The Storm God

Chapter 1404 Huba is lost! (Please subscribe!)


The venue for the exam is actually not very big, only tens of meters in radius at most, seven monsters came rushing around Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei stood there motionless, each monster was only a few meters away from him. It's only ten meters. This distance is nothing to monsters, especially monsters with huge size and extremely fast speed!

it's not...

In the blink of an eye.

The seven monsters rushed to Bai Xiaofei almost at the same time.

And the fastest one is naturally the Li Yao that Liu Ming mentioned. It has a slender body and is especially famous for its speed. It is almost the first one to approach Bai Xiaofei, and the second one is the one with the strongest strength. The blood demon is the largest among all the monsters, not to mention a pair of wings on the back, and its speed is second only to Li Yao.

The other five monsters are relatively backward, but not far behind.


The seven monsters formed a siege.

Pounce on Bai Xiaofei.

"Back to the days!"

Seeing that all the monsters were approaching, they opened their teeth and claws one by one, roaring and pounced on him. But Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, a icy look flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, he finally moved. The magic power seems to be real, and at the same time as it radiates from the various acupuncture points around the body, it also spins at high speed on the spot like a top.

This move is exactly what Bai Xiaofei borrowed from the famous skill of the Hyuga Clan in Naruto, and it claims to have the name of absolute defense - Huitian! Using the huge chakra (mana) to form an indestructible defensive barrier around the body to cut off all attacks is very practical and domineering.

The mana in the world of Monster Hunting is similar to Chakra.


Use power to cast back to heaven.

Bai Xiaofei was also handy, and didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

And the first monster that hit Huitian's defense layer was naturally the fastest Li Yao. It's a pity... Its sharp claws and fast speed were useless in front of Huitian, and it was sent flying by Huitian's high-speed rotation almost immediately.


Because there are monsters besieging Bai Xiaofei all around, the Li Yao that flew out was like a cannonball, but it hit one of the little monsters on the spot, and the two monsters immediately rolled into a ball and flew upside down together He stepped out, completely breaking away from the circle of encirclement and suppression of Bai Xiaofei.


The blood demon saw Li Yao's fate.

But instead of being disappointed, it was even more excited and excited.

I saw that its red eyes were full of fiery color, and before it rushed in front of Bai Xiaofei, it directly flapped its wings and jumped up. Its huge body was like a hill, and it flew high in a daze, and then flew towards Bai Xiaofei. It hit Bai Xiaofei who was performing back to the sky on the ground, and fell down heavily.

"Rubble Harder!"

Seeing this situation, the five monsters around them turned pale with fright and screamed.

Immediately afterwards, they scattered and fled, and ran clean in an instant.

It is clear……

They are not stupid either.

He could see the blood demon's plan at a glance.

The opponent wanted to use their size advantage and the effect of gravity to forcibly break Bai Xiaofei's absolute defense!

The size of the blood demon is very huge, like a hill, if you don't leave Bai Xiaofei's side quickly, and wait for the blood demon to fall, I am afraid that even yourself will be hit by the fish in the pond, and smashed into meatloaf on the spot. The demons are not idiots, of course not They will go up to die, so they run away one after another!

All this is a long story, but in fact it is only a moment.

It took less than three seconds from the time when Li Yao was bounced, the blood demon flew into the sky, and all the monsters fled in all directions. Seeing the giant blood demon coming down like a comet, Bai Xiaofei, who was directly below him, still He didn't change his defense policy, and he was still using his stunts to recover from the sky!


Considering the size and weight of the Blood Demon.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei didn't do nothing, for example... the rotation speed of Huitian, and the quality of mana gushing, he made corresponding adjustments. Immediately afterwards, under someone's deliberate intention, the original semi-circular Huitian shield immediately began to shrink.

It was as if a huge balloon suddenly deflated, and the obese figure instantly became extremely slender.


Huitian's protective cover is thus finalized.

Although the overall scale has been reduced a lot, its power and speed have increased by more than an integer multiple of what it was just now!

The most important thing is its current shape.

Slim, sharp, domineering!

as if...

A spear piercing the sky.

The spear pointed directly at the sky, showing its sharpness, coupled with the buff effect of high-speed rotation, its piercing power is strong, as one can imagine.

"Oh no!"

The giant blood demon that fell from the sky obviously also noticed the abnormality below. Seeing that the place where it was about to fall, it was no longer a round egg-shaped protective cover, but somehow turned into an extremely sharp thorn. It suddenly tightened its chrysanthemum, and its face changed wildly on the spot, and it started to yell.


It is obviously an eggshell-shaped defense, but how did it become a thorn? If this hits on it, why the hell would I have to be put on a skewer on the spot!

It flickered its wings rapidly, trying to stop its falling figure.


Everything is in vain.

The size and weight of the blood demon is really too big.

Coupled with the buff bonus of gravity acceleration, all kinds of factors are combined, how can it stop if it wants to stop? !

It's impossible!

next moment.

I heard a loud bang of "rumbling".

The blood demon finally hit Bai Xiaofei's sky-returning defense layer, and Bai Xiaofei even brought him back to the sky, but was instantly submerged by the huge body of the blood demon.

The field was hit hard, and in an instant, countless cracks burst out like "click! Click!", spreading out like a spider web. Other than that, the entire examination venue was silent. All the monsters, including the two celestial masters in the examiner's room, all stared at the center of the scene in disbelief at this moment, speechless for a long time.

Even the blood demon himself did not make any sound.

It looked down blankly.



"Crash! Crash!"


The billowing blood seemed to break the embankment, instantly breaking the silence in the arena. Countless blood gushes out from the place where the blood demon fell, spreading wildly, and soon the test site will be soaked in a blood-red color. The picture is bloody and miserable.

at the same time.

The color in the pupils of the blood demon finally completely dissipated.

This is a sign of loss of life.

That's right!

The giant blood demon is dead.

Forcibly being turned back to the sky by Bai Xiaofei, his body was pierced, and his blood was drained to death. It was a sad and bitter death!

A miserable look of death.


An extremely sharp sword light pierced through the blood demon's corpse.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei was unscathed, without any bloodstains or stains on his body. He just leisurely stepped out of the blood demon's stomach, among the countless colorful viscera, and reappeared in front of everyone. At this moment, the group of monsters were shocked, looking at Bai Xiaofei, they were all full of fear and astonishment.


"You can't die if you get hit by a giant blood demon, is this considered a human?!"

"It's just a monster, okay?"


And Liu Ming and the examiner Tianshi.

At this moment, they were all full of unbelievable expressions. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was unscathed, and the pure mana in his hand was like a real sword, they were all shocked!

"Oh My God!"

"What kind of move is this?"

"And the defensive power just now, without using any magic weapon, was able to achieve such a level, killing the giant blood demon with one blow!"

"This is simply unbelievable!"


Bai Xiaofei's method.

It can be said that they completely refreshed their three views and cognition, and shocked them for a moment.

Regardless of how they react.

On the scene...

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't give the demons any chance.

You know, he came here to take the exam, not for fun, but for his future goals and plans, and the first prerequisite is to obtain the approval of Tianshitang, and only by defeating all the monsters in the scene, Only Bai Xiaofei can obtain the qualification of seven money celestial master.

Although the most powerful blood demon died, there were still 6 monsters on the scene.

Now is not the time to relax!


"Finish early and call it quits!"

"bring it on!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled bloodthirstyly and coldly.

The next moment, he was like a ghost, with a magic sword condensed in his hand, and he rushed directly to the six monsters who were still in a daze, as if he was going to kill them. All the monsters came back to their senses, and immediately ran away screaming. Only the huge monster second only to the blood monster had the courage to confront Bai Xiaofei head-on.


The strength of the two differs too much.

With just one encounter, the monster's head was easily chopped off by Bai Xiaofei with a sword. Seeing this situation, all the monsters suddenly collapsed and despaired. They hurriedly surrendered and surrendered, lest the red-eyed Bai Xiaofei be slaughtered on the spot, and there would be no place to cry when the time came!

This level.

Bai Xiaofei passed it perfectly.

"very good!"

"Dear Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I challenged you to beat all the monsters! You have passed!"

"Congratulations on becoming a Heavenly Master of Seven Coins!"


With the surrender of the demons, they admit defeat.

The chief examiner also issued a statement immediately, confirming Bai Xiaofei's approval.

at the same time.

In a certain corner of Qingshui Town, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin were panting and exhausted, and the expressions on their faces were extremely bitter and anxious. The little cripple said with a bitter face: "Miss Huo, Huba is lost, what should we do now? How will we face Big Brother Bai later?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Huo Xiaolan glared at Song Tianyin angrily, and said angrily: "In the end, it's not your fault, even a little monster can't see it well, it's really useless! What else can you say! It's okay, it's okay! Don't do anything Having said that, let's take a break, take a breath, and continue looking later!"

"No matter what, we have to find that little demon today!"


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