disdain and disregard. He just stood there, just staring at them "dumbly", without any movement, as if he was frightened stupid by the monster.

In the examiner's room.

Liu Tianshi stood here together with the chief examiner, paying close attention to this extremely rare leapfrog challenge.

It's not that there are celestial masters who want to leapfrog challenges, but like Bai Xiaofei, who directly wants to be promoted from a rookie to a leapfrog challenge to become a seven-dollar celestial master, it is rare in the ages, almost unprecedented. The two should take a closer look, what kind of ability does this Bai Xiaofei have, how dare he arrogantly directly challenge the level of Qiqian Celestial Master!

But don't know.

This is also the result of Bai Xiaofei deliberately releasing water in order to avoid shocking the world. Otherwise, with Bai Xiaofei's strength, let alone a mere seven-dollar celestial master, it would be a leapfrog challenge from a ten-dollar celestial master. For him, it was also a small KS matter. Of course, whether there is a leapfrog challenge from a ten-dollar celestial master is another matter.

Closer to home.

The chief examiner is a rather old man, with eight copper coins neatly hung on his chest, that is to say, this chief examiner is an eight-coin celestial master. The supreme ten-coin celestial master is the highest level that a celestial master can achieve.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was standing in the center of the field, he didn't move, didn't make any preparations, his eyes were full of confidence, the old man immediately narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickering non-stop, and muttered to himself: "Interesting, you can face the seven-headed monsters without changing your face, regardless of your strength, this courage alone is very admirable!"

"This young man seems to be very difficult!"

"There should be a good show to watch!"


The old man's murmur was extremely faint.

In addition, Liu Tianshi's energy and attention were all attracted by Bai Xiaofei in the arena, so he didn't hear the old man's comments and whispers to Bai Xiaofei. But when he saw Bai Xiaofei standing still in place as if he had been frightened, he became very anxious.


Liu Tianshi couldn't help shouting loudly: "Move quickly! Among the seven monsters, one is Li Yao, known for its speed. If you don't take precautions early, once you are entangled close by, plus the other six monsters The siege of monsters will be miserable!"

"Move quickly!"


An anxious look.

The anxious Liu Tianshi has completely forgotten at this moment that no sound can be transmitted in the examiner's room, otherwise if someone tells the information to the reference, it is equivalent to cheating. He was obviously annoyed by Bai Xiaofei's behavior.

Liu Tianshi originally thought that Bai Xiaofei should have sufficient strength and experience to participate in Qiqian Tianshi's leapfrog challenge with confidence.

How can I think...

Bai Xiaofei unexpectedly came out like this at the beginning.

It's unbelievable!


Hearing this, the examiner smiled wryly and shook his head.

Then he said to Liu Tianshi: "Liu Ming, your character is still not enough! You can see clearly, is that young man really frightened when he stands there? Don't underestimate him. In my opinion, he has Absolutely enough confidence and strength, ready for a wave of ruthless!"


Liu Tianshi, that is, Liu Ming in the mouth of the examiner, couldn't help being startled when he heard these words, and looked carefully, and sure enough, he found some clues, and immediately withdrew more than half of his nervousness and anxiety, but in his heart Still full of surprise and puzzlement.

"you mean……"

Liu Ming was dumbfounded and said: "He wants a wave of seconds? My God! Master Yang, those are seven-headed monsters. Even if it is an eight-dollar celestial master, it may not be easy to subdue them in an instant, right? Then Bai Xiaofei is just a monster!" A fledgling brat, where does he have the confidence to do this?!"

His tone was full of disbelief and absurdity.


He didn't finish his sentence.

Bai Xiaofei in the field suddenly moved.


There's no after that.


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