The Storm God

Chapter 1411 Void Symbol! (Please subscribe!)

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei took Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin to the other side of the casino quickly.

at this time……

Tu Sigu is killing Sifang.

Whether it was him, or the triplet monsters he bought, which had become his loyal little brother, they had won a lot of money.

And has attracted the attention of casinos.

"time to go!"

Although Tu Sigu is greedy, he is not stupid.

Seeing that he has made a lot of money, he has to pack up and leave the casino, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and any unpleasant accidents will happen.

But at this moment.


A palm was pressed on Tu Sigu's shoulder.

This man is tall and thick, and looks extremely tough. He is a master specially invited by the casino. Not only is he strong enough, but his face is also very ferocious, very intimidating.

Tu Sigu was taken aback, turned his head to look, and suddenly his ghosts froze, and he yelled secretly.

"It's still too late!"

But he reacted very quickly, immediately filled with smiles, pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Brother, what can I do for you?"


The sturdy man snorted coldly.

He gave Tu Sigu a vicious look, and shouted: "We suspect that you are cheating, come with us!"


Tu Sigu was about to defend himself.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei rushed here with Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin.

Tu Sigu had sharp eyes and immediately recognized Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin. After all, Huba was stolen from them by Benben. The two of them had chased Tu Sigu and Benbenzu for more than a dozen streets before. Tu Sigu No matter how forgetful, it is impossible to forget the two of them.


Someone with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei and the other three walking towards this side quickly, he immediately ignored the entanglement in the casino and the money on the table.


He exclaimed, turned and ran!

"I go!"

"How did they find it!"


Stealth's stupid reaction is not slow.

The moment he heard Tu Sigu's exclamation, he immediately understood that the situation at the scene was not good, followed by a hidden figure, and rushed over angrily, knocking the burly man and the surrounding gamblers away , making enough room for Tu Sigu.

The two ran away!

As for the triplet monsters not far from here, who are still playing mahjong with others...

All right!

Emergency moment.

Tu Sigu had long forgotten about them.

But even if one person and one monster haven't forgotten them, they probably won't be notified to leave. After all, when they chased Tu Sigu and Benben, the triplet monsters hadn't joined their gang yet, so in theory, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin Should not know the triplet monster.

It doesn't matter if you tell them to run away or not!

It's good to keep them in the casino, because I've been exposed, and I don't say I didn't earn any money, and I paid more than a hundred taels of silver to go in. If they continue to win money here, they can make up for their losses to some extent, and even say Might as well generate some extra income!

Tu Sigu deserved to be famous for being a bad gambler who cheated children out of their money, and when he ran away, he didn't forget to do more calculations!

Such a realm is really admirable!


He took it for granted.

Bai Xiaofei even went out in person, he still wants to run? What a joke!


Seeing Bai Xiaofei flicking his hand casually, a golden light flashed in the void, forming a mysterious and unpredictable lines, these lines are like flowing light, really beautiful, and then condensed into two substantial "定" characters, and finally, like lightning, Quickly shot at Tu Sigu and Benben who were fleeing.

This is the [Void Drawing Talisman] technique that Bai Xiaofei and the pavilion master Dapeng spent an afternoon communicating with, integrating the spells and talisman techniques in the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story" and so on. The power of talismans produced by other media is much smaller, but the advantage is that it is activated quickly and does not require media, which is very convenient.

This "fixed" character technique was extremely fast, and it caught up with Tu Sigu and Benben almost instantly, and then plunged into each other's body.

next moment.

Tu Sigu and Benben froze there immediately.

It was as if someone had tapped the acupuncture points, and it was fixed there without moving. The clumsy invisibility effect dissipated instantly at this moment, revealing his fat and simple figure. Together with Tu Sigu, it seemed that two vivid statues froze there, and his posture was ridiculous.


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei fixed Tu Sigu and Benben as soon as he made a move.

Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin's eyes lit up immediately, and they were immediately shocked by Bai Xiaofei's technique of drawing talismans in the void. Especially Huo Xiaolan, the way he looked at Bai Xiaofei at this moment, was like those crazy fans seeing their idols, almost all of them turned into stars!

He looked as if he wanted to rush forward and kiss the two fiercely.

Bai Xiaofei ignored her.


People from the casino.

Led by the burly man, they all surrounded Tu Sigu and Benben.

In front of a man and a monster, they showed off fiercely, and then they were ready to attack, and taught Tu Sigu a lesson, so that the other party would know that this Yongle Casino was not something that anyone could just play tricks on. As for the stupid... It's just a monster, and it's just sold directly to the big betting shop, and it can make some extra money!


At the critical moment, Bai Xiaofei arrived.

He glanced at the burly man and the others without anger and prestige, and said coldly: "This man and one demon are my target, and it has nothing to do with you, so get out of here quickly!"

The tone is unquestionable and overbearing!

"What the hell are you..."

That burly man wanted to curse someone.

However, when he turned his head and saw seven huge copper coins neatly hanging on Bai Xiaofei's chest, he quickly closed his mouth trembling, and at the same time couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart: "I Shit! Qiqian celestial master! And judging by the other party's attire, he should be an orthodox celestial master from the Heavenly Master Hall!"

Although Tianshitang has declined.

But the lean camels are bigger than horses, and the hidden dangers of the monster race have always existed, so Tianshitang is still very influential all over the country, even in the imperial court, it is also a very special existence, It is far from being offended by the small gambling houses in Qingshui Town.

not to mention……

The burly man is just a younger brother hired by the gambling shop to watch the game, and he can't afford to offend these orthodox celestial masters in the Tianshitang, let alone the extremely rare high-level celestial masters like Qiqian, even if he is There are only celestial masters at the four-coin level, and that is not something a small person like a burly man can provoke.

"Damn it!"

"What day is it today? It's really unlucky. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't scold!"


Think of the consequences of offending the Heavenly Master.

The burly man couldn't help shivering immediately, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face, and walked over to Bai Xiaofei, wanting to give him a condom or something. It's just that Bai Xiaofei didn't follow his tactics at all, and directly pulled the burly man aside, and said coldly: "Get out, don't get in the way!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The burly man was not angry either.

Hearing this, he hurriedly nodded and said yes, and then ordered everyone to disperse quickly, so as not to spoil this master's interest, and then everyone would be too hungry to walk around.

As for everything that happened here, just pretend you didn't see it!


With Tu Sigu and Benben at the center, a large enough space was immediately cleared by the burly man and others. Regarding this... Bai Xiaofei doesn't care, what he cares most now is where Huba is. After the scan just now, Bai Xiaofei didn't find any trace of Huba in the casino.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel bad.

"I ask you!"

Bai Xiaofei came to Tu Sigu.

Immediately lifted the fixed character spell on the opponent, and then asked straight to the point: "Where's Huba?!"


"What huba?"

"I don't understand what you're saying at all, do I know you?"

"Did you recognize the wrong person?"


Tu Sigu pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

Huba has already been sold by him, and now that he has come to him, of course he will not admit it, otherwise the end will be extremely miserable!

Bai Xiaofei was about to say something, at this time, Huo Xiaolan and Song Tianyin also walked over, seeing Tu Sigu's disguised appearance, suddenly full of doubts and puzzles, apparently did not recognize his identity. But the fat monster next to the other side, the two of them will never admit it wrong.


Huo Xiaolan scratched Tu Sigu's face fiercely.

The next moment, Huo Xiaolan grabbed a crumpled humanoid leather mask, revealing the true face of Tu Sigu's Lushan hidden behind, and also caused a burst of exclamation from many people in the casino: " Damn! It turned out to be Tu Sigu, a rotten gambler, why did he look so familiar!"

"No wonder!"

"Unexpectedly, this rotten gambler dared to offend even the celestial masters of the Tianshitang. Now he is going to be unlucky, maybe he will be fed to a monster!"

"Pity our money, I'm afraid it won't come back!"


Everyone immediately talked about it, and it was very lively.


Song Tianyin stared at Tu Sigu.

His face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and looked very angry, and said coldly: "So your name is Tu Sigu! Even now, you still don't admit it! It was you and your monster who stole our Huba at that time! Tell me quickly! , where the hell is Huba? If you don't tell me, we will..."

"I'll hand you over to the people here!"

Huo Xiaolan interjected: "Hey! Tu Sigu, right? I heard from them that you seem to owe them a lot of money. You should know what will happen if you don't pay back the money. If you fall into their hands, what will you face? Don't I need to remind you?!"

"Say it!"

"Where did you hide our Huba!"


Huo Xiaolan said sinisterly.

That smirk and her tone of voice made her look like a little witch.

Looking at Huo Xiaolan's insidious look, wishing that he would not say anything, and the evil eyes of the people around him, who looked at him like a big bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit, Tu Sigu suddenly felt cold all over his body and shuddered unceasingly. , So Xuan didn't pee his pants in fright.

"I said!"

He closed his eyes in despair, and shouted: "I sold Huba!"


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, his heart tightened.

While murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he asked anxiously, "Who did you sell to? Is it a private organization or an official department? When did you sell it? Tell me quickly!"


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