The Storm God

Chapter 1408: The Way of Magic! (Please subscribe!)

"Amulet, also known as Tianshu, Longzhang, Fengwen, etc., is a medium for the celestial masters to communicate with the gods."

The owner of the pavilion, Dapeng, talked eloquently: "The skill of a celestial master, apart from magic tools, is magic, and the so-called magic is inseparable from internal training, and internal training must first refine qi. All methods are based on the essence of qi. For use, use the essence of the Tao to spread the simple ink, gather the essence of nothingness to eliminate the evil and false, assist the true, gather the spirits, control life and death, maintain the calamity cloud, and secure the five directions."

"For talismans, take the momentum of clouds, objects, and sun; for books, don't analyze the meaning of sound and sentence; for pictures, books take the shape of spiritual changes. However, there are numbers in the talismans, and images are included in the book. There are pictures in the book, and the sound and shape are used together. Therefore, there are eight styles and six writings that are more prominent. The main purpose of the technique is only talismans, qi, and medicine!"


When it comes to this.

Dapeng couldn't help but paused slightly, full of sighs and regrets.

Shaking his head, he said: "With the passage of time, many spells and secrets, even internal refining techniques, have disappeared in the long river of history. How could it fall like this? Fortunately, more than half of the Yaozu's inheritance has been cut off, otherwise the human race would be in danger!"


His spirits rose again.

Excitedly said: "Brother Bai, your art of refining weapons has made up for many of the shortcomings. If the two can be perfectly integrated, I believe that the power of magic weapons and talismans will be greatly enhanced. The Yaozu will also get twice the result with half the effort and be invincible!"

"This is a revolutionary improvement and enhancement!"


Think of the beautiful scene in the future.

The owner of the pavilion, Dapeng, suddenly felt as if he had been drugged, and became extremely self-satisfied.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile.

A basin of cold water was poured on Dapeng, and he said, "Master Ting, the matter is not as simple as you imagined. There are three rounds of my refining spell: one is to cast a spell, the second is to perform amulets, and the third is to perform a spell. The effectiveness of the spell Whether it is strong or not depends entirely on the cultivator's soul, true meaning, foundation, and level, not on various superficial situations and symbols!"

"Simply put, it is easy to learn but difficult to master!"

"It is almost impossible for the two of us to perfectly integrate with the current method of refining weapons and making talismans! No matter how good the painting is, no matter how similar it is, it will not have any effect!"

"The true method of magic can only be used in the hands of a person who is superior in internal training, and can give full play to its powerful power against the sky. Even if you use your fingers to scribble on what you need, it can also play a role." It has an incomparably miraculous effect, but such celestial masters are too rare, almost rare!"


Hear what Bai Xiaofei said.

The pavilion owner, Dapeng, froze for a moment, then froze in place, speechless for a long time. It wasn't until after a long while that he came back to his senses, but his face was full of despair, and his eyes were filled with despair, he said: "Brother Bai, then according to what you say, my ideal is illusory fantasy?!"

Dapeng's ideal is simple.

But it is also very great, that is, to carry forward the art of refining weapons and making talismans of his own master, and benefit the entire human race.


Due to the passing of time.

Numerous precious classics have been passed down in the long river of history.

His ideal is hard to come true!


Dapeng finally saw the light.

Bai Xiaofei's words shattered his confidence and hope, which had been brought up so hard, into ashes! It is conceivable that this feeling of rising from hell to heaven and then falling into hell again is absolutely uncomfortable, and it is no wonder that Dapeng is so desperate.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said generously to Dapeng: "There is no unparalleled road, although the road is difficult and rugged, full of thorns, but as long as you work hard and persevere, one day, you will walk out of your own road! Pavilion Master, don't give up, let's work hard together!"

"that's right!"

Hearing this, Dapeng's expression changed immediately, and he regained his confidence and said, "I can't give up, I haven't failed yet! As long as I persevere, sooner or later, I will realize my dream! What's more...with Brother Bai With your help, I believe that this day will definitely not be too far away!"


The spirit of the pavilion master.

So he will continue to study the way of magic with Bai Xiaofei.

However, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly made a request: "Well... Pavilion Master, can you take a shower first, comb your hair or something? It's not that I dislike you, it's because of the smell on your body and your hair. The lice walking back and forth in the room are too distracting for me!"

"For a while, I may still be able to resist, but after a long time, I'm afraid I will fail!"


Someone had a sneer on his face.

That forced expression was too lethal.

When the pavilion owner Dapeng heard the words, his excited appearance instantly petrified, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack and get in directly. Xin said: "Fuck! Isn't this disgusting? Then what is disgusting?! Even so, you can't be more tactful, right? You are so easy to have no friends, let me tell you!"

Even though I was depressed to death.

But in the end Dapeng decisively ran to take a bath and comb his hair.

"This is not a compromise!"

"I'm giving in for my ideal!"


Someone said.


the other side.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin searched for a long time, but still couldn't find any traces of the little demon king Huba and Tu Sigu.

The two of them were so frustrated and anxious.


Suddenly, Huo Xiaolan thought of something.

She widened her eyes and said to Song Tianyin: "Little cripple, do you still remember where we saw the guy who stole Huba and the monster?"


Song Tianyin was puzzled and said, "Why are you asking this?"


Huo Xiaolan narrowed his eyes.

Showing a confident expression, he said: "This is a very important clue! Since the bastard escaped from the casino and was chased by the casino people for so long, it can be seen that the other party must be a frequent visitor of the casino, and he is still The kind that often loses money and doesn’t pay back the money it owes!”

"Otherwise, the other party won't pretend to be disguised, and is proficient in so many escape methods!"

"This is obviously a habitual offender!"


The more she said it, the more she felt she was right.

"so what?"

Song Tianyin was still puzzled.


Huo Xiaolan was immediately annoyed.

He said angrily: "Know yourself and know the enemy, don't you know the truth of winning a hundred battles? Since the other party is a frequent visitor to the casino and also a habitual offender, it can be seen that he must be a bad gambler full of addiction. As long as we stay around the casino in Qingshui Town, we will be able to find him." He, and found Huba!"


"Let's go to the casino to ambush now!"


Song Tianyin nodded blankly.

They are now at their wit's end, and they finally found some clues. No matter if it succeeds or not, they have to try. Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, they can't give up easily. Otherwise, Huba won't be found, and the two of them won't be able to face Bai Xiaofei at all.

And at the same time.

Tu Sigu talked all kinds of things, so he "nearly escaped" from Boss Zhu's bank.


He started poking around right away.

After walking around the streets and asking around, Tu Sigu finally confirmed that the content on the arrest warrant was true. I was overjoyed in my heart, and then I immediately returned to my old hiding place, and brought Benben and Huba, who didn't know about it, to the vicinity of the Oya shop.

A large pledge shop is an institution similar to a pawnbroker. In the world of Monster Hunt, this kind of storefronts are found in almost all towns and cities across the country, and most of their most important pawn transactions are monsters. No matter what kind of monsters, they are collected here, and then resold. profit from it.

Daodian in Qingshui Town is one of the branches.


Tu Sigu rushed to the big fat monster and said, "Stay here and watch, I'll take Huba to buy some food!"


There is no doubt that there is him.

While nodding yes, he also bargained for some of his favorite foods.

"All right, all right!"

Tu Sigu said unhappily, "I'll buy them all for you!"

Then he took Huba and came to the big betting shop with twists and turns. As soon as I entered, I saw a young woman, sitting in the living room, playing mahjong with three bald men who looked exactly the same, but this woman's level is really good!

Can't fight or talk.

He was also cheated by three men, and the one who lost in the end was a horrible sight.


The woman was furious.

With a burst of shouting, the three men were immediately frightened to show their feet.

Seeing this, Tu Sigu couldn't help being slightly taken aback, only then did he realize that the three bald heads were not human beings, but monsters wearing human skin, and each of them had four hands. So awesome, even myself, a habitual offender, could barely find out!


The three monsters were taken away.

The proprietress was offended, and the consequences were very serious, and they were sent directly to the main store in Shuntian Prefecture. If there is no accident, the fate of the three monsters will be sold to Boss Ge of Dengxian Tower, and then become one of the many monster recipes in Dengxian Tower, and become the food of those dignitaries!


Think of the fate of the three monsters.

Tu Sigu's heart suddenly burst into regret, and he thought to himself: "Why didn't I encounter such a wonderful monster, otherwise I would rush to kill in the casino and make a lot of money! Just like this, I was eaten by others , What a pity! How about..."

"After selling Huba, I will buy them?"


Someone started the analysis.

At this time, the proprietress of the Ooshi branch, that is, the young woman, also discovered Tu Sigu.

Then he walked over immediately with a smile on his face.


"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Fair price guaranteed!"


Very respectful attitude.

It's a completely different person from the sturdy look who immediately flew into a rage when he lost the mahjong game just now!


Tu Sigu regained consciousness instantly.

He made a sound in an instant, and then straight to the point: "I'm here to sell a demon!"


Huba was brought out directly.

Poor Huba still doesn't know the situation where he is about to be sold, he is still looking around curiously, his expression is so cute and cute.


Tu Sigu said in a deep voice: "That's him! There is a reward for the little demon above!"

"The selling price is one thousand taels!"


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