The Storm God

Chapter 1406 The target of public criticism! (Please subscribe!)

The situation in Tianshitang.

After these hours of exploration, Bai Xiaofei has already grasped it clearly.


It didn't take a while.

He successfully found the cage where Penny and Fat Ying were held.

These cages all look very simple, just like ordinary iron cages, except that one or more are pasted on them, or there are lightning symbols, or the word "fixed", or " The Heavenly Master Spirit Talisman in the shape of "weak" to limit the power of the monsters.

Coupled with the surrounding organ traps and many magic weapons, even if a monster escapes, it will be difficult to escape from the Tianshi Hall!


There are no absolutes.

In the second part of the movie, there was a little thorn demon who escaped from the Tianshi Hall.

The department that detains monsters is also guarded by celestial masters, but these celestial masters are generally not very powerful. Bai Xiaofei easily used illusion to hypnotize them all into a coma. At the same time, in order to avoid trouble, Bai Xiaofei also set up an isolation circle nearby.

In this way, even if there is any movement inside, it will not attract the attention of others.


Bai Xiaofei walked in swaggeringly.

Most of the imprisoned monsters have dejected faces, and their eyes are full of despair. Only when new monsters are captured, they will fluctuate a little bit. Humans like Bai Xiaofei When the celestial master walked in, most of the monsters would not react too much.

Except for a very small number of monsters.

it's not...

This was the case for Penny and Fat Ying who had just been imprisoned.

"It's him!"

The two demons recognized Bai Xiaofei almost immediately. There is no way, who made Bai Xiaofei handsome, with high mana, that incomparable strength, especially for monsters, is like the scorching sun in the sky, but whoever encounters it, very few can forget him!

"The guard is unconscious!"

Seeing the situation at the scene, Penny frowned immediately and said, "He came in at this time, could it be him who did it?"

"What on earth is he going to do?!"

"have no idea!"

Fat Ying said whimsically: "Maybe he is also our kind, and he is here to let us go. When I saw him earlier, I thought this guy was different from ordinary celestial masters! The smell on his body is called a fragrance. I'm so hungry I'm drooling!"

While talking.

I didn't forget to lick my tongue, a typical foodie.


Penny was speechless for a while.

His wife is good in everything else, but her temperament is too fickle, she will change her appearance after a while, and she is especially delicious!

Otherwise, he would not be discovered by senior brother Yun Qing of Tianshitang.

so that it fell to this point.


Bai Xiaofei came in front of the two demons. Looking at the puzzled and bewildered Penny and Fat Ying, he smiled slightly, and said to the two demons, "I am Bai Xiaofei, a celestial master who has just been promoted to seven coins. If I guess correctly, you should be the old demon king." Your subordinates, Penny and Fat Ying?"


The two demons remained silent.

Before they figured out Bai Xiaofei's origin and purpose, they naturally wouldn't say anything, especially about their own identities, otherwise their situation would become even more dangerous. But the two demons are also extremely curious, their identities are extremely secretive, how did this human know?


He seemed to be aiming at himself!

The situation is not good!


Bai Xiaofei saw their prudence and vigilance, immediately smiled and didn't care, then used the method of sound transmission to enter the secret, and said to the two demons: "Don't be nervous, I'm here to let you escape from here, I'm helping people , demons coexist, and the little demon king is in my hands, I have no malicious intentions!"


Hearing this, the two demons were shocked immediately, their expressions changed dramatically: "What did you say? Little demon..."

The words are not finished.

He was immediately gagged by Bai Xiaofei's magic power.

After all, there are so many monsters around, if Penny and Fat Ying speak loudly about the little demon king Huba, others will know about it, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to cause more trouble, so he hurriedly said: "You want to say What, just say it in your heart, I can hear it, no need to say it!"

"oh oh!"

Penny and Fat Ying are not stupid either.

It was just a matter of concern and chaos just now, but now that he calmed down, he suddenly came to his senses, and nodded his head to express his understanding. Immediately, Penny thought: "Human surnamed Bai, is what you just said true? The little demon king is really in your hands, are you really here to let us go?"

Fat Ying also asked: "Where is the little demon king now?"


"How is the Queen?"


The two demons were captured by Luo Gang earlier.

Later, after finding a way to escape, they followed the trail and found Yongning Village, but when they arrived, Yongning Village was in ruins, and the Demon Empress and Song Tianyin were nowhere to be found. So the two demons planned to go to the extremely prosperous Shuntian Mansion to inquire about the news.

never thought...

Before he had gone far, he was caught by Senior Brother Yun Qing!

Until now, the two demons didn't know the news that the demon queen had died, and they thought that the little demon king was successfully given birth by the demon queen.

In desperation, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to explain the actual situation to the two demons concisely, and finally said: "The situation is like this, anyway, the little demon king Huba has a certain blood relationship with Song Tianyin, but that guy's His temperament is too weak and he has no strength, so I bought Huba from the two of them!"

"I plan to train him well so that he can inherit his identity in the future, possess great strength, become a new demon king, and strive to achieve the ideal of coexistence between humans and demons! And you are the loyal guards of the old demon king. If you are willing If you help, I think things will go more smoothly!"

"It's up to the two of you now!"


Bai Xiaofei followed the advice carefully and kindly.


After listening to everything Bai Xiaofei said, the two demons were stunned. They never expected that so many accidents would happen during the time they were arrested. It was sold and taken over by Bai Xiaofei, a human celestial master!

I am obedient!

Do you dare to be more bizarre!

However, the body structure of human beings is completely different from that of the demon race, so how could they help the demon descendants to give birth?

Is it possible...

The two demons suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately looked at each other, eyes full of seriousness and hesitation, as if they were thinking about something, and finally when Bai Xiaofei was about to lose patience, the two demons gave Bai Xiaofei the last Expected answer: "We agree!"

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

He was not afraid that Penny and Fat Ying would go back on their word, or play tricks, so he immediately lifted the restraint on the cage for the two monsters, released the two monsters, and then threw out a space card, explaining: "The Heavenly Master The hall is heavily guarded, you temporarily hide in my card, and I will release you after you leave the Tianshi hall!"


Regarding Bai Xiaofei's methods, the two demons were amazed.

The celestial masters have been fighting for so long, and they have never seen such a miraculous magic weapon. They were shocked and filled with curiosity. But now is not the time to care about these things. Hearing this, the two demons didn't say much, they clasped their fists at Bai Xiaofei, and then walked into the card space without hesitation.

Put away the space card.


Bai Xiaofei imposed a large-scale mental amnesia and hypnotic illusion on the surrounding monsters, making them completely forget what happened just now, otherwise, once a celestial master interrogates them, he will be completely exposed, which is very important for Bai Xiaofei Future plans are extremely unfavorable.

Now the shadow clone is in the Book Collection Pavilion of the Tianshi Hall, browsing the books, collecting information about the skills of the Tianshi and the secrets of the monster race in this world, with sufficient alibi. And Penny and Fat Ying were also rescued, so Bai Xiaofei's body had enough time to do other things.

He pondered for a while.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei decided to go to the Monster Hunting Pavilion in Tianshi Hall first.

The Monster Hunting Pavilion is the arsenal of the Heavenly Master Hall. There are countless magic weapons, magic weapons, and talismans in it, especially the pavilion master played by Dapeng. It is said that he is a very powerful craftsman. Several generations have been doing this, the technique is superb, the background is profound, it is worth exploring!

And at the same time when Bai Xiaofei went to the Monster Hunting Pavilion.

outside world……

Large and small towns and villages all over the country, but all departments related to celestial masters and monsters, almost at the same time, all received a super reward warrant issued by the Kyoto headquarters, and its content was to arrest, hunt and hunt. Kill the little demon king Huba!

There is a portrait of the little demon king Huba on the wanted notice, and it describes his physical characteristics in incomparable detail, especially the amount of reward offered for him, which is as high as a thousand taels of silver! Such a huge reward is simply many times higher than some super evil monsters!


Tianshitang, other departments, or wild celestial masters all over the country, whoever knows the news of this reward offer, are all crazy and obsessed with it! Especially the ones that are relatively close to Yongning Village, they immediately put themselves into the action of searching, arresting, and killing the little demon king Huba.

And for this situation.

Whether it was Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, the gambler Tu Sigu, or Bai Xiaofei, none of them knew about it, because they were all busy with their own affairs, and missed the news by accident. They didn't even know that at this moment, the little demon king Huba had already become the target of public criticism.

In such an atmosphere.

Tu Sigu brought the big fat monster Benben and the little demon king Huba to Zhu's bank in Qingshui Town, intending to trick Boss Zhu with another sum of money as gambling money. Of course... and the capital to eat! If you want to win money, how can you not eat enough!


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