The Storm God

Chapter 1407: Dapeng takes the bait! (Please subscribe!)

Monster Hunting Pavilion.

It is located in a remote place, among the Heavenly Master Hall in Qingshui Town, it is the most remote place except for the detention of monsters. However, it is also very quiet. Bai Xiaofei guessed that this place was specially chosen by Dapeng to carefully refine the magic weapon!

Haven't gone in yet.

With Bai Xiaofei's powerful mental power, he could already clearly sense the "jingling" sound coming from inside from time to time.

Obviously, the pavilion owner should be refining weapons.

Speaking of...

The pavilion master played by Dapeng is also a wonderful person.

According to the plot of the movie Monster Hunting 2, he seems to be the only one in this huge monster hunting pavilion, and according to the information that Bai Xiaofei got after he came to Tianshitang, it really proves that he is the only one here, alone. It is the maintenance and refining of the magic weapon that supports the entire Tianshitang. The strength of Dapeng can be seen!


This refers to the refiner.

As for the celestial master's skills and spells, that's another matter, the two should not be confused.

After entering, what you see is a dazzling array of various magical instruments, some good, some bad, some brand new, some old, various patterns, various shapes, countless, giving people the first It feels like a hardware department store owner.

However, Dapeng, the owner of the pavilion, did not see him.

Only the clanging echoed.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei has long been used to it.

Strictly speaking, Dapeng, the owner of the Monster Hunting Pavilion, is a technical genius similar to the tech geek in the real world. , Your own appearance or something, it doesn't matter at all.

He was about to speak.

At this time...

The voice of the pavilion owner came out first: "Go left for shopping, and right for repairing things! Please go back if you want to look around! Brother is very busy!"

An absent-minded, ignorant tone.

at the same time.

The sound of "jingling" can be heard endlessly.

Obviously, the other party said this casually while working, without even showing his face. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly very impolite to customers, but... the greenhouse doesn't care at all! People are so individual, why? Dissatisfied?

If you don't agree, please turn around and leave!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smile slightly.

Then he shook his head and said, "I don't buy or repair things, but I want to ask you about the art of refining weapons. I wonder if the owner of the pavilion is interested?"

"Not interested in!"

The other party refused quite quickly.

He didn't give Bai Xiaofei any face at all, while continuing to "ding ding dong dong", he said decisively: "Brother is very busy, how can I waste time with you three-legged cats! Go back where you came from, I'm here Only responsible for refining and maintenance, not a school, not teaching apprentices!"

The tone is still Gujing Wubo.

However, the arrogance in the words was vividly displayed, as if life is really lonely as snow, that is called a pretense!


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help smiling, he has quite a personality!

Immediately, he turned his eyes, thought about it, and then opened his mouth to talk about some technical problems related to refining, most of which were Bai Xiaofei softening the creative direction and the art of refining weapons of the demon hunter in the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story" Guess, this is absolutely unheard of in the world of Monster Hunt.

To deal with this kind of talents who are similar to tech nerds, first you have to grasp their preferences.

As long as you prescribe the right medicine, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

as expected!


Bai Xiaofei hadn't spoken a few words before the pavilion owner Dapeng's voice of surprise came from the opposite side, and at the same time, the constant sound of "jingle ding dong dong" finally stopped abruptly at this moment. Obviously Bai Xiaofei's strategy has successfully aroused the other party's interest!


Dapeng still didn't show up.

Instead, he opened his mouth and asked across the room: "What you just said is extremely novel in terms of thinking, even whimsical, and unconstrained! But... the real talent and knowledge about the art of refining weapons is quite It is rare, but it softens a lot of content that I have never heard of!"

"Dare to ask this brother, where did you learn those unfamiliar content?"

"Why is it so far from what I have learned?"


He fell silent for a moment.

Then he sneered and said: "These things sound inexplicable, aren't you talking nonsense?!"

In terms of refining weapons, Dapeng claims to be the most extreme genius in the world, and even his master is far surpassed by him who is better than blue. No one can surpass him, but now he suddenly appeared Here comes a guy who talked about a lot of qi refining methods that he had never heard of.

at first...

Dapeng was indeed very curious.

But after calming down, speaking from the heart, his first reaction was disbelief!

It's like in the feudal society, a newcomer suddenly proposed to the teacher who studied heaven and man that the theory of "the sky is round and the earth" is wrong, and the earth under our feet is actually round. This kind of subversive theory and rhetoric, basically no one will believe it!

Even a genius is the same, unless you can give definite proof.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei had expected it.

Hearing this, he didn't make any excuses, but directly summoned a magic weapon from the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story", and used his spiritual power to directly teleport it to the Pavilion Master Dapeng, and then said: "Ting Master, this is my Whether or not the magic weapon dagger that was forged by yourself in the past is nonsense, you should study it carefully!"

Someone has premeditated.

How could it be possible to come here without any preparation.

In fact, this magic weapon dagger has already been improved and upgraded by Bai Xiaofei on the way to Qingshui Town by using the method of refining weapons in the world of Monster Hunting. Although the effect is not very ideal, it is better because of its clever concept In addition, the technology and materials used in the magic weapon dagger itself come from another world, and it has a unique magic circle and effect, so the power is quite good!

The most important thing is that after Bai Xiaofei's improvement, this dagger, even in the world of Monster Hunt, can use the unique magic power of this world, just like in the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story" The rune power on the dagger produces a powerful supernatural effect.

Bai Xiaofei believed it.

With this dagger, no matter how cold the pavilion owner Dapeng is, he will definitely be hooked instantly and be attracted by his unique method of refining weapons!

Because this is almost a common problem of all technicians!

Like Tony!

Like Banner!

Or Bai Xiaofei himself!

as expected.

After the dagger was delivered, less than a minute later, the pavilion owner, Dapeng, seemed to have discovered a new continent, his eyes lit up, and he rushed out of the back hall with excitement, and said excitedly as he walked, "It's incredible! It's simply unbelievable! What kind of weapon refining technique is this, it's simply unbelievable!"

"So powerful, so skillful, so amazing, it's really unheard of, never seen before!"

"How on earth did you do it?"


This moment.

What kind of personality, what kind of coldness, what kind of face, all were thrown aside by Dapeng. He just wants to know the origin of the art of refining the dagger in his hand, which is completely different from the skills he has learned. , It seems to be a separate system, a unique faction!

The most important thing is that its power and effect are no worse than your own!


There is nothing worse than that!

This is still the lowest level of refining fusion, if it is changed to a higher level, what kind of terrifying effect will it be? !

Encountering such a thing, for any technical researcher, it is absolutely fatal. It's as if a drunkard sees an ancient wine, a pervert meets a peerless beauty, and a martial idiot learns a more powerful martial art, no one can resist this temptation!

Unless he's a fake!

And Dapeng...

That's an out-and-out real tech geek.

So, now he fell on the spot, and was completely caught out by Bai Xiaofei's bait.


Seeing the slovenly Dapeng, who looked like a typical technical geek, ran out from the back hall, and rushed towards him in a hurry. The corners of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched suddenly, and he looked at Dapeng with a smile, pretending to say: "Oh, Pavilion Master, I'm so sorry. Suddenly remembered, I seem to have some things to deal with, no, I have to go to work first!"


Turn around and leave.

"do not!"

When Dapeng saw that Bai Xiaofei was about to leave, he became anxious immediately.

Hastily took three steps at a time, rushed to Bai Xiaofei, opened his arms, stopped Bai Xiaofei and said, "Brother, I was wrong just now, I apologize to you! Let's see... can we postpone the matter for a while?" Ah, let's talk about this first, okay?!"


Yang raised the dagger in his hand.

Bai Xiaofei looked at Dapeng meaningfully, and said with a chuckle: "Ting Master, are you interested now? You were not like this before!"


The pavilion owner suddenly became embarrassed.

Thinking back to the expression I had just now, it was embarrassing.


Bai Xiaofei looked up to the sky and smiled.

Immediately, he patted Dapeng on the shoulder and said, "Pavilion Master, don't worry, I'm just kidding you!"


What else can Dapeng say, with a wry smile.


After some simple courtesy.

Like best friends for many years, the two walked shoulder to shoulder into the back hall, and started the study, development, and discussion of the Art of Refining!

At the same time, in Zhu's bank, Tu Sigu finally met the owner of the bank played by Brother Chun. After the two "flirted and scolded", Tu Sigu, who really couldn't bear the trend of Boss Zhu's attack, directly changed the topic and explained the purpose of coming.

— Borrow money!

Just at this time, a servant sent a reward warrant for the little demon king Huba to Boss Zhu. As the owner of a bank, Boss Zhu has a lot of money, and naturally there is no shortage of master monster catchers like celestial masters around him, so he will often pay attention to rewards for monster catchers and earn some extra money.

And Tu Sigu, who was almost close to Boss Zhu, also saw the content of the arrest warrant.

He was taken aback immediately, full of shock!

"Oh My God!"

"Unexpectedly, that useless little demon is worth a thousand taels!"

"It's developed now!"


So far.

He immediately made up his mind, I will not borrow this money!

Go back and sell the little demon!


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