The Storm God

Chapter 1409 Huba is sold! (Please subscribe!)


The young woman, who is also the proprietress of the Daodian branch, immediately sneered coldly when she heard this, and said, "Sir, are you joking? The reward for this little demon is only one thousand taels. The asking price is 1,000 taels, so don’t I want to drink the northwest wind?!”

"At most six hundred taels!"


Tu Sigu shook his head resolutely.

Unhappily said: "Call me ruthless, you are more ruthless than me, you actually cut off half of it directly, nine hundred and fifty taels!"

"Six hundred and fifty taels!"

"Nine hundred taels!"

"Seven hundred taels!"


The two of you come and go, and the bargaining is called a fiery one.

"Seven hundred and eighty-five taels!"

The proprietress finally gritted her teeth and said, "This is my final bottom line. If the husband is still not satisfied, please go back!"

"make a deal!"

Tu Sigu pondered for a moment.

He nodded and said, "But I still have one condition, the three monsters who played mahjong with you just now must be sent to me!"


The proprietress said unhappily: "No matter how bad they are, they are worth some money. You are clearly taking advantage of me. But... if the transaction is sincere, sir, I can make the decision and give you a cheaper price, including the three monsters. , I will give you a total of seven hundred and fifty taels!"

"what do you think?"

"make a deal!"

Tu Sigu couldn't push his feet.

Three monsters are counted as thirty-five taels of silver. Although they are much more expensive than ordinary monsters, they are triplets after all, and they have a good understanding with each other. With a little training, if they cheat in a casino, Absolutely get twice the result with half the effort, you can make a lot of money!

This deal is not a loss!


The subsequent process is much simpler.

Tu Sigu and the proprietress of the big bet shop paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other, and the transaction was completed.

And this time.

Huba has also realized that he has been sold.


"Huba! Huba!"


Huba was so sad that he even cried.

His small body was ruthlessly locked in a cage by the proprietress, and he was shocked by the lightning talisman attached to it, causing severe pain all over his body. In the end, he could only sit there helplessly, with beseeching eyes Looking at Tu Sigu, he hoped that the other party would change his mind and take him away.


Tu Sigu didn't even look at him.

At this moment, someone's attention and thoughts are all on the triplet monster, imagining how to win big in the casino in the future.

It's not that Tu Sigu is inhuman and hard-hearted. Rather... the contact between the two parties was too short, and it didn't produce a deep bond like in the movie plot. For a gambler, Tu Sigu certainly would not give up his great career of making money for a little demon who was almost completely unfamiliar.

"Go slowly!"

The proprietress sent Tu Sigu away.

Then he recruited the shop assistants and ordered them to quickly send the little demon king Huba to the headquarters of Shuntian Mansion to earn meritorious service and rewards.


Little demon king Huba's wanted reward.

The amount and content of rewards vary between different institutional levels.

Like Boss Zhu's bank, or ordinary private institutions, the most common kind is the reward notice. The amount of the reward on it is priced at one thousand taels of silver. But for institutions that are inextricably linked to monsters like Da Yadian, Tianshitang, etc., then the bell is another matter.

for example……

The arrest warrant obtained by Da Yadian.

The reward offered was ten thousand taels of silver, plus a tax reduction as a reward.

As for the reward offered by Tianshitang, although the money is also a thousand taels of silver, it is very rich in terms of merit and contribution. Whoever can catch the little demon king, especially if he is alive, is only the merit of this item and contribution, you can get the supply of resources for three consecutive upgrades!


Wild Celestial Masters don't have this benefit. Because of the disapproval of the orthodox celestial masters, the rewards they get are almost the same as those of ordinary people, that is, only a thousand taels of silver. This is also a common method used by orthodox celestial masters to suppress wild celestial masters.

In order not to be surpassed by the wild celestial master, he will be ashamed at that time!

Closer to home.

Tu Sigu thought he had earned it.

But in fact, it was the proprietress of the Daodian branch who really made the money.

She bought the little demon king Huba from Tu Sigu with only seven hundred and fifty taels of silver. Big betting shops all over the world, reducing a tax as a reward, can be said to be making a lot of money!

Especially the latter.

If this is converted into money.

Every year, tax revenue from reselling monsters across the country is at least ten thousand taels of gold.

Being able to win such great benefits for the Da Ya shop, the credit of the proprietress of the Qingshui Town branch can be said to be indispensable. With such credit, if there is no accident, she will definitely be valued and promoted by her superiors, and even directly transferred to the headquarters It is not impossible to go to work.

So far.

The mistress Miu Ling couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Excited, she immediately found three monsters dressed in human skins and played mahjong with herself. She didn't know whether it was luck or the spirit of people celebrating happy events. The proprietress is so lucky, she can win no matter how she plays, she can play cards with her eyes closed!

Regardless of the situation on the boss's side.

the other side.

Tu Sigu left the big betting shop with the triplet monsters.

With the money in his hand, he didn't panic, first he brought the three monsters to buy some special supplies, such as sifting dice, such as mahjong, such as things in disguise... etc., and then brought some stupid likes The food returned to Benben's side.


Seeing three humanoid monsters appearing beside Tu Sigu, but not the cute little demon king Huba, Stupid suddenly became confused and asked, "Tu Sigu, where's Huba? And... the three of them What's going on? If I'm not wrong, they should also be monsters, right?"

"Why are they following you?!"

"Huba is gone!"

Tu Sigu opened his eyes and said nonsense: "I was walking on the road, and he suddenly ran away. I guess he missed his parents. If he wants to leave, what can I do? Why don't you let him go?" ! As for the three of them... Hehe, this is a secret weapon I bought specially!"


"I believe you are the one to blame!"


Although stupid is called stupid, his brain is not stupid at all.

What Tu Sigu said, his first reaction was to not believe it! Because there was almost no truth in Tu Sigu's mouth! Saying that Huba ran away by himself, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed himself stupidly. But that's the end of the matter, and it's useless to say anything. Qingshui Town is so big, and there is also Tianshitang sitting here, more than half an hour has passed, even if you look for Huba, you probably won't be able to find it.

So far.

Benben suddenly felt depressed and angry, and then turned around angrily, ignoring Tu Sigu.

I was eating corn sullenly there.


It is to treat the corn as if it were someone, and to eat it is called a force.

But Tu Sigu is not surprised, he has been used to it for a long time, and he didn't care at all. After a brief introduction to the three monsters, he began to eat, thinking secretly while eating. From time to time, his eyes will be on the triplet monsters for his big money-making plan!


Time is like water.


As night fell, Qingshui Town ushered in a brightly lit and bustling night market.

In the Heavenly Master Hall, Bai Xiaofei and the pavilion master Dapeng exchanged their experience in the way of spells in the Monster Hunting Pavilion. When they talked about the subtleties, they would immediately do it, find some materials, and experiment on the spot , the two sides are called one investment, and they have already forgotten everything about the outside world.

The discussion between the two didn't end until someone came in to repair the magic weapon.

"It's so late!"

Seeing the dim lights around him, Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly, and said to himself: "I think Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin must have been waiting for me in the Tianshi Hall for a long time!"

want here.

Bai Xiaofei was also embarrassed to stay longer, and immediately bid farewell to Dapeng. In fact, he originally planned to invite Dapeng to have dinner with himself, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin, but Dapeng is a technical nerd to the extreme, and he doesn't want to leave the Monster Hunting Pavilion at all!

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only leave alone.


He came to the hall of Tianshitang.

Seeing that the hall was empty, there were almost no people there, and it seemed extremely quiet, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being stunned on the spot.


"What's the situation?"

"Where are people?"

Bai Xiaofei found two celestial masters on duty.

After careful questioning, he finally learned that Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin never came to Tianshitang to find him! The most important thing is that the information about the little demon king Huba was obtained by others without knowing it, and a huge nationwide reward was even issued!


Looking at the high-level reward warrant received by Tianshitang in his hand, Bai Xiaofei's heart tightened suddenly, and he said with a gloomy face: "Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin didn't come to Tianshitang to look for me, and the reward warrant issued just so happened to be sent to all the places in Qingshui Town. Big organization, what accident happened to them?!"

"If this is the case, then things will be troublesome!"


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